
The bwHPC team provides and maintains software ranging from scientific (commercial) applications over math and communication libraries to performance tools.

The bwHPC team provides and maintains software ranging from scientific (commercial) applications over math and communication libraries to performance tools.

Search available software on bwUniCluster 2.0, bwForCluster JUSTUS 2, bwForCluster Helix, bwForCluster NEMO and bwForCluster BinAC (last extracted @ 2024-10-12 23:02)

Software Version Category Eligible Cluster Description Variants
abaqus2022caeKITbwUniCluster 2.0ABAQUS version 2022, simulation software-
abaqus2023caeKITbwUniCluster 2.0ABAQUS version 2023, simulation software-
abaqus2024caeKITbwUniCluster 2.0ABAQUS version 2024, simulation software-
abinit9.6.2chemallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2--
adf2019.304chemallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2Quantum chemistry package ADF (Amsterdam Density Functional Code) version 2019.304 (including AMS, ADF, Band, DFTB, ReaxFF, COSMO-RS)-
advisor2020.2develallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2Intel(R) Advisor (advixe-gui, advixe-cl, ...) version 2020.2.0.606470-
advisor2021.4.0develallbwUniCluster 2.0Sets up Intel Advisor version 2021.4.0 in your environment-
advisor2022.3.1develallbwUniCluster 2.0Sets up Intel Advisor version 2022.3.1 in your environment-
advisor2023.1.0develallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2Intel(R) Advisor (advixe-gui, advixe-cl, ...) version 2023.1.0-
advisor2024.2.0develallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2Intel(R) Advisor (advixe-gui, advixe-cl, ...) version 2024.2.0-
alphafold2.3.2bioallbwForCluster BinACThis module provides AlphaFold-
alphafold2.3.2bioallbwForCluster HelixProtein structure prediction with AlphaFold 2.3.2-
ams2020.101chemallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2--
ams2020.103chemallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2--
ams2021.102chemallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2--
ams2021.104chemallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2--
ams2021.106chemallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2--
ams2022.101chemallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2--
ams2022.102chemallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2--
ams2022.103chemallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2--
ams2023.101chemallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2--
ams2024.101chemallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2--
anaconda32020.7liballbwForCluster BinACPython distribution by
angsd0.934bioallbwForCluster BinACANGSD-
ansys19.5caeHFT_StuttgartbwUniCluster 2.0ANSYS version 2019R3, simulation software BW license manager-
ansys2019R3caeU_HohenheimbwUniCluster 2.0ANSYS version 19.5, simulation software-
ansys2021R2caeKITbwUniCluster 2.0ANSYS version 2021R2 CAE simulation software-
ansys2021R2caeU_UlmbwUniCluster 2.0ANSYS version 2021R2 CAE simulation software-
ansys2022R1_no_licensecaeallbwUniCluster 2.0ANSYS version 2022R1_no_license CAE simulation software-
ansys2022R1caeU_UlmbwUniCluster 2.0ANSYS version 2022R1 CAE simulation software-
ansys2022R2_no_licensecaeallbwUniCluster 2.0ANSYS version 2022R2_no_license CAE simulation software-
ansys2022R2caeKITbwUniCluster 2.0ANSYS version 2022R2 CAE simulation software-
ansys2022R2caeU_UlmbwUniCluster 2.0ANSYS version 2022R2 CAE simulation software-
ansys2023R2caeKITbwUniCluster 2.0ANSYS version 2023R2 CAE simulation software-
ansys2024R2_no_licensecaeallbwUniCluster 2.0ANSYS version 2024R2_no_license - v242 CAE simulation software-
aocl3.2.0numliballbwForCluster HelixAOCL version 3.2.0-
aretomo1.3.4bioallbwForCluster HelixA software tool for anisotropic correction of beam-induced motion, aretomo $version-
art2016.06.05bioallbwForCluster BinACART is a set of simulation tools to generate synthetic next-generation sequencing reads.-
augustus3.2.3bioallbwForCluster BinACaugustus 3.2.3 is a program that predicts genes in eukaryotic genomic sequences-
augustus3.5.0bioallbwForCluster BinACaugustus 3.5.0 is a program that predicts genes in eukaryotic genomic sequences-
autodock-vina1.1.2chemallbwUniCluster 2.0AutoDock Vina is an open-source program (called vina) for doing molecular docking.-
automake1.15develallbwForCluster BinACThis module provides the GNU autotools (autoconf, automake, libtools). Version of 1.15-
bamtools2.4.1bioallbwForCluster BinACbamtools 2.4.1 BamTools provides both a programmers API and an end-users toolkit for handling BAM files.-
bamtools2.5.1bioallbwForCluster BinACbamtools 2.5.1 BamTools provides both a programmers API and an end-users toolkit for handling BAM files.-
bamtools2.5.2-gnu-11.3bioallbwForCluster HelixBamTools 2.5.2 provides both a programmers API and an end-users toolkit for handling BAM files.-
bbtools38.26bioallbwForCluster BinACA short read aligner (BBMap), as well as various other bioinformatic tools-
bcl2fastq2.20bioallbwForCluster HelixThe Illumina bcl2fastq2 Conversion Software v2.20 demultiplexes sequencing data and converts base call (BCL) files into FASTQ files, version 2.20-
beagle3.1.2liballbwForCluster BinACHigh-performance library that can perform the core calculations at the heart of most Bayesian and Maximum Likelihood phylogenetics packages.-
beast1.10.4bioallbwForCluster BinACBEAST is a cross-platform program for Bayesian analysis of molecular sequences using MCMC-
beast2.6.3bioallbwForCluster BinACBEAST 2 is a cross-platform program for Bayesian phylogenetic analysis of molecular sequences.-
bedops2.4.39bioallbwForCluster BinACBEDOPS-
bedtools2.26.0bioallbwForCluster BinACA fast, flexible toolset for genome arithmetic.-
bedtools2.30.0bioallbwForCluster Helixbedtools-
binutils2.26develallbwForCluster BinACbinutils 2.26, the GNU collection of binary tools-
binutils2.43develallbwUniCluster 2.0GNU Binutils 2.43.1 including (as, ld, gold-linker, gprofng and other tools)-
bismark0.22.3bioallbwForCluster BinACA tool to map bisulfite converted sequence reads and determine cytosine methylation states. Version-
blastplus2.11.0bioallbwForCluster BinACBasic Local Alignment Search Tool.-
blastplus2.16.0bioallbwForCluster BinACBasic Local Alignment Search Tool.-
blastplus2.5.0bioallbwForCluster BinACBLAST+, is a software for comparing primary biological sequence information, such as the amino-acid sequences of different proteins or the nucleotides of DNA sequences.-
blat35bioallbwForCluster BinACBLAT (BLAST-Like Alignment Tool) is a very fast sequence alignment tool similar to BLAST. Command-
blender2.82avisallbwUniCluster 2.0Blender 2.82a 3D modelling, animation and rendering tool-
blender2.90.1visallbwUniCluster 2.0Blender 2.90.1 3D modelling, animation and rendering tool-
blender2.90visallbwUniCluster 2.0Blender 2.90 3D modelling, animation and rendering tool-
boost_python- BinACBoost provides free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries. (version 1.61.0)-
boost1.56.0liballbwForCluster NEMO--
boost1.61.0liballbwForCluster BinACBoost provides free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries. (version 1.61.0)-
boost1.69.0liballbwForCluster BinACBoost provides free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries. (Version 1.69.0)-
boost1.69.0liballbwForCluster NEMO--
boost1.76.0liballbwForCluster BinACBoost provides free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries. (version 1.76.0)-
boost1.80.0liballbwForCluster HelixBoost 1.80.0 Boost provides free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries.-
boost1.82.0liballbwUniCluster 2.0Boost provides free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries. (version 1.82.0)-
bowtie22.3.4.3bioallbwForCluster BinACBowtie, an ultrafast, memory-efficient short read aligner for short DNA sequences (reads) from next-gen sequencers. Command-
bowtie22.4.1bioallbwForCluster BinACBowtie, an ultrafast, memory-efficient short read aligner for short DNA sequences (reads) from next-gen sequencers. Command-
bowtie22.4.5bioallbwForCluster Helixbowtie2-
bwa0.7.17bioallbwForCluster BinACBWA is a program for aligning sequencing reads against a large reference genome (e.g. human genome). It has two major components, one for read shorter than 150bp and the other for longer reads.-
bwa0.7.17bioallbwForCluster HelixThis module provides the DNA mapping tool BWA, version 0.7.17-
canu2.2bioallbwForCluster BinACCanu is a tool for high-noise single-molecule sequencing such as the PacBio RSII or Oxford Nanopore MinION. Command-
CCfits2.6-gnu-9.2liballbwForCluster BinAC--
cellranger-arc2.0.2bioallbwForCluster HelixThis module provides the bioinformatics tool CellRanger-ARC, version 2.0.2-
cellranger-atac2.1.0bioallbwForCluster HelixCell Ranger ATAC is a set of analysis pipelines that process Chromium Single Cell ATAC data. This module provides CellRanger-ATAC version 2.1.0-
cellranger4.0.0bioallbwForCluster HelixThis module provides the bioinformatics tool Cellranger, version 4.0.0-
cellranger7.0.0bioallbwForCluster BinACAlign reads, generate feature-barcode matrices, perform clustering of Chromium single cell-
cellranger7.0.0bioallbwForCluster HelixThis module provides the bioinformatics tool Cellranger, version 7.0.0-
cellranger8.0.1bioallbwForCluster HelixThis module provides the bioinformatics tool Cellranger, version 8.0.1-
censo1.2.0chemallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2--
cfitsio4.3.0-gnu-9.2liballbwForCluster BinAC--
cfour2.1_openmpichemallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2--
cgal4.14.3liballbwUniCluster 2.0CGAL library and tools version 4.14.3compiler/gnu/.10.3
cgal5.1liballbwUniCluster 2.0CGAL library and tools version 5.1compiler/gnu/.10.3
CGAL5.3liballbwUniCluster 2.0CGAL library and tools version 5.3-
cgns3.4.1-intel-19.1caeallbwUniCluster 2.0CGNS library and tools version 3.4.1 for Intel Compiler 19.1-
cgns4.1.2-gnu-8.3caeallbwUniCluster 2.0CGNS library and tools version 4.1.2 for GNU Compiler 8.3-
cmake3.17.0develallbwForCluster BinACCmake, a cross-platform open-source build system (version 3.17.0)-
cmake3.18develallbwUniCluster 2.0CMake, a cross-platform open-source build system (version3.18.3)-
cmake3.20develallbwForCluster NEMO--
cmake3.23.3develallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2CMake 3.23.3 a cross-platform open-source build system-
cmake3.24.1develallbwForCluster HelixCmake, a cross-platform open-source build system (version 3.24.1)-
cmake3.27.5develallbwForCluster BinACCmake, a cross-platform open-source build system (version 3.27.5)-
cmake3.29.3develallbwUniCluster 2.0CMake 3.29.3 a cross-platform open-source build system-
cmake3.6.1develallbwForCluster BinACCmake, a cross-platform open-source build system (version 3.6.1)-
cmake3.9develallbwForCluster NEMO--
code-server3.12toolsallbwForCluster NEMO--
code-server4.21.1develallbwUniCluster 2.0Sets up code-server version 4.21.1 in your environment-
comsol5.5caeU_HohenheimbwUniCluster 2.0COMSOL version 5.5, simulation software-
comsol5.6caeallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2Multiphysics simulation package COMSOL version 5.6-
comsol5.6caeHFT_StuttgartbwForCluster JUSTUS 2Multiphysics simulation package COMSOL version 5.6-
comsol5.6caeHS_EsslingenbwForCluster JUSTUS 2Multiphysics simulation package COMSOL version 5.6-
comsol5.6caeHS_HeilbronnbwForCluster JUSTUS 2Multiphysics simulation package COMSOL version 5.6-
comsol5.6caeHS_MannheimbwForCluster JUSTUS 2Multiphysics simulation package COMSOL version 5.6-
comsol5.6caeKITbwForCluster JUSTUS 2Multiphysics simulation package COMSOL version 5.6-
comsol5.6caeU_FreiburgbwForCluster JUSTUS 2Multiphysics simulation package COMSOL version 5.6-
comsol5.6caeU_HeidelbergbwForCluster JUSTUS 2Multiphysics simulation package COMSOL version 5.6-
comsol5.6caeU_HohenheimbwForCluster JUSTUS 2Multiphysics simulation package COMSOL version 5.6-
comsol5.6caeU_KonstanzbwForCluster JUSTUS 2Multiphysics simulation package COMSOL version 5.6-
comsol5.6caeU_MannheimbwForCluster JUSTUS 2Multiphysics simulation package COMSOL version 5.6-
comsol5.6caeU_StuttgartbwForCluster JUSTUS 2Multiphysics simulation package COMSOL version 5.6-
comsol5.6caeU_TuebingenbwForCluster JUSTUS 2Multiphysics simulation package COMSOL version 5.6-
comsol5.6caeU_UlmbwForCluster JUSTUS 2Multiphysics simulation package COMSOL version 5.6-
comsol6.0caeKITbwUniCluster 2.0COMSOL version 6.0, simulation software-
comsol6.1caeKITbwUniCluster 2.0COMSOL version 6.1, simulation software-
comsol6.2caeKITbwUniCluster 2.0COMSOL version 6.2, simulation software-
condalatesttoolsallbwForCluster NEMO--
cp2k2024.1chemallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2--
cp2k7.1chemallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2Quantum chemistry and solid state physics SW package. V.-
cp2k8.0_develchemallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2Quantum chemistry and solid state physics SW package. V.-
cp2k9.1chemallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2Quantum chemistry and solid state physics SW package. V.-
crest2.12chemallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2--
cryolo1.9.7bioallbwForCluster HelixcrYOLO 1.9.7-
cst2022caeKITbwUniCluster 2.0CST version 2022-
cst2023caeKITbwUniCluster 2.0CST version 2023-
cst2024caeKITbwUniCluster 2.0CST version 2024-
ctffind4.1.14bioallbwForCluster HelixCTTFFIND Version 4.1.14-
cuby4chemallbwForCluster BinACCuby is a computational chemistry framework written in ruby-
cuda10.0develallbwForCluster BinACNVIDIA CUDA 10.0 x86_64-
cuda10.0develallbwUniCluster 2.0Sets up cuda version 10.0 in your environment-
cuda10.1develallbwForCluster BinACNVIDIA CUDA 10.1 x86_64-
cuda10.1develallbwForCluster NEMO--
cuda10.1develallbwUniCluster 2.0Sets up cuda version 10.1 in your environment-
cuda10.2develallbwForCluster BinACNVIDIA CUDA 10.2 x86_64-
cuda10.2develallbwForCluster NEMO--
cuda10.2develallbwUniCluster 2.0Sets up cuda version 10.2 in your environment-
cuda11.0develallbwForCluster NEMO--
cuda11.0develallbwUniCluster 2.0Sets up cuda version 11.0 in your environment-
cuda11.1develallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2CUDA version 11.1.1-
cuda11.1develallbwForCluster NEMO--
cuda11.2develallbwForCluster NEMO--
cuda11.3develallbwForCluster NEMO--
cuda11.4develallbwForCluster BinACNVIDIA CUDA 11.4.4 x86_64-
cuda11.4develallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2CUDA version 11.4.2-
cuda11.4develallbwUniCluster 2.0Sets up cuda version 11.4 in your environment-
cuda11.6develallbwForCluster HelixCUDA version 11.6.1-
cuda11.6develallbwUniCluster 2.0Sets up cuda version 11.6 in your environment-
cuda11.7develallbwUniCluster 2.0Sets up cuda version 11.7 in your environment-
cuda11.8develallbwUniCluster 2.0Sets up cuda version 11.8 in your environment-
cuda12.0develallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2CUDA version 12.0.1-
cuda12.0develallbwUniCluster 2.0Sets up cuda version 12.0 in your environment-
cuda12.1develallbwForCluster HelixCUDA 12.1.1 is a parallel computing platform and programming model invented by NVIDIA.-
cuda12.2develallbwForCluster HelixCUDA 12.2.2 is a parallel computing platform and programming model invented by NVIDIA.-
cuda12.2develallbwForCluster NEMO--
cuda12.2develallbwUniCluster 2.0Sets up cuda version 12.2 in your environment-
cuda12.3develallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2CUDA version 12.3.1-
cuda12.4develallbwUniCluster 2.0Sets up cuda version 12.4 in your environment-
cuda12.6develallbwForCluster HelixCUDA 12.6.1 is a parallel computing platform and programming model invented by NVIDIA.-
cuda7.5develallbwForCluster BinACNVIDIA CUDA 7.5 x86_64-
cuda8.0develallbwForCluster BinACNVIDIA CUDA 8.0 x86_64-
cuda9.2develallbwUniCluster 2.0Sets up cuda version 9.2 in your environment-
cudnn10.0develallbwUniCluster 2.0Sets up cudnn version 10.0 in your environment-
cudnn10.1develallbwUniCluster 2.0Sets up cudnn version 10.1 in your environment-
cudnn10.2develallbwUniCluster 2.0Sets up cudnn version 10.2 in your environment-
cudnn5.1-cuda-8.0liballbwForCluster BinACNVIDIA cudnn 5.1 CUDA 8.0 x86_64-
cudnn7.3-cuda-10.0liballbwForCluster BinACNVIDIA cudnn 7.3.1 CUDA 10.0 x86_64-
cudnn7.6-cuda-10.1liballbwForCluster BinACNVIDIA cudnn 7.6.4 CUDA 10.1 x86_64-
cudnn7.6-cuda-10.2liballbwForCluster BinACNVIDIA cudnn 7.6.5 CUDA 10.2 x86_64-
cudnn8.0.5liballbwForCluster JUSTUS 2Sets up cudnn version in your environment-
cudnn8.2-cuda-11.4liballbwForCluster BinACNVIDIA cudnn CUDA 11.4 x86_64-
cudnn8.5.0-cuda-11.6liballbwForCluster HelixCUDNN version 8.5.0-cuda-11.6-
cudnn9.0.0_cuda-12.3liballbwForCluster JUSTUS 2Set up cuDNN version in your environment-
cudnn9.1.0-cuda-12.2liballbwForCluster HelixcuDNN is a GPU-accelerated library of primitives for deep neural networks. Version 9.1.0-cuda-12.2-
cudnn9.2develallbwUniCluster 2.0Sets up cudnn version 9.2 in your environment-
cudnn9.4.0-cuda-12.6liballbwForCluster HelixcuDNN is a GPU-accelerated library of primitives for deep neural networks. Version 9.4.0-cuda-12.6-
cufflinks2.2.1bioallbwForCluster BinACTranscriptome assembly and differential expression analysis for RNA-Seq.-
cutensor1.5.0numliballbwForCluster JUSTUS 2cuTENSOR - A High-Performance CUDA Library For Tensor Primitives, Version
dal2023.1.0liballbwForCluster JUSTUS 2Intel(R) oneAPI Data Analytics Library DAL version 2023.1.0-
dal2024.5.0liballbwForCluster JUSTUS 2Intel(R) oneAPI Data Analytics Library DAL version 2024.5.0-
dalton2020.0chemallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2Molecular electronic structure program DALTON, version 2020.0 with compiler dependency on version intel/19.1.2 and MPI dependency on version impi/2019.8-
dalton2020chemallbwUniCluster 2.0Dalton version 2020 is a powerful molecular electronic structure programm. Binaries-
damageprofiler1.0bioallbwForCluster BinACDamageProfiler calculates damage profiles of mapped reads and provides a graphical as well as text based representation.-
darshan3.4.0-mpidevelallbwUniCluster 2.0Set up Darshan version 3.4.0-mpi in your environment-
darshan3.4.0-serialdevelallbwUniCluster 2.0Set up Darshan version 3.4.0-serial in your environment-
dftbplus20.2.1-cpuchemallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2--
dftbplus21.1-cpuchemallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2--
dftbplus23.1chemallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2--
dftd43.5.0chemallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2--
diamond0.8.37bioallbwForCluster BinACDiamond is a sequence aligner for protein and translated DNA searches and functions as a drop-in replacement for the NCBI BLAST software tools.-
dip2.8.1mathallbwForCluster NEMO--
eigen3.4.0liballbwUniCluster 2.0Eigen is a C++ template library for linear algebra-
eigen3.4.90numliballbwForCluster BinACEigen is a C++ template library for linear algebra-
example1.0systemallbwForCluster BinACA generic module containing a working bwhpc-examples job.-
example1.0systemallbwForCluster HelixA generic module containing a working bwhpc-examples job.-
example1.0systemallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2A generic module containing a working bwhpc-examples job.-
example1.0systemallbwForCluster NEMO--
example1.0systemallbwUniCluster 2.0A generic module containing a working bwhpc-examples job.-
fastqc0.11.8bioallbwForCluster BinACA Quality Control application for FastQ files. Version-
fastqc0.11.9bioallbwForCluster HelixFastQC is a quality control analysis tool designed to spot potential problems in high throughput sequencing datasets, version 0.11.9-
fex20220815systemallbwForCluster HelixF*EX (File EXchange) is a service to send big (large, huge, giant, ...) files.-
ffmpeg3.4.7liballbwForCluster BinACA complete, cross-platform solution to record, convert and stream audio and video. Version 3.4.7-
ffmpeg5.1visallbwUniCluster 2.0FFmpeg 5.1.3 multimedia decoding and encoding-
fftw-mpi3.3.10-openmpi-4.1.2-gnu-11.2numliballbwUniCluster 2.0FFTW library version 3.3.10-openmpi-4.1.2-gnu-11.2 compiled for mpi/openmpi/.4.1.2-gnu-11.2-
fftw-mpi3.3.10-openmpi-4.1.2-intel-2021.4.0numliballbwUniCluster 2.0FFTW library version 3.3.10-openmpi-4.1.2-intel-2021.4.0 compiled for mpi/openmpi/.4.1.2-intel-2021.4.0-
fftw3.3.7-openmpi-4.0-gnu-9.2numliballbwForCluster NEMO--
fftw3.3.8-impi-2019-intel-19.0numliballbwForCluster BinACFFTW Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) Library (version 3.3.8)-
fftw3.3.8-openmpi-3.1-gnu-7.4numliballbwForCluster BinACFFTW Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) Library (version 3.3.8)-
fftw3.3.8-openmpi-3.1-gnu-8.3numliballbwForCluster BinACFFTW Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) Library (version 3.3.8)-
fftw3.3.8-openmpi-3.1-gnu-9.2numliballbwForCluster BinACFFTW Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) Library (version 3.3.8)-
fftw3.3-openmpi-1.10.3-gnu-4.9numliballbwForCluster BinACFFTW Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) Library (version 3.3.7-openmpi-1.10.3-gnu-4.9)-
forge22.0.4develallbwUniCluster 2.0loads Debugging and Profiling Tool Forge in version 22.0.4-
freesurfer6.0.0bioallbwUniCluster 2.0FreeSurfer version 6.0.0-
freesurfer7.4.1bioallbwForCluster HelixFreeSurfer version 7.4.1-
fsl6.0.4bioallbwUniCluster 2.0FSL version 6.0.4-
fsl6.0.7bioallbwForCluster HelixFSL version
gamess2020.2chemallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2GAMESS - General Atomic and Molecular Electronic Structure System, version 2020.2 with compiler dependency on version intel/19.1 and MPI dependency on version impi/2019.7-
gatk2.7.0.0bioallbwForCluster BinACGenome Analysis Toolkit (GATK) Version 2.7. http-
gatk3.8.0.ge9d806836bioallbwForCluster BinACGenome Analysis Toolkit (GATK) Version 3.8.0.ge9d806836.-
gatk3.8.1.0bioallbwForCluster BinACGenome Analysis Toolkit (GATK) Version
gatk4.0.0.0bioallbwForCluster BinACGenome Analysis Toolkit (GATK) Version Command-
gatk4.1.2.0bioallbwForCluster BinACGenome Analysis Toolkit (GATK) Version Command-
gaussiang09.E.01chemallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2Quantum chemistry package Gaussian (command g09) version g09.E.01-
gaussiang16.C.01chemallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2Quantum chemistry package Gaussian (command g16) version g16.C.01-
gaussview6.1.1chemallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2Graphical user interface (command gaussview) version 6.1.1 for Gaussian g16 (default) (restricted to members of Ulm University)-
gctf1.06bioallbwForCluster HelixProgram for real-time contrast transfer function(CFT) determination Gctf version 1.06-
gdb12.1develallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2GDB 12.1 debugger-
gdb14.1develallbwForCluster HelixGDB 14.1 debugger-
gdb14.2develallbwUniCluster 2.0GDB 14.2 debugger-
genometools1.6.2bioallbwForCluster BinACGenomeTools genome analysis system. Command-
gffcompare0.12.6bioallbwForCluster BinACThe program gffcompare can be used to compare, merge, annotate and estimate accuracy of one or more GFF files-
gitlab-runner14.5toolsallbwForCluster NEMO--
git2.37develallbwForCluster BinACgit 2.37.1-
gnuplot5.0.5visallbwForCluster BinACGnuplot version 5.0.5-
gnuplot5.2visallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2GNUplot 5.2.8 visualization and analysis tool-
gnuplot5.4.0visallbwUniCluster 2.0GNUplot 5.4.0 visualization and analysis tool-
gnuplot5.4.5visallbwForCluster BinACGnuplot version 5.4.5-
gnuplot5.4.5visallbwForCluster HelixGnuplot is a portable command-line driven graphing utility for Linux, OS/2, MS Windows, OSX, VMS, and many other platforms-
gnuplot5.4visallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2GNUplot 5.4.3 visualization and analysis tool-
gnuplot6.0.0visallbwUniCluster 2.0GNUplot 6.0.0 visualization and analysis tool-
gnu10.1compilerallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2GNU compiler suite version 10.1.0 (gcc, g++, gfortran, gccgo)-
gnu10.2compilerallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2GNU compiler suite version 10.2.0 (gcc, g++, gfortran, gccgo) including LTO and JIT-
gnu10.2compilerallbwForCluster NEMO--
gnu10.2compilerallbwUniCluster 2.0GNU compiler suite version 10.2.0 (gcc, g++, gfortran, gccgo) including LTO and JIT-
gnu10.5compilerallbwForCluster BinACGNU compiler suite version 10.5.0 (gcc, g++, gfortran, gcj, gccgo)-
gnu11.3compilerallbwForCluster HelixGNU compiler suite version 11.3.0 (gcc, g++, gfortran, gccgo) including LTO and JIT-
gnu11.4compilerallbwForCluster BinACGNU compiler suite version 11.4.0 (gcc, g++, gfortran, gcj, gccgo)-
gnu11.5compilerallbwForCluster BinACGNU compiler suite version 11.5.0 (gcc, g++, gfortran, gcj, gccgo)-
gnu12.1compilerallbwForCluster HelixGNU compiler suite version 12.1.0 (gcc, g++, gfortran, gccgo) including LTO and JIT-
gnu12.1compilerallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2GNU compiler suite version 12.1.0 (gcc, g++, gfortran, gccgo) including LTO and JIT-
gnu12.2compilerallbwForCluster BinACGNU compiler suite version 12.2.0 (gcc, g++, gfortran, gccgo)-
gnu12.2compilerallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2GNU compiler suite version 12.2.0 (gcc, g++, gfortran, gccgo) including LTO and JIT-
gnu13.3compilerallbwUniCluster 2.0GNU compiler suite version 13.3.0 (gcc, g++, gfortran, gccgo) including LTO and JIT-
gnu14.1compilerallbwUniCluster 2.0GNU compiler suite version 14.1.0 (gcc, g++, gfortran, gccgo) including LTO and JIT-
gnu14.2compilerallbwForCluster BinACGNU compiler suite version 14.2.0 (gcc, g++, gfortran, gcj, gccgo)-
gnu4.8compilerallbwForCluster BinACGNU compiler suite version 4.8.3 (gcc, g++, gfortran, gnat, gcj, gccgo)-
gnu4.9compilerallbwForCluster BinACGNU compiler suite version 4.9.4 (gcc, g++, gfortran, gcj, gccgo)-
gnu5.2compilerallbwForCluster BinACGNU compiler suite version 5.2.0 (gcc, g++, gfortran, gcj, gccgo)-
gnu6.1compilerallbwForCluster BinACGNU compiler suite version 6.1.0 (gcc, g++, gfortran, gcj, gccgo)-
gnu7.4compilerallbwForCluster BinACGNU compiler suite version 7.4.0 (gcc, g++, gfortran, gcj, gccgo)-
gnu8.2compilerallbwForCluster NEMO--
gnu8.3compilerallbwForCluster BinACGNU compiler suite version 8.3.0 (gcc, g++, gfortran, gcj, gccgo)-
gnu8.5.0compilerallbwUniCluster 2.0Sets up GCC C/C++/Fortran compiler version 8.5.0 in your environment - SYSTEM COMPILER!-
gnu8.5compilerallbwForCluster HelixDummy module for the system GNU compiler suite version 8.5.0 (gcc, g++, gfortran)-
gnu9.2compilerallbwForCluster BinACGNU compiler suite version 9.2.0 (gcc, g++, gfortran, gccgo)-
gnu9.2compilerallbwForCluster NEMO--
gnu9.3compilerallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2GNU compiler suite version 9.3.0 (gcc, g++, gfortran, gccgo) including LTO and JIT-
gnusystemcompilerallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2Dummy module for the system GNU compiler suite version 8.3.1 (gcc, g++, gfortran, gccgo)-
golang1.20.5develallbwForCluster HelixGO programming language version 1.20.5-
go1.17compilerallbwForCluster NEMO--
go1.19compilerallbwForCluster NEMO--
gpaw23.9.1chemallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2--
grace5.1.25visallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2Grace is a WYSIWYG tool to make two-dimensional plots of numerical data, version 5.1.25-
gromacs2016.4chemallbwForCluster BinACMolecular dynamics package GROMACS 2016.4 (see module help for details).-
gromacs2016.5-gnu-5.2chemallbwForCluster NEMO--
gromacs2020.2chemallbwForCluster BinACMolecular dynamics package GROMACS 2020.2 (see module help for details).-
gromacs2020.2chemallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2GROMACS - GROningen MAchine for Chemical Simulations, version 2020.2 with compiler dependency on version gnu/system and MPI dependency on version openmpi/4.0-
gromacs2020.4chemallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2GROMACS - GROningen MAchine for Chemical Simulations, version 2020.4 with compiler dependency on version gnu/system and MPI dependency on version openmpi/4.0-
gromacs2020.4chemallbwUniCluster 2.0GROMACS - GROningen MAchine for Chemical Simulations, version 2020.4-gnu-8.3.1-openmpi-4.0-cuda-10.2 with dependency on compiler/gnu/8.3.1, mpi/openmpi/4.0 and devel/cuda/10.2-
gromacs2021.1chemallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2GROMACS - GROningen MAchine for Chemical Simulations, version 2021.1 with compiler dependency on version gnu/system and MPI dependency on version openmpi/4.0-
gromacs2021.1chemallbwUniCluster 2.0GROningen MAchine for Chemical Simulations, version 2021.1-gnu-10.2-openmpi-4.1-cuda-10.2 and mpi with compiler dependency on version compiler/gnu/10.2 plus CUDA with compiler dependency gnu//8.3.1-
gromacs2021.2-plumed-2.7.1chemallbwUniCluster 2.0Oningen MAchine for Chemical Simulations, version 2021.2-plumed-2.7.1 with Plumed 2.7.1 plugin (use mdrun_double)-
gromacs2022.2-cuda-11.6chemallbwForCluster HelixMoleculare dynamics package GROMACS 2022.2 build with comiler/gnu/11.3, devel/cuda/11.6, GROMACS Thread MPI in single precision.-
gromacs2022.2chemallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2GROMACS - GROningen MAchine for Chemical Simulations, version 2022.2 with compiler dependency on version gnu/system and MPI dependency on version openmpi/4.0-
gromacs2022.4chemallbwForCluster BinACMolecular dynamics package GROMACS 2022.4 (see module help for details).-
gromacs2023.2-cuda-12.2chemallbwForCluster HelixMoleculare dynamics package GROMACS 2023.2 build with GCC 11.3 and CUDA 12.2-
gromacs2023.3chemallbwForCluster BinACMolecular dynamics package GROMACS 2023.3 (see module help for details).-
gromacs2023.3chemallbwUniCluster 2.0GROningen MAchine for Chemical Simulations, version 2023.3 and mpi with compiler dependency on version compiler/gnu/10.2 plus CUDA 11.8-
gromacs2023.4chemallbwForCluster BinACMolecular dynamics package GROMACS 2023.4 (see module help for details).-
gromacs2023.5-cuda-12.2chemallbwForCluster HelixMoleculare dynamics package GROMACS 2023.5 build with GCC 11.3 and CUDA 12.2-
gromacs2023.5chemallbwUniCluster 2.0GROningen MAchine for Chemical Simulations, version 2023.5 and mpi with compiler dependency on version compiler/gnu/10.2 plus CUDA 11.8-
gromacs2024.2-cuda-12.2chemallbwForCluster HelixMoleculare dynamics package GROMACS 2024.2 build with GCC 11.3 and CUDA 12.2-
gromacs2024.3-cuda-12.6chemallbwForCluster HelixMoleculare dynamics package GROMACS 2024.3 build with GCC 11.3 and CUDA 12.6-
gromacs2024.3chemallbwForCluster BinACMolecular dynamics package GROMACS 2024.3 (see module help for details).-
gsl2.1numliballbwForCluster BinACGSL, GNU Scientific Library version 2.1-
gsl2.5-gnu-9.2numliballbwForCluster BinACGSL, GNU Scientific Library version 2.5-gnu-9.2-
gsl2.6-gnu-10.2numliballbwUniCluster 2.0GSL - GNU Scientific Library, version 2.6 with compiler dependency on version compiler/gnu/10.2-
gsl2.6-intel-19.1.2numliballbwForCluster JUSTUS 2GSL - GNU Scientific Library, version 2.6 with compiler dependency on version compiler/intel/19.1.2-
gsl2.6-intel-19.1numliballbwForCluster JUSTUS 2GSL - GNU Scientific Library, version 2.6 with compiler dependency on version compiler/intel/19.1-
gsl2.6numliballbwForCluster JUSTUS 2GSL - GNU Scientific Library, version 2.6 with compiler dependency on version compiler/gnu/system-
gsl2.7.1-gnu-13.2numliballbwUniCluster 2.0GSL - GNU Scientific Library, version 2.7.1-gnu-13.2 with compiler dependency on version gnu/13.2-
gsl2.7.1-gnu-14.1numliballbwUniCluster 2.0GSL - GNU Scientific Library, version 2.7.1-gnu-14.1 with compiler dependency on version gnu/14.1-
gsl2.7.1-gnu-8.5.0numliballbwUniCluster 2.0GSL - GNU Scientific Library, version 2.7.1-gnu-8.5.0 with compiler dependency on version gnu/8.5.0-
gsl2.7.1_intel-2023.1.0numliballbwForCluster JUSTUS 2GSL - GNU Scientific Library, version 2.7.1 with compiler dependency on version compiler/intel/19.1.2-
gsl2.7.1-intel-2023.1.0numliballbwUniCluster 2.0GSL - GNU Scientific Library, version 2.7.1-intel-2023.1.0 with compiler dependency on version intel/2023.1.0-
gsl2.7.1-intel-2024.0_llvmnumliballbwUniCluster 2.0GSL - GNU Scientific Library, version 2.7.1-intel-2024.0_llvm with compiler dependency on version intel/2024.0_llvm-
gsl2.7.1-llvm-18.1numliballbwUniCluster 2.0GSL - GNU Scientific Library, version 2.7.1-llvm-18.1 with compiler dependency on version llvm/18.1-
gsl2.7-gnunumliballbwForCluster HelixGSL - GNU Scientific Library, version 2.7.1-gnu-8.5 with compiler dependency on version compiler/gnu/8.5-
gsl2.7-intel-2022.2numliballbwForCluster HelixGSL - GNU Scientific Library, version 2.7.1-intel-2022.2 with compiler dependency on version compiler/intel/2022.2-
gsl2.8-gnu-14.2numliballbwForCluster BinACGSL, GNU Scientific Library version 2.8-
gurobi10.0.1numliballbwForCluster HelixGurobi optimization libraries-
gurobi11.0.3numliballbwForCluster HelixGurobi optimization libraries-
gurobi9.5.1numliballbwForCluster HelixGurobi optimization libraries-
hdf51.10.7-gnu-9.2liballbwForCluster BinACHDF5 library and tools version 1.10.7-gnu-9.2 for gnu/9.2-
hdf51.10.7-openmpi-3.1-gnu-8.3liballbwForCluster BinACHDF5 library and tools version 1.10.7-openmpi-3.1-gnu-8.3 for gnu/8.3-
hdf51.10.7-openmpi-3.1-gnu-9.2liballbwForCluster BinACHDF5 library and tools version 1.10.7-openmpi-3.1-gnu-9.2 for gnu/9.2-
hdf51.10.7-openmpi-4.0-gnu-4.8liballbwForCluster BinACHDF5 library and tools version 1.10.7-openmpi-4.0-gnu-4.8 with mpi dependency on version openmpi/4.0-gnu-4.8-
hdf51.10-gnu-8.2liballbwForCluster NEMO--
hdf51.10-openmpi-3.1-gnu-8.2liballbwForCluster NEMO--
hdf51.10-openmpi-4.0-intel-19.0liballbwForCluster NEMO--
hdf51.12.0-openmpi-4.1-gnu-12.2liballbwForCluster BinACHDF5 library and tools version 1.12.0-openmpi-4.1-gnu-12.2 with mpi dependency on version openmpi/4.1-gnu-12.2-
hdf51.12.0-openmpi-4.1-gnu-7.4liballbwForCluster BinACHDF5 library and tools version 1.12.0-openmpi-4.1-gnu-7.4 with mpi dependency on version openmpi/4.1-gnu-7.4-
hdf51.12.0-openmpi-4.1-gnu-8.3liballbwForCluster BinACHDF5 library and tools version 1.12.0-openmpi-4.1-gnu-8.3 with mpi dependency on version openmpi/4.1-gnu-8.3-
hdf51.12.0-openmpi-4.1-gnu-9.2liballbwForCluster BinACHDF5 library and tools version 1.12.0-openmpi-4.1-gnu-9.2 with mpi dependency on version openmpi/4.1-gnu-9.2-
hdf51.12.1-intel-19.1.2-impi-2019.8liballbwForCluster JUSTUS 2HDF5 library and tools version 1.12.1-
hdf51.12.1-intel-19.1.2liballbwForCluster JUSTUS 2HDF5 library and tools version 1.12.1-
hdf51.12.2-gnu-12.1liballbwForCluster HelixHDF5 library and tools version 1.12.2-gnu-12.1 with compiler dependency on version gnu/12.1-
hdf51.12.2-intel-2022.2liballbwForCluster HelixHDF5 library and tools version 1.12.2-intel-2022.2 with compiler dependency on version intel/2022.2-
hdf51.14.2-intel-2023.1.0-impi-2021.9.0liballbwForCluster JUSTUS 2HDF5 library and tools version 1.14.2-
hdf51.14.2-intel-2023.1.0liballbwForCluster JUSTUS 2HDF5 library and tools version 1.14.2-
hdf51.14.4-gnu-13.3-openmpi-4.1liballbwUniCluster 2.0HDF5 library and tools version 1.14.4-gnu-13.3-openmpi-4.1 with mpi dependency on version openmpi/4.1-
hdf51.14.4-gnu-13.3-openmpi-5.0liballbwUniCluster 2.0HDF5 library and tools version 1.14.4-gnu-13.3-openmpi-5.0 with mpi dependency on version openmpi/5.0-
hdf51.14.4-gnu-8.5.0liballbwUniCluster 2.0HDF5 library and tools version 1.14.4-gnu-8.5.0 with compiler dependency on version gnu/8.5.0-
hdf51.14.4-intel-2023.1.0-impi-2021.11liballbwUniCluster 2.0HDF5 library and tools version 1.14.4-intel-2023.1.0-impi-2021.11 with mpi dependency on version impi/2021.11-
hdf51.14.4-intel-2023.1.0liballbwUniCluster 2.0HDF5 library and tools version 1.14.4-intel-2023.1.0 with compiler dependency on version intel/2023.1.0-
hdf51.8.16-gnu-4.9liballbwForCluster BinACHDF5 library and tools version 1.8.16-gnu-4.9 for gnu/4.9-
hdf51.8.16-intel-19.0liballbwForCluster BinACHDF5 library and tools version 1.8.16-intel-19.0 for intel/19.0-
hdf51.8.21-intel-19.1-impi-2019.7liballbwForCluster JUSTUS 2HDF5 library and tools version 1.8.21_intel-19.1_impi-2019.7-
hdf51.8.21-intel-19.1liballbwForCluster JUSTUS 2HDF5 library and tools version 1.8.21_intel-19.1-
hisat22.1.0bioallbwForCluster BinACHISAT2 2.1.0 is a fast spliced aligner with low memory requirements.-
hisat22.2.0bioallbwForCluster BinACHISAT2 2.2.0 is a fast spliced aligner with low memory requirements.-
hisat22.2.1bioallbwForCluster BinACHISAT2 2.2.1 is a fast spliced aligner with low memory requirements.-
hypre2.30-gnu-9.2-openmpi-4.1numliballbwForCluster BinACParallel solvers for sparse linear systems featuring multigrid methods.-
ibamr0.11.0liballbwUniCluster 2.0An adaptive and distributed-memory parallel implementation of the immersed boundary (IB) method.-
icu4c74.1_intel2021.4.0liballbwUniCluster 2.0ICU (ICU4C) library and tools version 74.1-
igv2.13.2bioallbwForCluster BinACIGV-
imb2019.6-gnu-9.2systemallbwForCluster BinACIntel MPI Benchmarks, Versin 2019.6-
impi2017mpiallbwForCluster BinACIntel MPI bindings (mpicc mpicxx mpif77 mpif90) version 2017.4.262 for Intel compiler suite 2017-
impi2018.3-gnu-8.2mpiallbwForCluster NEMO--
impi2018.3-intel-18.0mpiallbwForCluster NEMO--
impi2018mpiallbwForCluster BinACIntel MPI bindings (mpicc mpicxx mpif77 mpif90) version 2018.4.274 for Intel compiler suite 2018-
impi2019.5-gnu-9.2mpiallbwForCluster NEMO--
impi2019.5-intel-19.0mpiallbwForCluster NEMO--
impi2019.5mpiallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2Intel MPI bindings (mpicc mpicxx mpif77 mpif90) version 2019.5.281 for compiler/gnu/.9.3.0
impi2019.7mpiallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2Intel MPI bindings (mpicc mpicxx mpif77 mpif90) version 2019.7.217 for compiler/gnu/.9.3.0
impi2019.8mpiallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2Intel MPI bindings (mpicc mpicxx mpif77 mpif90) version 2019.8.254 for compiler/gnu/.9.3.0
impi2019mpiallbwForCluster BinACIntel MPI bindings (mpicc mpicxx mpif77 mpif90) version 2019.5.281 for Intel compiler suite 2019-
impi2019mpiallbwUniCluster 2.0Sets up Intel MPI version 2019 in your environmentcompiler/clang/.8.0
impi2020mpiallbwForCluster BinACIntel MPI bindings (mpicc mpicxx mpif77 mpif90) version 2019.9.304 for Intel compiler suite 2020-
impi2020mpiallbwUniCluster 2.0Sets up Intel MPI version 2020 in your environmentcompiler/clang/.8.0
impi2021.11mpiallbwUniCluster 2.0Sets up Intel MPI Library version 2021.11 in your environmentcompiler/gnu/.10.1
impi2021.13.0mpiallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2Intel MPI bindings (mpicc mpicxx mpif77 mpif90) version 2021.13.0 for compiler/gnu/.12.2.0
impi2021.3-intel-2021.3mpiallbwForCluster NEMO--
impi2021.3mpiallbwForCluster NEMO--
impi2021.4.0mpiallbwUniCluster 2.0Sets up Intel MPI Library version 2021.4.0 in your environmentcompiler/gnu/.10.1
impi2021.5-intel-2022.0mpiallbwForCluster NEMO--
impi2021.5mpiallbwForCluster NEMO--
impi2021.7.1mpiallbwUniCluster 2.0Sets up Intel MPI Library version 2021.7.1 in your environmentcompiler/gnu/.10.1
impi2021.9.0mpiallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2Intel MPI bindings (mpicc mpicxx mpif77 mpif90) version 2021.9.0 for compiler/gnu/.12.2.0
impi2021.9.0mpiallbwUniCluster 2.0Sets up Intel MPI Library version 2021.9.0 in your environmentcompiler/gnu/.10.1
impi2022.2mpiallbwForCluster HelixIntel oneAPI MPI 2022.2compiler/gnu/.11.3.0
inspector2020.2develallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2Intel(R) Inspector (inspxe-gui, inspxe-cl, ...) version 2020.2.0.604588-
inspector2021.4.0develallbwUniCluster 2.0Sets up Intel Inspector version 2021.4.0 in your environment-
inspector2022.3.1develallbwUniCluster 2.0Sets up Intel Inspector version 2022.3.1 in your environment-
inspector2023.1.0develallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2Intel(R) Inspector (inspxe-gui, inspxe-cl, ...) version 2023.1.0-
intel17.0compilerallbwForCluster BinACIntel(R) compiler suite (icc, icpc, ifort), debugger (gdb), IPP and TBB ver 2017.8.262-
intel18.0compilerallbwForCluster BinACIntel(R) compiler suite (icc, icpc, ifort), debugger (gdb), IPP and TBB ver 2018-
intel18.0compilerallbwForCluster NEMO--
intel19.0compilerallbwForCluster BinACIntel(R) compiler suite (icc, icpc, ifort), debugger (gdb), IPP and TBB ver 2019-
intel19.0compilerallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2Intel(R) compiler suite (icc, icpc, ifort), debugger (gdb-ia), IPP and TBB ver
intel19.0compilerallbwForCluster NEMO--
intel19.1.2compilerallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2Intel(R) compiler suite (icc, icpc, ifort), debugger (gdb-ia), IPP and TBB ver
intel19.1compilerallbwForCluster BinACIntel(R) compiler suite (icc, icpc, ifort), debugger (gdb), IPP and TBB ver 2020-
intel19.1compilerallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2Intel(R) compiler suite (icc, icpc, ifort), debugger (gdb-ia), IPP and TBB ver
intel2021.3compilerallbwForCluster NEMO--
intel2021.4.0_llvmcompilerallbwUniCluster 2.0Sets up Intel oneAPI C/C++ and Fortran compiler version 2021.4.0-
intel2021.4.0compilerallbwUniCluster 2.0Sets up Intel C/C++ and Fortran compiler Classic version (2021.4.0) - supported by SCC till 2022-12-31!-
intel2022.0compilerallbwForCluster NEMO--
intel2022.2.1_llvmcompilerallbwUniCluster 2.0Sets up Intel oneAPI C/C++ and Fortran compiler version 2022.2.1-
intel2022.2.1compilerallbwUniCluster 2.0Sets up Intel C/C++ and Fortran compiler Classic version (2022.2.1) - supported by SCC till 2022-12-31!-
intel2022.2compilerallbwForCluster HelixIntel oneAPI 64-bit compiler(s) 2022.2-
intel2023.1.0_llvmcompilerallbwUniCluster 2.0Sets up Intel oneAPI C/C++ and Fortran compiler version 2023.1.0-
intel2023.1.0compilerallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2Intel(R) compiler suite (icc, icpc, ifort) version 2023.1.0 and debugger (gdb-oneapi) version 2023.1.0-
intel2023.1.0compilerallbwUniCluster 2.0Sets up Intel C/C++ and Fortran compiler Classic version (2023.1.0) - supported by SCC till 2022-12-31!-
intel2024.0_llvmcompilerallbwUniCluster 2.0Sets up Intel oneAPI C/C++ and Fortran compiler version 2024.0-
intel2024.2.0compilerallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2Intel(R) compiler suite (icx, icpx, ifx, ifort) version 2024.2.0 and debugger (gdb-oneapi) version 2024.2.0-
ipp2021.12.0liballbwForCluster JUSTUS 2Intel(R) oneAPI Integrated Performance Primitives IPP Library version 2021.12.0-
ipp2021.8.0liballbwForCluster JUSTUS 2Intel(R) oneAPI Integrated Performance Primitives IPP Library version 2021.8.0-
iqtree2.3.6bioallbwForCluster BinACIQ-TREE software for efficient phylogenomic software by maximum likelihood-
itac2018develallbwForCluster NEMO--
itac2020.2develallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2Intel(R) Trace Analyser and Collector (traceanalyzer, xstftool, stftool, ...) version 2020.2.031-
itac2021.4.0develallbwUniCluster 2.0Sets up Intel Trace Analyzer and Collector version 2021.4.0 in your environment-
itac2021.9.0develallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2Intel(R) Trace Analyser and Collector (traceanalyzer, xstftool, stftool, ...) version 2021.9.0-
jags4.3.1mathallbwForCluster HelixJAGS is Just Another Gibbs Sampler. It is a program for the statistical analysis of Bayesian hierarchical models by Markov Chain Monte Carlo.-
java_jdk10.0.1develallbwForCluster BinACJava JDK - Version 10.0.1-
java_jdk11.0.4develallbwForCluster BinACJava JDK - Version 11.0.4-
java_jdk1.18develallbwForCluster HelixJDK
java_jdk17.0.8develallbwForCluster BinACJava JDK - Version 17.0.8-
java_jdk1.7.0u79develallbwForCluster BinACJava JDK - Version 1.7.0u79-
java_jdk8u172develallbwForCluster BinACJava JDK - Version 8u172-
jmodeltest2.1.10bioallbwForCluster BinACjModelTest is a tool to carry out statistical selection of best-fit models of nucleotide substitution.-
jmol14.31.3chemallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2--
julia1.10.0mathallbwUniCluster 2.0The Julia programming language for numerical computing-
julia1.3.1mathallbwUniCluster 2.0The Julia programming language for numerical computing-
julia1.4.2mathallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2The Julia programming language for numerical computing, version 1.4.2-
julia1.6.3mathallbwUniCluster 2.0The Julia programming language for numerical computing-
julia1.7.2mathallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2The Julia programming language for numerical computing, version 1.7.2-
julia1.8.0mathallbwForCluster HelixThe Julia programming language for numerical computing-
julia1.9.0mathallbwForCluster HelixThe Julia programming language for numerical computing-
julia1.9.0mathallbwUniCluster 2.0The Julia programming language for numerical computing-
jupyterlab7.2.1develallbwForCluster BinACJupyterLab is a web-based interactive development environment for notebooks, code, and data-
kallisto0.50.1bioallbwForCluster BinACThis module provides kallisto, a software for quantifying abundances of transcripts from bulk and single-cell RNA-Seq data, or more generally of target sequences using high-throughput sequencing reads.-
keras2.1.0-tensorflow-1.4-python-3.5csallbwForCluster BinACKeras is a high-level neural networks API running on top of either TensorFlow or Theano. By default TensorFlow is used as backened. Version 2.1.0-
kilosort2mathallbwForCluster NEMO--
kraken22.1.2bioallbwForCluster BinACKraken2 is a taxonomic sequence classifier that assigns taxonomic labels to DNA sequences.-
lammps29Sep2021_u2chemallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2--
lammps2Aug2023chemallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2--
lammpsstable_3Mar2020chemallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2--
lcmlkin20190717bioallbwForCluster BinACMaximum Likelihood Estimation of Relatedness. Command-
libxc5.1.4-intel-19.1.2liballbwForCluster JUSTUS 2Libxc - a library of exchange-correlation functionals for density-functional theory, version 5.1.4-intel-19.1.2 with compiler dependency on version compiler/intel/19.1.2-
libxc5.1.4-intel-19.1liballbwForCluster JUSTUS 2Libxc - a library of exchange-correlation functionals for density-functional theory, version 5.1.4-intel-19.1 with compiler dependency on version compiler/intel/19.1-
libxc5.1.4liballbwForCluster JUSTUS 2Libxc - a library of exchange-correlation functionals for density-functional theory, version 5.1.4 with compiler dependency on version compiler/gnu/system-
libxc5.1.7-intel-19.1.2liballbwForCluster JUSTUS 2Libxc - a library of exchange-correlation functionals for density-functional theory, version 5.1.7-intel-19.1.2 with compiler dependency on version compiler/intel/19.1.2-
libxc5.1.7-intel-19.1liballbwForCluster JUSTUS 2Libxc - a library of exchange-correlation functionals for density-functional theory, version 5.1.7-intel-19.1 with compiler dependency on version compiler/intel/19.1-
libxc5.1.7liballbwForCluster JUSTUS 2Libxc - a library of exchange-correlation functionals for density-functional theory, version 5.1.7 with compiler dependency on version compiler/gnu/system-
libxc5.2.3_intel-19.1.2liballbwForCluster JUSTUS 2Libxc - a library of exchange-correlation functionals for density-functional theory, version 5.2.3 with compiler dependency on version compiler/intel/19.1.2-
libxc6.0.0_intel-19.1.2liballbwForCluster JUSTUS 2Libxc - a library of exchange-correlation functionals for density-functional theory, version 6.0.0 with compiler dependency on version compiler/intel/19.1.2-
libxc6.1.0_intel-19.1.2liballbwForCluster JUSTUS 2Libxc - a library of exchange-correlation functionals for density-functional theory, version 6.1.0 with compiler dependency on version compiler/intel/19.1.2-
libxc6.2.2_intel-2023.1.0liballbwForCluster JUSTUS 2Libxc - a library of exchange-correlation functionals for density-functional theory, version 6.2.2 with compiler dependency on version compiler/intel/19.1.2-
llvm17.0compilerallbwUniCluster 2.0LLVM compiler suite version 17.0.2 (clang, flang, lld, lldb and Clang extra tools)-
llvm18.1compilerallbwUniCluster 2.0LLVM compiler suite version 18.1.1 (clang, flang, lld, lldb and Clang extra tools)-
macs2.1.1-python-2.7.12bioallbwForCluster BinACModel Based Analysis for ChIP-Seq data-
mafft7.526bioallbwForCluster BinACMultiple sequence alignment program-
mathematica11.1.1mathU_FreiburgbwForCluster NEMO--
mathematica12.1mathKITbwUniCluster 2.0MATHEMATICA version 12.1, Numerical Math package.-
mathematica12.2mathKITbwUniCluster 2.0MATHEMATICA version 12.2, Numerical Math package.-
mathematica13.0mathKITbwUniCluster 2.0MATHEMATICA version 13.0, Numerical Math package.-
mathematica13.3mathKITbwUniCluster 2.0MATHEMATICA version 13.3, Numerical Math package.-
mathematica14.0mathKITbwUniCluster 2.0MATHEMATICA version 14.0, Numerical Math package.-
matlabR2017bmathallbwForCluster NEMO--
matlabR2019bmathallbwForCluster NEMO--
matlabR2020amathallbwForCluster BinACMatlab version R2020a.-
matlabR2020amathallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2MATLAB version R2020a, Numerical Math package-
matlabR2020amathallbwUniCluster 2.0MATLAB version R2020a, Numerical Math package.-
matlabR2020bmathallbwUniCluster 2.0MATLAB version R2020b, Numerical Math package.-
matlabR2021amathallbwForCluster BinACMatlab version R2021a.-
matlabR2021amathallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2MATLAB version R2021a, Numerical Math package-
matlabR2021amathallbwUniCluster 2.0MATLAB version R2021a, Numerical Math package.-
matlabR2022amathallbwForCluster BinACMatlab version R2022a.-
matlabR2022amathallbwForCluster Helix--
matlabR2022amathallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2MATLAB version R2022a, Numerical Math package-
matlabR2022amathallbwForCluster NEMO--
matlabR2023amathallbwForCluster BinACMatlab version R2023a.-
matlabR2023amathallbwForCluster Helix--
matlabR2023amathallbwUniCluster 2.0MATLAB version R2023a, Numerical Math package.-
matlabR2023bmathallbwUniCluster 2.0MATLAB version R2023b, Numerical Math package.-
matlabR2024amathallbwUniCluster 2.0MATLAB version R2024a, Numerical Math package.-
matlabR2024bmathallbwUniCluster 2.0MATLAB version R2024b, Numerical Math package.-
megan6.19.9bioallbwForCluster BinACMegan Community Edition is a powerful interactive microbiome analysis tool.-
megan6.24.22bioallbwForCluster BinACMegan Community Edition is a powerful interactive microbiome analysis tool.-
miniconda23.9.0-py3.9.15-bwHPC-channeldevelallbwUniCluster 2.0Miniconda 23.9.0-py3.9.15-hpc is a small, bootstrap version of Anaconda that includes only conda, Python, the packages they depend on, and a small number of other useful packages.-
miniconda23.9.0-py3.9.15develallbwUniCluster 2.0Miniconda 23.9.0-py3.9.15 is a small, bootstrap version of Anaconda that includes only conda, Python, the packages they depend on, and a small number of other useful packages.-
miniconda3develallbwForCluster HelixMiniconda version 3-py39-23.10.0-
miniconda4.9.2develallbwUniCluster 2.0--
minimap22.28bioallbwForCluster BinAC--
mkl2017numliballbwForCluster BinACIntel(R) Math Kernel Library MKL (BLAS, LAPACK, FFTW, ...) version 2017.8.262-
mkl2018.3numliballbwForCluster NEMO--
mkl2018numliballbwForCluster BinACIntel(R) Math Kernel Library MKL (BLAS, LAPACK, FFTW, ...) version 2018-
mkl2019.5numliballbwForCluster NEMO--
mkl2019numliballbwForCluster BinACIntel(R) Math Kernel Library MKL (BLAS, LAPACK, FFTW, ...) version 2019-
mkl2019numliballbwForCluster JUSTUS 2Intel(R) Math Kernel Library MKL (BLAS, LAPACK, FFTW, ...) version 2019.5.281-
mkl2020.2numliballbwForCluster JUSTUS 2Intel(R) Math Kernel Library MKL (BLAS, LAPACK, FFTW, ...) version 2020.2.254-
mkl2020numliballbwForCluster BinACIntel(R) Math Kernel Library MKL (BLAS, LAPACK, FFTW, ...) version 2020-
mkl2020numliballbwForCluster JUSTUS 2Intel(R) Math Kernel Library MKL (BLAS, LAPACK, FFTW, ...) version 2020.1.217-
mkl2021.3numliballbwForCluster NEMO--
mkl2021.4.0numliballbwUniCluster 2.0Sets up Intel oneAPI Math Kernel Library (oneMKL) IA-64 architecture version 2021.4.0-
mkl2022.0numliballbwForCluster NEMO--
mkl2022.2.1numliballbwUniCluster 2.0Sets up Intel oneAPI Math Kernel Library (oneMKL) IA-64 architecture version 2022.2.1-
mkl2022.2numliballbwForCluster HelixIntel oneAPI Math Kernel Library (oneMKL) 2022.2-
mkl2023.1.0numliballbwForCluster JUSTUS 2Intel(R) Math Kernel Library MKL (BLAS, LAPACK, FFTW, ...) version 2023.1.0-
mkl2024.2.0numliballbwForCluster JUSTUS 2Intel(R) Math Kernel Library MKL (BLAS, LAPACK, FFTW, ...) version 2024.2.0-
moab9.1.3systemallbwForCluster BinACMoab Scheduler (9.1.3)-
modulesdeprecatedsystemallbwForCluster NEMO--
moduleseasybuild-hmnssystemallbwForCluster NEMO--
moduleseasybuildsystemallbwForCluster NEMO--
modulesobsolete.helpsystemallbwForCluster NEMO--
modulestestingsystemallbwForCluster NEMO--
molcas8.4chemallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2--
molden5.9chemallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2--
molden6.5chemallbwUniCluster 2.0MOLDEN (Version 6.5) is a package for displaying Molecular Densities and Molecular Coordinates-
molden7.3chemallbwUniCluster 2.0MOLDEN (Version 7.3) is a package for displaying Molecular Densities and Molecular Coordinates-
molpro2019.2.3chemallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2--
molpro2020.1chemallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2--
molpro2021.3chemallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2--
molpro2022.1.2chemallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2--
molpro2023.2.0chemallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2--
molpro2024.1.0chemallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2--
mopac2016chemallbwForCluster BinACMOPAC2016 is a semiempirical quantum chemistry software package-
mothur1.42.1bioallbwForCluster BinACA single resource to analyze molecular data that is used by microbial ecologists.-
mothur1.44.2bioallbwForCluster BinACA single resource to analyze molecular data that is used by microbial ecologists.-
mothur1.48.0bioallbwForCluster BinACA single resource to analyze molecular data that is used by microbial ecologists.-
motioncor21.5.0bioallbwForCluster HelixA software tool for anisotropic correction of beam-induced motion, motioncor2 $version-
mrbayes3.2.7bioallbwForCluster BinACMrBayes 3.2.7 is a program for Bayesian inference and model choice across a wide range of phylogenetic and evolutionary models.-
namd2.14chemallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2The molecular dynamics code NAMD, version 2.14 with compiler dependency on version intel/19.1 and MPI dependency on version impi/2019.7-
nbo6.0.18_i4chemallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2Natural Band Orbitals (NBO) analysis package (commands gennbo, gaunbo6 and application interfaces) version 6.0.18_i4-
nbo6.0.18_i8chemallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2Natural Band Orbitals (NBO) analysis package (commands gennbo, gaunbo6 and application interfaces) version 6.0.18_i8-
nemolatesttoolsallbwForCluster NEMO--
nest2.14.0-python-2.7.14neuroallbwForCluster NEMO--
nest2.16.0neuroallbwForCluster NEMO--
nest2.18.0bioallbwUniCluster 2.0--
nest2.18.0neuroallbwForCluster NEMO--
nest2.20.1bioallbwUniCluster 2.0--
nest2.20.2neuroallbwForCluster NEMO--
nest3.1neuroallbwForCluster NEMO--
netcdf4.4.1.1-openmpi-1.10-gnu-4.8liballbwForCluster NEMO--
netcdf4.7.3-openmpi-4.0-gnu-4.8liballbwForCluster BinACNetCDF (Network Common Data Form).-
netcdf4.7.4-gnu-8.3liballbwUniCluster 2.0NETCDF library and tools version 4.7.4-gnu-8.3-
netcdf4.9.0-gnu-12.1-openmpi-4.1liballbwUniCluster 2.0netcdf-c library version 4.9.0 for GNU compiler with OpenMPI, netcdf-cxx4 version 4.3.1 and netcdf-fortran version 4.5.4-
netcdf4.9.0-intel-2021.4-impi-2021.4liballbwUniCluster 2.0netcdf-c library version 4.9.0 for Intel compiler with Intel MPI, netcdf-cxx4 version 4.3.1 and netcdf-fortran version 4.5.4-
neuron7.4-python-2.7.12-gnu-4.8neuroallbwForCluster NEMO--
nextgenmap0.5.5bioallbwForCluster BinACNextGenMap is a flexible highly sensitive short read mapping tool-
ngsrelate2bioallbwForCluster BinAC--
novoplasty4.3.1bioallbwForCluster BinACNOVOPlasty - The organelle assembler and heteroplasmy caller-
numpy1.13.3-python-3.5.1numliballbwForCluster BinACNumPy is the fundamental package for scientific computing with Python (version 1.13.3)-
numpy1.14.5-python-3.7.1numliballbwForCluster BinACNumPy is the fundamental package for scientific computing with Python (version 1.14.5)-
ocean2.9.7chemallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2--
octave9.1.0mathallbwForCluster HelixGnu Octave, version 9.1.0-
oneapi2023.1.0develallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2Separate standalone access to all Intel(R) oneAPI modules version 2023.1.0-
oneapi2024.2.0develallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2Separate standalone access to all Intel(R) oneAPI modules version 2024.2.0-
openbabel3.1.1chemallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2A converter between different file formats for 3D molecular structures.-
openblas0.2.18-gnu-4.9numliballbwForCluster BinACOpenBlas libraries 0.2.18-gnu-4.9 for gnu/4.9.-
openblas0.2.18-gnu-5.2numliballbwForCluster BinACOpenBlas libraries 0.2.18-gnu-5.2 for gnu/5.2.-
openblas0.2.18-gnu-6.1numliballbwForCluster BinACOpenBlas libraries 0.2.18-gnu-6.1 for gnu/6.1.-
openblas0.3.23-gnu-12.2numliballbwForCluster BinACOpenBlas libraries 0.3.23-gnu-12.2 for gnu/12.2.-
openblas0.3.23-gnu-8.3numliballbwForCluster BinACOpenBlas libraries 0.3.23-gnu-8.3 for gnu/8.3.-
openblas0.3.23-gnu-9.2numliballbwForCluster BinACOpenBlas libraries 0.3.23-gnu-9.2 for gnu/9.2.-
openblas0.3.26-gnu-11.3numliballbwForCluster HelixOpenBLAS 0.3.26 build with GCC 11.3-
openblas0.3.28-gnu-10.5numliballbwForCluster BinACOpenBlas libraries 0.3.28-gnu-10.5 for gnu/10.5.-
openblas0.3.28-gnu-11.4numliballbwForCluster BinACOpenBlas libraries 0.3.28-gnu-11.4 for gnu/11.4.-
openblas0.3.28-gnu-11.5numliballbwForCluster BinACOpenBlas libraries 0.3.28-gnu-11.5 for gnu/11.5.-
openblas0.3.28-gnu-14.2numliballbwForCluster BinACOpenBlas libraries 0.3.28-gnu-14.2 for gnu/14.2.-
openblas0.3.6-gnu-7.4numliballbwForCluster BinACOpenBlas libraries 0.3.6-gnu-7.4 for gnu/7.4.-
openblas0.3.6-gnu-8.3numliballbwForCluster BinACOpenBlas libraries 0.3.6-gnu-8.3 for gnu/8.3.-
openblas0.3.6-gnu-9.2numliballbwForCluster BinACOpenBlas libraries 0.3.6-gnu-9.2 for gnu/9.2.-
openfoam10caeallbwUniCluster 2.0Open Source CFD Toolbox OpenFOAM version 10-
openfoam11caeallbwUniCluster 2.0Open Source CFD Toolbox OpenFOAM version 11-
openfoam4.1-extendcaeallbwUniCluster 2.0Open Source CFD Toolbox OpenFOAM fork extend version 4.1-
openfoam5.xcaeallbwUniCluster 2.0Open Source CFD Toolbox OpenFOAM version 5.x-
openfoam6caeallbwUniCluster 2.0Open Source CFD Toolbox OpenFOAM version 6-
openfoam7caeallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2Open Source CFD Toolbox OpenFOAM version 7-
openfoam7caeallbwForCluster NEMO--
openfoam7caeallbwUniCluster 2.0Open Source CFD Toolbox OpenFOAM version 7-
openfoam8caeallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2Open Source CFD Toolbox OpenFOAM version 8-
openfoam8caeallbwUniCluster 2.0Open Source CFD Toolbox OpenFOAM version 8-
openfoam9caeallbwUniCluster 2.0Open Source CFD Toolbox OpenFOAM version 9-
openfoamv1812caeallbwForCluster NEMO--
openfoamv1812caeallbwUniCluster 2.0Open Source CFD Toolbox OpenFOAM version v1812-
openfoamv2006caeallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2Open Source CFD Toolbox OpenFOAM version v2006-
openfoamv2006caeallbwUniCluster 2.0Open Source CFD Toolbox OpenFOAM version v2006-
openfoamv2012-ProfcaeallbwUniCluster 2.0Open Source CFD Toolbox Profiling OpenFOAM version v2012-
openfoamv2012caeallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2Open Source CFD Toolbox OpenFOAM version v2012-
openfoamv2012caeallbwUniCluster 2.0Open Source CFD Toolbox OpenFOAM version v2012-
openfoamv2112caeallbwUniCluster 2.0Open Source CFD Toolbox OpenFOAM version v2112-
openfoamv2206caeallbwUniCluster 2.0Open Source CFD Toolbox OpenFOAM version v2206-
openfoamv2212caeallbwForCluster BinACOpen Source CFD Toolbox OpenFOAM version v2212 (OpenFoam Ltd. / ESI Group Fork)-
openfoamv2212caeallbwUniCluster 2.0Open Source CFD Toolbox OpenFOAM version v2212-
openfoamv2306caeallbwUniCluster 2.0Open Source CFD Toolbox OpenFOAM version v2306-
openfoamv2312caeallbwUniCluster 2.0Open Source CFD Toolbox OpenFOAM version v2312-
openfoamv2406caeallbwUniCluster 2.0Open Source CFD Toolbox OpenFOAM version v2406-
openmm7.5.0-cuda-10.1-gnu-8.3chemallbwForCluster BinACA high performance toolkit for molecular simulation. Version-
openmolcas19.11chemallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2--
openmolcas21.06chemallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2--
openmolcas21.10chemallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2--
openmolcas22.02chemallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2--
openmolcas22.06chemallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2--
openmolcas22.10chemallbwForCluster HelixOpenMolcas is a quantum chemistry software package to allow an accurate treatment of very general electronic structure problems for molecular systems in both ground and excited states.-
openmolcas23.06chemallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2--
openmolcas24.02chemallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2--
openmpi1.10-gnu-4.9mpiallbwForCluster BinACOpenMPI bindings (mpicc mpicxx mpifort) version 1.10.3-gnu-4.9 for gnu/4.9-
openmpi1.10-gnu-5.2mpiallbwForCluster BinACOpenMPI bindings (mpicc mpicxx mpifort) version 1.10.3-gnu-5.2 for gnu/5.2-
openmpi1.10-gnu-6.1mpiallbwForCluster BinACOpenMPI bindings (mpicc mpicxx mpifort) version 1.10.3-gnu-6.1 for gnu/6.1-
openmpi2.1mpiallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2OpenMPI bindings (mpicc mpicxx mpifort) version 2.1.6-intel-19.1.2 for intel/19.1.2compiler/intel/19.1.2
openmpi3.1-gnu-7.4mpiallbwForCluster BinACOpenMPI bindings (mpicc mpicxx mpifort) version 3.1.6-gnu-7.4 for gnu/7.4-
openmpi3.1-gnu-8.2mpiallbwForCluster NEMO--
openmpi3.1-gnu-8.3mpiallbwForCluster BinACOpenMPI bindings (mpicc mpicxx mpifort) version 3.1.6-gnu-8.3 for gnu/8.3-
openmpi3.1-gnu-9.2mpiallbwForCluster BinACOpenMPI bindings (mpicc mpicxx mpifort) version 3.1.6-gnu-9.2 for gnu/9.2-
openmpi3.1-intel-18.0mpiallbwForCluster NEMO--
openmpi3.1-pgi-19.10mpiallbwForCluster BinACOpenMPI bindings (mpicc mpicxx mpifort) version 3.1.6-pgi-19.10 for pgi/19.10-
openmpi4.0-gnu-4.8mpiallbwForCluster BinACOpenMPI bindings (mpicc mpicxx mpifort) version 4.0.6-gnu-4.8 for gnu/4.8-
openmpi4.0-gnu-8.2-cuda-10.1mpiallbwForCluster NEMO--
openmpi4.0-gnu-9.2mpiallbwForCluster NEMO--
openmpi4.0-intel-19.0mpiallbwForCluster NEMO--
openmpi4.0mpiallbwForCluster HelixOpenMPI bindings (mpicc mpicxx mpifort) version 4.0.5-gnu-8.5 for gnu/8.5compiler/gnu/8.5
openmpi4.0mpiallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2OpenMPI bindings (mpicc mpicxx mpifort) version 4.0.compiler/gnu/.10.1.0
openmpi4.0mpiallbwUniCluster 2.0OpenMPI bindings (mpicc mpicxx mpifort) version 4.0.5-compiler/clang/.8.0
openmpi4.1-gnu-12.2-cuda-11.4mpiallbwForCluster BinACOpenMPI bindings (mpicc mpicxx mpifort) version 4.1.6-gnu-12.2-cuda-11.4 for gnu/12.2-
openmpi4.1-gnu-12.2mpiallbwForCluster BinACOpenMPI bindings (mpicc mpicxx mpifort) version 4.1.5-gnu-12.2 for gnu/12.2-
openmpi4.1-gnu-7.4-cuda-11.4mpiallbwForCluster BinACOpenMPI bindings (mpicc mpicxx mpifort) version 4.1.1-gnu-7.4-cuda-11.4 for gnu/7.4-
openmpi4.1-gnu-7.4mpiallbwForCluster BinACOpenMPI bindings (mpicc mpicxx mpifort) version 4.1.1-gnu-7.4 for gnu/7.4-
openmpi4.1-gnu-8.3-cuda-11.4mpiallbwForCluster BinACOpenMPI bindings (mpicc mpicxx mpifort) version 4.1.1-gnu-8.3-cuda-11.4 for gnu/8.3-
openmpi4.1-gnu-8.3mpiallbwForCluster BinACOpenMPI bindings (mpicc mpicxx mpifort) version 4.1.1-gnu-8.3 for gnu/8.3-
openmpi4.1-gnu-9.2-cuda-11.4mpiallbwForCluster BinACOpenMPI bindings (mpicc mpicxx mpifort) version 4.1.1-gnu-9.2-cuda-11.4 for gnu/9.2-
openmpi4.1-gnu-9.2mpiallbwForCluster BinACOpenMPI bindings (mpicc mpicxx mpifort) version 4.1.1-gnu-9.2 for gnu/9.2-
openmpi4.1-gnu-9.2mpiallbwForCluster NEMO--
openmpi4.1mpiallbwForCluster HelixOpenMPI bindings (mpicc mpicxx mpifort) version 4.1.4-compiler/gnu/.11.3.0
openmpi4.1mpiallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2OpenMPI bindings (mpicc mpicxx mpifort) version 4.1.compiler/gnu/.10.1.0
openmpi4.1mpiallbwUniCluster 2.0OpenMPI bindings (mpicc mpicxx mpifort) version 4.1.compiler/clang/.9.0
openmpi5.0-gnu-10.5-cuda-11.4mpiallbwForCluster BinACOpenMPI bindings (mpicc mpicxx mpifort) version 5.0.5-gnu-10.5-cuda-11.4 for gnu/10.5-
openmpi5.0-gnu-11.4-cuda-11.4mpiallbwForCluster BinACOpenMPI bindings (mpicc mpicxx mpifort) version 5.0.5-gnu-11.4-cuda-11.4 for gnu/11.4-
openmpi5.0-gnu-11.5-cuda-11.4mpiallbwForCluster BinACOpenMPI bindings (mpicc mpicxx mpifort) version 5.0.5-gnu-11.5-cuda-11.4 for gnu/11.5-
openmpi5.0-gnu-12.2-cuda-11.4mpiallbwForCluster BinACOpenMPI bindings (mpicc mpicxx mpifort) version 5.0.5-gnu-12.2-cuda-11.4 for gnu/12.2-
openmpi5.0-gnu-14.2-cuda-11.4mpiallbwForCluster BinACOpenMPI bindings (mpicc mpicxx mpifort) version 5.0.5-gnu-14.2-cuda-11.4 for gnu/14.2-
openmpi5.0mpiallbwUniCluster 2.0OpenMPI bindings (mpicc mpicxx mpifort) version 5.0.3-compiler/gnu/.13.2
openmpidefaultmpiallbwUniCluster 2.0OpenMPI bindings (mpicc mpicxx mpifort) version 4.0.5-clang-9.0 for clang/9.0compiler/clang/.9.0
orca4.2.1chemallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2Quantum chemistry package ORCA. Libfabric and Hwloc Version 4.2.1. Command-
orca4.2.1-xtb-6.3.3chemallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2Quantum chemistry package ORCA Version 4.2.1-xtb with the interface to XTB Version 6.3.3. Command-
orca5.0.1chemallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2Quantum chemistry package ORCA of version 5.0.1-
orca5.0.1-xtb-6.4.1chemallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2Quantum chemistry package ORCA of version 5.0.1-
orca5.0.2chemallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2Quantum chemistry package ORCA of version 5.0.2-
orca5.0.3chemallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2Quantum chemistry package ORCA of version 5.0.3-
orca5.0.3-xtb-6.5.1chemallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2Quantum chemistry package ORCA of version 5.0.3-
orca5.0.4chemallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2Quantum chemistry package ORCA of version 5.0.4-
orca5.0.4_xtb-6.6.0chemallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2Quantum chemistry package ORCA of version 5.0.4-
orca6.0.0chemallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2Quantum chemistry package ORCA of version 6.0.0-
pahole1.26develallbwUniCluster 2.0Dwarves 1.26 tools including pahole-
parallel20200522systemallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2GNU parallel is a shell tool for executing jobs in parallel, version 20200522-
paraview5.11.2caeallbwUniCluster 2.0Open Source Software ParaView version5.11.2-
paraview5.11caeallbwUniCluster 2.0Open Source Software ParaView version5.11.0-
paraview5.12caeallbwUniCluster 2.0Open Source Software ParaView version5.12.1-
paraview5.8.1visallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2Open Source Software ParaView version5.8.1-
paraview5.8caeallbwUniCluster 2.0Open Source Software ParaView version5.8.1-
paraview5.9.1visallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2Open Source Software ParaView version 5.9.1-
paraview5.9caeallbwUniCluster 2.0Open Source Software ParaView version5.9.1-
parbatch1.0systemallbwUniCluster 2.0parbatch (Version 1.0) is mpirun based wrapper to work off parallel many small sequential jobs in one master job-
perf6.3.2develallbwUniCluster 2.0Sets up perf version 6.3.2 in your environment-
perl5.24develallbwForCluster BinACPractical Extraction and Report Language (PERL)-
perl5.26develallbwForCluster BinACPractical Extraction and Report Language (PERL).-
petsc3.13.4-gnu-10.2-openmpi-4.1numliballbwUniCluster 2.0PETSc - Portable, Extensible Toolkit for Scientific Computation, version 3.13.4 with compiler dependency on version compiler/gnu/10.2 and mpi dependency on version openmpi/4.1-
petsc3.17.2-gnu-10.2-openmpi-4.1numliballbwUniCluster 2.0PETSc - Portable, Extensible Toolkit for Scientific Computation, version 3.17.2 with compiler dependency on version compiler/gnu/10.2 and mpi dependency on version openmpi/4.1-
petsc3.18-gnu-9.2-openmpi-4.1-cuda-11.4numliballbwForCluster BinACPetSc 3.18.4-
pgi18.10_staticcompilerallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2PGI compiler (pgcc, pgc++, pgf90 - only static libs), debugger (pgdbg) ver 18.10-
pgi18.10compilerallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2PGI compiler (pgcc, pgc++, pgf90 - with shared libs), debugger (pgdbg) ver 18.10-
pgi19.10compilerallbwForCluster BinACChanges the PGI home directory to linux86-64 19.10-
pgi2020compilerallbwUniCluster 2.0Changes the PGI home directory to Linux_x86_64 2020-
picardtools2.20.4bioallbwForCluster BinACA set of command line tools for manipulating high-throughput sequencing (HTS) data and formats such as SAM/BAM/CRAM and VCF. Command-
pigz2.7systemallbwForCluster BinACA parallel implementation of gzip for modern multi-processor, multi-core machines.-
plumed2.7.1chemallbwUniCluster 2.0Plumed is a plugin that works with a large number of molecular dynamics codes-
plumed2.9.0_intel-2023.1.0chemallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2--
plumed2.9.0chemallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2--
plumed2.9.1chemallbwUniCluster 2.0Plumed is a plugin that works with a large number of molecular dynamics codes-
povray3.7visallbwUniCluster 2.0POVray visualization and analysis tool-
preseq2.0.0bioallbwForCluster BinACA aimed at predicting and estimating the complexity of a genomic sequencing library, Command-
python_matplotlib3.2.2_numpy-1.19.0_python-3.8.3liballbwForCluster JUSTUS 2Matplotlib (version 3.2.2) is a Python 2D plotting library which produces publication quality figures.-
python_numpy1.19.0_python-3.8.3numliballbwForCluster JUSTUS 2NumPy is the fundamental package for scientific computing in Python, (version 1.19.0_python-3.8.3)-
python_numpy1.19.1_python_3.8.6_gnu_10.2numliballbwUniCluster 2.0--
python_numpy1.19.1_python_3.8.6_intel_19.1numliballbwUniCluster 2.0--
python_numpy1.23.4_python-3.11.1numliballbwForCluster JUSTUS 2NumPy is the fundamental package for scientific computing in Python, (version 1.23.4_python-3.11.1)-
python_numpy1.23.5_python-3.11.1numliballbwForCluster JUSTUS 2NumPy is the fundamental package for scientific computing in Python, (version 1.23.5_python-3.11.1)-
python_numpy1.24.2_python-3.11.1numliballbwForCluster JUSTUS 2NumPy is the fundamental package for scientific computing in Python, (version 1.24.2_python-3.11.1)-
python_numpy1.25.2_python-3.11.4numliballbwForCluster JUSTUS 2NumPy is the fundamental package for scientific computing in Python, (version 1.25.2_python-3.11.4)-
python_scipy1.5.0_numpy-1.19.0_python-3.8.3numliballbwForCluster JUSTUS 2SciPy provides many user-friendly and efficient numerical routines for numerical integration and optimization, (version 1.5.0_numpy-1.19.0_python-3.8.3)-
python_scipy1.5.2_numpy_1.19.1_python_3.8.6_gnu_10.2numliballbwUniCluster 2.0--
python_scipy1.5.2_numpy_1.19.1_python_3.8.6_intel_19.1numliballbwUniCluster 2.0--
python2.7.12develallbwForCluster BinACpython 2.7.12-
python2.7.16develallbwForCluster NEMO--
python3.10.0_gnu_11.1develallbwUniCluster 2.0--
python3.10.0_intel_19.1develallbwUniCluster 2.0--
python3.10.5_gnu_12.1develallbwUniCluster 2.0--
python3.10.5_intel_2021.4.0develallbwUniCluster 2.0--
python3.11.1develallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2--
python3.11.4develallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2--
python3.11.7_intel_2021.4.0develallbwUniCluster 2.0--
python3.12.3_gnu_13.3develallbwUniCluster 2.0--
python3.12.3_intel_2023.1.0develallbwUniCluster 2.0--
python3.5.1develallbwForCluster BinAC--
python3.6.9develallbwForCluster NEMO--
python3.7.10develallbwForCluster NEMO--
python3.7.1develallbwForCluster BinAC--
python3.7develallbwForCluster BinAC--
python3.8.3develallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2python 3.8.3-
python3.8.6_gnu_10.2develallbwUniCluster 2.0--
python3.8.6_intel_19.1develallbwUniCluster 2.0--
python3.9.7develallbwForCluster NEMO--
qiskit1.1.2-py3.9.15develallbwUniCluster 2.0Qiskit 1.1.2-py3.9.15 is an open-source SDK for working with quantum computers at the level of extended quantum circuits, operators, and primitives.-
qt5.12.4develallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2Qt5 cross-platform application development framework version 5.12.4-
qt5.14.2develallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2Qt5 cross-platform application development framework version 5.14.2-
quantum_espresso6.5chemallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2Integrated suite of computer codes for electronic-structure calculations and materials modeling at the nanoscale. Including EPW & GIPAW.-
quantum_espresso6.7_openmp-5chemallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2Integrated suite of computer codes for electronic-structure calculations and materials modeling at the nanoscale. Including EPW & GIPAW.-
quantum_espresso6.7chemallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2Integrated suite of computer codes for electronic-structure calculations and materials modeling at the nanoscale. Including EPW & GIPAW.-
quantum_espresso7.0chemallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2Integrated suite of computer codes for electronic-structure calculations and materials modeling at the nanoscale. Including libxc-5.1.4-
quantum_espresso7.1chemallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2Integrated suite of computer codes for electronic-structure calculations and materials modeling at the nanoscale. Including libxc-5.1.4-
qutip4.6.0-devphysallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2QuTiP (version 4.6.0-dev)-
qutip4.6.1physallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2QuTiP (version 4.6.1)-
rasmol2.7.6chemallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2Description-
raxmlng1.0.1bioallbwForCluster BinACRAxML Next Generation-
raxml8.2.12bioallbwForCluster BinACRAxML, 8.2.12. Randomized Axelerated Maximum Likelihood.-
recorder2.3.3develallbwUniCluster 2.0Set up Darshan version 2.3.3 in your environment-
relion3.0bioallbwForCluster HelixRELION version 3.0-
relion3.1bioallbwForCluster HelixRELION version 3.1-
relion4.0_betabioallbwForCluster HelixRELION version 4.0_beta-
relion4.0bioallbwForCluster HelixRELION version 4.0-
relion5.0_betabioallbwForCluster HelixRELION version 5.0_beta-
reports20.0develallbwUniCluster 2.0loads Performance-report Tool in version 20.0-
rfdiffusion1.1.0bioallbwForCluster HelixRFdiffusion version 1.1.0-
rstudio2022.07.1mathallbwForCluster BinACRStudio is an integrated development environment (IDE) for the R programming language-
rstudio2023.06.1mathallbwForCluster BinACRStudio is an integrated development environment (IDE) for the R programming language-
R3.4.4mathallbwForCluster NEMO--
R3.5.0-mkl-2018mathallbwForCluster BinACThe R environment for statistical computing and graphics, version 3.5.0-
R3.5.2-mkl-2018mathallbwForCluster BinACThe R environment for statistical computing and graphics, version 3.5.2-
R3.6.3mathallbwUniCluster 2.0The R environment for statistical computing and graphics, version 3.6.3-
R4.1.2mathallbwUniCluster 2.0The R environment for statistical computing and graphics, version 4.1.2-
R4.2.1mathallbwForCluster HelixThe R environment for statistical computing and graphics, version 4.2.1-
R4.3.1-mkl-2020-intel-19.1mathallbwForCluster BinACThe R environment for statistical computing and graphics, version 4.3.1-
R4.3.1-openblas-0.3.23-gnu-12.2mathallbwForCluster BinACThe R environment for statistical computing and graphics, version 4.3.1-
R4.3.3-mkl-2022.2.1-gnu-13.3mathallbwUniCluster 2.0The R environment for statistical computing and graphics, version 4.3.3-
R4.3.3mathallbwForCluster HelixThe R environment for statistical computing and graphics, version 4.3.3-
R4.4.1-mkl-2022.2.1-gnu-13.3mathallbwUniCluster 2.0The R environment for statistical computing and graphics, version 4.3.3-
ruby2.7.2develallbwForCluster BinACRub is a dynamic, open source programming language-
samtools1.10bioallbwForCluster BinACSamtools is a suite of programs for interacting with high-throughput sequencing data. Command-
samtools1.14bioallbwForCluster BinACSamtools is a suite of programs for interacting with high-throughput sequencing data. Command-
samtools1.15.1bioallbwForCluster HelixSamtools is a suite of programs for interacting with high-throughput sequencing data, version 1.15.1-
samtools1.15bioallbwForCluster BinACSamtools is a suite of programs for interacting with high-throughput sequencing data. Command-
samtools1.19.2bioallbwForCluster HelixSamtools is a suite of programs for interacting with high-throughput sequencing data, version 1.19.2-
samtools1.3.1bioallbwForCluster BinACSAM (Sequence Alignment/Map) format is a generic format for storing large nucleotide sequence alignments-
samtools1.6bioallbwForCluster BinACSamtools is a suite of programs for interacting with high-throughput sequencing data. Command-
samtools1.9bioallbwForCluster BinACSamtools is a suite of programs for interacting with high-throughput sequencing data. Command-
schrodinger2020-2chemallbwForCluster BinACSets up the environment for Schrodinger Suite_2020-2-
schrodinger2020-2chemallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2Sets up the environment for Schrodinger Suite_2017u3-
schrodinger2021-1chemallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2Sets up the environment for Schrodinger Suite_2017u3-
schrodinger2024-2chemallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2Sets up the environment for Schrodinger Suite_2017u3-
scipy1.0.0-numpy-1.13.3-python-3.5.1numliballbwForCluster BinACprovides many user-friendly and efficient numerical routines for numerical integration and optimization (version 1.0.0)-
scipy1.1.0-numpy-1.14.5-python-3.7.1numliballbwForCluster BinACprovides many user-friendly and efficient numerical routines for numerical integration and optimization (version 1.1.0)-
scorep6.0-gnu-10.2-openmpi-4.0develallbwUniCluster 2.0ScoreP 6.0-gnu-10.2-openmpi-4.0 tracing and performance analysis toolcompiler/gnu/10.2
scorep7.1-gnu-11.2-openmpi-4.1develallbwUniCluster 2.0ScoreP 7.1-gnu-11.2-openmpi-4.1 tracing and performance analysis tool-
scorep7.1-intel-2021.4.0-impi-2021.4.0develallbwUniCluster 2.0ScoreP 7.1-intel-2021.4.0-impi-2021.4.0 tracing and performance analysis tool-
scorep7.1-intel-2021.4.0-openmpi-4.1develallbwUniCluster 2.0ScoreP 7.1-intel-2021.4.0-openmpi-4.1 tracing and performance analysis tool-
scorep7.1-llvm-12.0-openmpi-4.1develallbwUniCluster 2.0ScoreP 7.1-llvm-12.0-openmpi-4.1 tracing and performance analysis tool-
scorep8.4-gnu-11.3-openmpi-4.1develallbwForCluster HelixScoreP 8.4-gnu-11.3-openmpi-4.1 tracing and performance analysis tool-
scotch6.1liballbwUniCluster 2.0SCOTCH library and tools version 6.1compiler/gnu/.10.3
seqtk1.4bioallbwForCluster BinACToolkit for processing sequences in FASTA/Q formats-
shoremap3.6bioallbwForCluster BinACSHOREmap-
sickle1.33bioallbwForCluster BinACWindowed Adaptive Trimming for fastq files using quality. Version-
siesta4.1.5chemallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2SIESTA - Spanish Initiative for Electronic Simulations with Thousands of Atoms, version 4.1.5 with compiler dependency on version intel/19.1 and MPI dependency on version impi/2019.7-
siesta4.1-b4chemallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2SIESTA - Spanish Initiative for Electronic Simulations with Thousands of Atoms, version 4.1-b4 with compiler dependency on version intel/19.1 and MPI dependency on version impi/2019.7-
singularity3.11.3systemallbwForCluster HelixSINGULARITY library and tools version 3.11.3-
singularity3.11toolsallbwForCluster NEMO--
singularity3.9.2systemallbwForCluster HelixSINGULARITY library and tools version 3.9.2-
smalt0.7.6bioallbwForCluster BinACSmalt 0.7.6 Smalt is a program for aligning sequencing reads against a large reference genome (e.g. human genome).-
spaceranger2.0.0bioallbwForCluster BinACSpace Ranger provides pipelines for end to end analysis of Visium Spatial Gene Expression experiments-
spaceranger2.0.0bioallbwForCluster HelixThis module provides the bioinformatics tool SpaceRanger, version 2.0.0-
spades3.15.0bioallbwForCluster BinACSPAdes Genome Assembler Version-
spindle0.13develallbwUniCluster 2.0Set up Spindle version 0.13 in your environment-
sratoolkit2.10.9bioallbwForCluster BinACThe SRA Toolkit and SDK from NCBI is a collection of tools and libraries for using data in the INSDC Sequence Read Archives. Version 2.10.9-
ssh_wrapper0.1systemallbwUniCluster 2.0SSH wrapper (Version 0.1) emulates SSH to allow passwordless remote shell access to different hosts within the given job resources.-
stacks2.64bioallbwForCluster BinACStacks is a software pipeline for building loci from short-read sequences-
starccm+2019.2caeHS_KarlsruhebwUniCluster 2.0STAR-CCM+ 14.04.013-
starccm+2021.1.1caeHS_EsslingenbwUniCluster 2.0STAR-CCM+ 16.02.009-
starccm+2021.1caeHS_KarlsruhebwUniCluster 2.0STAR-CCM+ 16.02.008-
starccm+2021.3caeHS_EsslingenbwUniCluster 2.0STAR-CCM+ 16.06.008-
starccm+2021.3caeHS_HeilbronnbwUniCluster 2.0STAR-CCM+ 16.06.008-
starccm+2021.3caeKITbwUniCluster 2.0StarCCM+ version 2021.3, simulation software-
starccm+2022.1.1caeHS_EsslingenbwUniCluster 2.0STAR-CCM+ 17.02.008-
starccm+2022.1.1caeHS_HeilbronnbwUniCluster 2.0STAR-CCM+ 17.02.008-
starccm+2022.6caeKITbwUniCluster 2.0StarCCM+ version 2022.6, simulation software-
starccm+2210caeHS_EsslingenbwUniCluster 2.0STAR-CCM+ 17.06.008-
starccm+2302caeHS_EsslingenbwUniCluster 2.0STAR-CCM+ 18.02.010-
starccm+2302caeKITbwUniCluster 2.0StarCCM+ version 2302, simulation software-
starccm+2306caeKITbwUniCluster 2.0StarCCM+ version 2306, simulation software-
starccm+2402caeHS_EsslingenbwUniCluster 2.0STAR-CCM+ 19.02.009-
starccm+2402caeKITbwUniCluster 2.0StarCCM+ version 2402, simulation software-
starccm+2406caeKITbwUniCluster 2.0--
starcd2019.1.2caeKITbwUniCluster 2.0StarCD version 2019.1.2, simulation software-
star2.7.5a-gnu-4.9bioallbwForCluster BinACSTAR-
star2.7.5c-gnu-4.9bioallbwForCluster BinACSTAR-
stata14mathU_TuebingenbwUniCluster 2.0Stata version 14.-
stata16mathU_TuebingenbwUniCluster 2.0Stata version 16.-
stata17mathallbwForCluster HelixStata version 17.-
stress-ng0.12.10systemallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2stress-ng 0.12.10 a tool to load and stress a computer system-
stringtie2.2.1bioallbwForCluster BinACStringTie is a fast and highly efficient assembler of RNA-Seq alignments into potential transcripts.-
structure2.3.4bioallbwForCluster BinACSTRUCTURE Command-Line-Version. SW package for using multi-locus genotype data to investigate population structure (command structure PATH_TO_MAINPARAMS-FILE)-
subread2.0.7bioallbwForCluster BinAChigh-performance read alignment, quantification and mutation discovery-
suitesparse5.10.1numliballbwForCluster JUSTUS 2SuiteSparse - a library of sparse matrix algorithms, version 5.10.1 with compiler dependency on version compiler/gnu/system and MKL dependency on version numlib/mkl/2020-
superlu3.1_mtnumliballbwForCluster JUSTUS 2--
swig3.0.12develallbwForCluster BinACSWIG is a software development tool that connects programs written in C and C++ with a variety of high-level programming languages.-
swig4.0.2develallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2SWIG 4.0.2 is a framework for interface generation for C, C++, GO, PHP, RUST-
swig4.1.0develallbwUniCluster 2.0SWIG 4.1.0 is a framework for interface generation for C, C++, GO, PHP, RUST-
tbb2021.13.0liballbwForCluster JUSTUS 2Intel(R) oneAPI Threading Building Blocks Library version 2021.13.0-
tbb2021.4.0develallbwUniCluster 2.0Sets up Intel oneAPI Threading Building Blocks for intel64 version 2021.4.0 in your environment-
tbb2021.7.1develallbwUniCluster 2.0Sets up Intel oneAPI Threading Building Blocks for intel64 version 2021.7.1 in your environment-
tbb2021.9.0liballbwForCluster JUSTUS 2Intel(R) oneAPI Threading Building Blocks Library version 2021.9.0-
tecplot21.1visallbwUniCluster 2.0The Tecplot visualization system, version 21.1-
tensorflow1.4.0-cuda-8.0-cudnn-5.1-python-3.5csallbwForCluster BinACTensorFlow is an open source software library for numerical computation using data flow graphs. Version 1.4.0-
texinfo6.7systemallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2Texinfo package (commands info, makeinfo, texi2dvi, ...) version 6.7-
texlive2023officeallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2The TeX Live 2023 Distribution for typesetting, previewing and printing of TeX documents-
tigervnc1.11.0visallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2TigerVNC, a high-performance, platform-neutral VNC implementation version 1.11.0-
tigervnc1.9.0visallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2TigerVNC, a high-performance, platform-neutral VNC implementation version 1.9.0-
tmolex2022.1chemallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2Quantum chemistry package TmoleX version 2022.1 (the graphical user interface of TURBOMOLE 7.6.1)-
tmolex2022.1chemallbwUniCluster 2.0Quantum chemistry package TmoleX version 2022.1 (the graphical user interface of TURBOMOLE 7.6.1)-
tmolex2023.2chemallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2Quantum chemistry package TmoleX version 2023.2 (the graphical user interface of TURBOMOLE 7.7.1)-
tmolex2023.2chemallbwUniCluster 2.0Quantum chemistry package TmoleX version 2023.2 (the graphical user interface of TURBOMOLE 7.7.1)-
tmolex4.5.2chemallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2Quantum chemistry package TmoleX version 4.5.2 (the graphical user interface of TURBOMOLE 7.4.1)-
tmolex4.5.2chemallbwUniCluster 2.0Quantum chemistry package TmoleX version 4.5.2 (the graphical user interface of TURBOMOLE 7.4.1)-
tmolex4.6chemallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2Quantum chemistry package TmoleX version 4.6 (the graphical user interface of TURBOMOLE 7.5)-
tmolex4.6chemallbwUniCluster 2.0Quantum chemistry package TmoleX version 4.6 (the graphical user interface of TURBOMOLE 7.5)-
topaz0.25bioallbwForCluster HelixTopaz version 0.25-
trimmomatic0.39bioallbwForCluster BinACA fast, multithreaded command line tool that can be used to trim and crop Illumina (FASTQ) data as well as to remove adapters. Command-
trinity2.11.0bioallbwForCluster BinACTrinity RNA-Seq de novo transcriptome assembly. Version-
turbomole7.4.1chemallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2Quantum chemistry package Turbomole version 7.4.1-
turbomole7.4.1chemallbwUniCluster 2.0Quantum chemistry package Turbomole version 7.4.1-
turbomole7.5chemallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2Quantum chemistry package Turbomole version 7.5-
turbomole7.5chemallbwUniCluster 2.0Quantum chemistry package Turbomole version 7.5-
turbomole7.6.1chemallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2Quantum chemistry package Turbomole version 7.6.1-
turbomole7.6.1chemallbwUniCluster 2.0Quantum chemistry package Turbomole version 7.6.1-
turbomole7.7.1chemallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2Quantum chemistry package Turbomole version 7.7.1-
turbomole7.7.1chemallbwUniCluster 2.0Quantum chemistry package Turbomole version 7.7.1-
turbovnc2.1visallbwForCluster NEMO--
turbovnc3.1.1visallbwUniCluster 2.0A highly-optimized version of VNC that can be used with performance-critical applications-
turbovnclatesttoolsallbwForCluster NEMO--
valgrind3.19.0develallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2Valgrind 3.19.0 is a framework for thread and memory debugging and performance analysis-
valgrind3.23develallbwUniCluster 2.0Valgrind 3.23.0 is a framework for thread and memory debugging and performance analysis-
vampir10.0develallbwForCluster NEMO--
vampir10.1develallbwForCluster HelixVampir and VampirServer 10.1.1 tracing and performance analysis tool-
vampir10.5develallbwForCluster HelixVampir and VampirServer 10.5.0 tracing and performance analysis tool-
vampir10.5develallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2Vampir and VampirServer 10.5.0 tracing and performance analysis tool-
vampir10.5develallbwUniCluster 2.0Vampir and VampirServer 10.5.0 tracing and performance analysis tool-
vampir9.10develallbwUniCluster 2.0Vampir and VampirServer 9.10.0 tracing and performance analysis tool-
vampir9.9-openmpi-3.1-gnu-9.2develallbwForCluster BinACVampir and VampirServer version 9.9.0 compiled for openmpi/3.1-gnu-9.2-
vampir9.9develallbwForCluster NEMO--
vasp5. JUSTUS 2Quantum chemistry package VASP (Vienna Ab initio Simulation Package) version (restricted to groups with VASP license)-
vasp5.4.4.pl2chemKITbwUniCluster 2.0Enable usage of vasp 5.4.4.pl2-
vasp6.2.0_intel-2021.4.0chemKITbwUniCluster 2.0Enable usage of vasp 6.2.0-
vasp6.2.0_nvidia-23.9chemKITbwUniCluster 2.0Enable usage of vasp 6.2.0-
vasp6.2.1chemallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2Quantum chemistry package VASP (Vienna Ab initio Simulation Package) version 6.2.1 (restricted to groups with VASP license)-
vasp6.3.2_intel-2021.4.0chemKITbwUniCluster 2.0Enable usage of vasp 6.3.2-
vasp6.3.2_nvidia-23.9chemKITbwUniCluster 2.0Enable usage of vasp 6.3.2-
vcftools0.1.16bioallbwForCluster BinACTools for working with VCF files. Version-
vesta3.5.8chemallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2--
vmd1.9.3chemallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2VMD visual molecular dynamics, version 1.9.3 (command vmd)-
vtune_profiler2020.2develallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2Intel(R) VTune Amplifier (amplxe-gui, amplxe-cl, ...) version 2020.2.0.610396-
vtune2023.1.0develallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2Intel(R) VTune Amplifier (amplxe-gui, amplxe-cl, ...) version 2023.1.0-
vtune2024.2.0develallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2Intel(R) VTune Amplifier (amplxe-gui, amplxe-cl, ...) version 2024.2.0-
ws_addon0.1systemallbwUniCluster 2.0ws_addon (Version 0.1) adds features to share and unshare workspaces.-
xtb6.3.3chemallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2Semiempirical Extended Tight-Binding Program Package V.-
xtb6.4.1chemallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2--
xtb6.5.1chemallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2--
xtb6.6.0chemallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2--
xtb6.7.0chemallbwForCluster JUSTUS 2--
yasm1.3develallbwUniCluster 2.0YASM 1.3.0 is a complete rewrite of the NASM assembler-
zonation4.0.0geoallbwForCluster NEMO--