User Survey 2024
As part of the state initiative bwHPC, our state-wide team coordinates activities in high-performance computing (HPC), data-intensive computing (DIC), and large-scale scientific data management (LS2DM) for the universities in Baden-Württemberg. We provide support for technical and scientific issues, as well as an extensive training program.
To ensure continuous quality improvement, we conduct regular surveys to better understand your needs and tailor our services accordingly.
Your participation in this survey helps us procure new compute and storage resources and allows you to share your feedback and suggestions to help us optimize our activities for you.
Participation is voluntary, and the evaluation will be anonymous and in compliance with data protection principles. Your data will be treated confidentially and solely used for survey purposes, with no possibility of identifying individual participants. Opting out of the survey will not result in any disadvantages.
The 2024 survey consists of 43 questions covering bwHPC in general, the web presence of bwHPC, resources and software, support, and training. It should take approximately 15 minutes to complete.
The survey participation is exclusive to registered users. We have sent out emails containing a link and further information. Please check your email account for details. The survey commenced a few days ago and will conclude on June 30, 2024.
Thank you for your participation and support.