The bwHPC team provides and maintains software ranging from scientific (commercial) applications over math and communication libraries to performance tools.
The bwHPC team provides and maintains software ranging from scientific (commercial) applications over math and communication libraries to performance tools.
Search available software on bwUniCluster 2.0, bwForCluster JUSTUS 2, bwForCluster Helix, bwForCluster NEMO and bwForCluster BinAC
(last extracted @ 2025-02-18 23:02)
Software | Version | Category | Eligible | Cluster | Description | Variants |
abaqus | 2022 | cae | KIT | bwUniCluster 2.0 | ABAQUS version 2022, simulation software | - |
abaqus | 2023 | cae | KIT | bwUniCluster 2.0 | ABAQUS version 2023, simulation software | - |
abaqus | 2024 | cae | KIT | bwUniCluster 2.0 | ABAQUS version 2024, simulation software | - |
abinit | 9.6.2 | chem | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/chem/abinit/9.6.2.lua | - |
adf | 2019.304 | chem | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/chem/adf/2019.304.lua | - |
advisor | 2020.2 | devel | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/devel/advisor/2020.2 | - |
advisor | 2021.4.0 | devel | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | Sets up Intel Advisor version 2021.4.0 in your environment | - |
advisor | 2022.3.1 | devel | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | Sets up Intel Advisor version 2022.3.1 in your environment | - |
advisor | 2023.1.0 | devel | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/devel/advisor/2023.1.0 | - |
advisor | 2024.2.0 | devel | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/devel/advisor/2024.2.0 | - |
advisor | 2024.2.1 | devel | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/devel/advisor/2024.2.1 | - |
alphafold | 2.3.2 | bio | all | bwForCluster BinAC | This module provides AlphaFold | - |
alphafold | 2.3.2 | bio | all | bwForCluster Helix | Protein structure prediction with AlphaFold 2.3.2 | - |
ams | 2020.103 | chem | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/chem/ams/2020.103.lua | - |
ams | 2021.106 | chem | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/chem/ams/2021.106.lua | - |
ams | 2023.101 | chem | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/chem/ams/2023.101.lua | - |
ams | 2024.101 | chem | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/chem/ams/2024.101.lua | - |
angsd | 0.934 | bio | all | bwForCluster BinAC | ANGSD | - |
ansys | 19.5 | cae | HFT_Stuttgart | bwUniCluster 2.0 | ANSYS version 2019R3, simulation software BW license manager | - |
ansys | 2019R3 | cae | U_Hohenheim | bwUniCluster 2.0 | ANSYS version 19.5, simulation software | - |
ansys | 2021R2 | cae | KIT | bwUniCluster 2.0 | ANSYS version 2021R2 CAE simulation software | - |
ansys | 2021R2 | cae | U_Ulm | bwUniCluster 2.0 | ANSYS version 2021R2 CAE simulation software | - |
ansys | 2022R1_no_license | cae | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | ANSYS version 2022R1_no_license CAE simulation software | - |
ansys | 2022R1 | cae | U_Ulm | bwUniCluster 2.0 | ANSYS version 2022R1 CAE simulation software | - |
ansys | 2022R2_no_license | cae | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | ANSYS version 2022R2_no_license CAE simulation software | - |
ansys | 2022R2 | cae | KIT | bwUniCluster 2.0 | ANSYS version 2022R2 CAE simulation software | - |
ansys | 2022R2 | cae | U_Ulm | bwUniCluster 2.0 | ANSYS version 2022R2 CAE simulation software | - |
ansys | 2023R2 | cae | KIT | bwUniCluster 2.0 | ANSYS version 2023R2 CAE simulation software | - |
ansys | 2024R2_no_license | cae | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | ANSYS version 2024R2_no_license - v242 CAE simulation software | - |
ansys | 2024R2 | cae | KIT | bwUniCluster 2.0 | ANSYS version 2024R2 CAE simulation software | - |
aocl | 3.2.0 | numlib | all | bwForCluster Helix | AOCL version 3.2.0 | - |
aretomo | 1.3.4 | bio | all | bwForCluster Helix | A software tool for anisotropic correction of beam-induced motion, aretomo $version | - |
art | 2016.06.05 | bio | all | bwForCluster BinAC | ART is a set of simulation tools to generate synthetic next-generation sequencing reads. | - |
augustus | 3.2.3 | bio | all | bwForCluster BinAC | augustus 3.2.3 is a program that predicts genes in eukaryotic genomic sequences | - |
augustus | 3.5.0 | bio | all | bwForCluster BinAC | augustus 3.5.0 is a program that predicts genes in eukaryotic genomic sequences | - |
autodock-vina | 1.1.2 | chem | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | AutoDock Vina is an open-source program (called vina) for doing molecular docking. | - |
automake | 1.15 | devel | all | bwForCluster BinAC | This module provides the GNU autotools (autoconf, automake, libtools). Version of 1.15 | - |
bamtools | 2.4.1 | bio | all | bwForCluster BinAC | bamtools 2.4.1 BamTools provides both a programmers API and an end-users toolkit for handling BAM files. | - |
bamtools | 2.5.1 | bio | all | bwForCluster BinAC | bamtools 2.5.1 BamTools provides both a programmers API and an end-users toolkit for handling BAM files. | - |
bamtools | 2.5.2-gnu-11.3 | bio | all | bwForCluster Helix | BamTools 2.5.2 provides both a programmers API and an end-users toolkit for handling BAM files. | - |
bbtools | 38.26 | bio | all | bwForCluster BinAC | A short read aligner (BBMap), as well as various other bioinformatic tools | - |
bcl2fastq | 2.20 | bio | all | bwForCluster Helix | The Illumina bcl2fastq2 Conversion Software v2.20 demultiplexes sequencing data and converts base call (BCL) files into FASTQ files, version 2.20 | - |
beagle | 3.1.2 | lib | all | bwForCluster BinAC | High-performance library that can perform the core calculations at the heart of most Bayesian and Maximum Likelihood phylogenetics packages. | - |
beast | 1.10.4 | bio | all | bwForCluster BinAC | BEAST is a cross-platform program for Bayesian analysis of molecular sequences using MCMC | - |
beast | 2.6.3 | bio | all | bwForCluster BinAC | BEAST 2 is a cross-platform program for Bayesian phylogenetic analysis of molecular sequences. | - |
bedops | 2.4.39 | bio | all | bwForCluster BinAC | BEDOPS | - |
bedtools | 2.26.0 | bio | all | bwForCluster BinAC | A fast, flexible toolset for genome arithmetic. | - |
bedtools | 2.30.0 | bio | all | bwForCluster Helix | bedtools | - |
binutils | 2.26 | devel | all | bwForCluster BinAC | binutils 2.26, the GNU collection of binary tools | - |
binutils | 2.43 | devel | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | GNU Binutils 2.43.1 including (as, ld, gold-linker, gprofng and other tools) | - |
bismark | 0.22.3 | bio | all | bwForCluster BinAC | A tool to map bisulfite converted sequence reads and determine cytosine methylation states. Version | - |
blastplus | 2.11.0 | bio | all | bwForCluster BinAC | Basic Local Alignment Search Tool. | - |
blastplus | 2.16.0 | bio | all | bwForCluster BinAC | Basic Local Alignment Search Tool. | - |
blastplus | 2.5.0 | bio | all | bwForCluster BinAC | BLAST+, is a software for comparing primary biological sequence information, such as the amino-acid sequences of different proteins or the nucleotides of DNA sequences. | - |
blat | 35 | bio | all | bwForCluster BinAC | BLAT (BLAST-Like Alignment Tool) is a very fast sequence alignment tool similar to BLAST. Command | - |
blender | 2.82a | vis | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | Blender 2.82a 3D modelling, animation and rendering tool | - |
blender | 2.90.1 | vis | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | Blender 2.90.1 3D modelling, animation and rendering tool | - |
blender | 2.90 | vis | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | Blender 2.90 3D modelling, animation and rendering tool | - |
boost_python-3.5 | 1.61.0 | lib | all | bwForCluster BinAC | Boost provides free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries. (version 1.61.0) | - |
boost | 1.56.0 | lib | all | bwForCluster NEMO | - | - |
boost | 1.61.0 | lib | all | bwForCluster BinAC | Boost provides free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries. (version 1.61.0) | - |
boost | 1.69.0 | lib | all | bwForCluster BinAC | Boost provides free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries. (Version 1.69.0) | - |
boost | 1.69.0 | lib | all | bwForCluster NEMO | - | - |
boost | 1.76.0-openmpi-4.1-gnu-10.5-cuda-11.4 | lib | all | bwForCluster BinAC | Boost provides free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries. (version 1.76.0-openmpi-4.1-gnu-10.5-cuda-11.4) | - |
boost | 1.76.0 | lib | all | bwForCluster BinAC | Boost provides free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries. (version 1.76.0) | - |
boost | 1.80.0 | lib | all | bwForCluster Helix | Boost 1.80.0 Boost provides free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries. | - |
boost | 1.82.0 | lib | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | Boost provides free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries. (version 1.82.0) | - |
bowtie2 | | bio | all | bwForCluster BinAC | Bowtie, an ultrafast, memory-efficient short read aligner for short DNA sequences (reads) from next-gen sequencers. Command | - |
bowtie2 | 2.4.1 | bio | all | bwForCluster BinAC | Bowtie, an ultrafast, memory-efficient short read aligner for short DNA sequences (reads) from next-gen sequencers. Command | - |
bowtie2 | 2.4.5 | bio | all | bwForCluster Helix | bowtie2 | - |
bwa | 0.7.17 | bio | all | bwForCluster BinAC | BWA is a program for aligning sequencing reads against a large reference genome (e.g. human genome). It has two major components, one for read shorter than 150bp and the other for longer reads. | - |
bwa | 0.7.17 | bio | all | bwForCluster Helix | This module provides the DNA mapping tool BWA, version 0.7.17 | - |
canu | 2.2 | bio | all | bwForCluster BinAC | Canu is a tool for high-noise single-molecule sequencing such as the PacBio RSII or Oxford Nanopore MinION. Command | - |
CCfits | 2.6-gnu-9.2 | lib | all | bwForCluster BinAC | - | - |
cdhit | 4.8.1 | bio | all | bwForCluster BinAC | CD-HIT is a very widely used program for clustering and comparing protein or nucleotide sequences. Version | - |
cellranger-arc | 2.0.2 | bio | all | bwForCluster Helix | This module provides the bioinformatics tool CellRanger-ARC, version 2.0.2 | - |
cellranger-atac | 2.1.0 | bio | all | bwForCluster Helix | Cell Ranger ATAC is a set of analysis pipelines that process Chromium Single Cell ATAC data. This module provides CellRanger-ATAC version 2.1.0 | - |
cellranger | 4.0.0 | bio | all | bwForCluster Helix | This module provides the bioinformatics tool Cellranger, version 4.0.0 | - |
cellranger | 7.0.0 | bio | all | bwForCluster BinAC | Align reads, generate feature-barcode matrices, perform clustering of Chromium single cell | - |
cellranger | 7.0.0 | bio | all | bwForCluster Helix | This module provides the bioinformatics tool Cellranger, version 7.0.0 | - |
cellranger | 8.0.1 | bio | all | bwForCluster Helix | This module provides the bioinformatics tool Cellranger, version 8.0.1 | - |
censo | 1.2.0 | chem | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/chem/censo/1.2.0.lua | - |
cfitsio | 4.3.0-gnu-9.2 | lib | all | bwForCluster BinAC | - | - |
cfour | 2.1_openmpi | chem | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/chem/cfour/2.1_openmpi.lua | - |
cgal | 4.14.3 | lib | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | CGAL library and tools version 4.14.3 | compiler/gnu/.10.3 |
cgal | 5.1 | lib | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | CGAL library and tools version 5.1 | compiler/gnu/.10.3 |
CGAL | 5.3 | lib | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | CGAL library and tools version 5.3 | - |
cgns | 3.4.1-intel-19.1 | cae | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | CGNS library and tools version 3.4.1 for Intel Compiler 19.1 | - |
cgns | 4.1.2-gnu-8.3 | cae | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | CGNS library and tools version 4.1.2 for GNU Compiler 8.3 | - |
cmake | 3.17.0 | devel | all | bwForCluster BinAC | Cmake, a cross-platform open-source build system (version 3.17.0) | - |
cmake | 3.18 | devel | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | CMake, a cross-platform open-source build system (version3.18.3) | - |
cmake | 3.20 | devel | all | bwForCluster NEMO | - | - |
cmake | 3.23.3 | devel | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/devel/cmake/3.23.3.lua | - |
cmake | 3.24.1 | devel | all | bwForCluster Helix | Cmake, a cross-platform open-source build system (version 3.24.1) | - |
cmake | 3.27.5 | devel | all | bwForCluster BinAC | Cmake, a cross-platform open-source build system (version 3.27.5) | - |
cmake | 3.29.3 | devel | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | CMake 3.29.3 a cross-platform open-source build system | - |
cmake | 3.29 | devel | all | bwForCluster NEMO | - | - |
cmake | 3.6.1 | devel | all | bwForCluster BinAC | Cmake, a cross-platform open-source build system (version 3.6.1) | - |
cmake | 3.9 | devel | all | bwForCluster NEMO | - | - |
code-server | 3.12 | tools | all | bwForCluster NEMO | - | - |
code-server | 4.93.1 | devel | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | Sets up code-server version 4.93.1 in your environment | - |
code-server | 4.96.2 | devel | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | Sets up code-server version 4.96.2 in your environment | - |
comsol | 5.5 | cae | U_Hohenheim | bwUniCluster 2.0 | COMSOL version 5.5, simulation software | - |
comsol | 5.6 | cae | U_Ulm | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/ul/modulefiles/Core/cae/comsol/5.6 | - |
comsol | 6.0 | cae | KIT | bwUniCluster 2.0 | COMSOL version 6.0, simulation software | - |
comsol | 6.0 | cae | U_Hohenheim | bwUniCluster 2.0 | COMSOL version 6.0, simulation software | - |
comsol | 6.1 | cae | KIT | bwUniCluster 2.0 | COMSOL version 6.1, simulation software | - |
comsol | 6.1 | cae | U_Hohenheim | bwUniCluster 2.0 | COMSOL version 6.1, simulation software | - |
comsol | 6.2 | cae | KIT | bwUniCluster 2.0 | COMSOL version 6.2, simulation software | - |
comsol | 6.3 | cae | KIT | bwUniCluster 2.0 | COMSOL version 6.3, simulation software | - |
conda | latest | tools | all | bwForCluster NEMO | - | - |
cp2k | 2024.1 | chem | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/chem/cp2k/2024.1.lua | - |
cp2k | 7.1 | chem | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/chem/cp2k/7.1.lua | - |
cp2k | 9.1 | chem | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/chem/cp2k/9.1.lua | - |
crest | 2.12 | chem | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/chem/crest/2.12.lua | - |
cryolo | 1.9.7 | bio | all | bwForCluster Helix | crYOLO 1.9.7 | - |
crystal17 | 1.0.2 | chem | U_Heidelberg | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/hd/modulefiles/Core/chem/crystal17/1.0.2.lua | - |
cst | 2022 | cae | KIT | bwUniCluster 2.0 | CST version 2022 | - |
cst | 2023 | cae | KIT | bwUniCluster 2.0 | CST version 2023 | - |
cst | 2024 | cae | KIT | bwUniCluster 2.0 | CST version 2024 | - |
ctffind | 4.1.14 | bio | all | bwForCluster Helix | CTTFFIND Version 4.1.14 | - |
cuby | 4 | chem | all | bwForCluster BinAC | Cuby is a computational chemistry framework written in ruby | - |
cuda | 10.0 | devel | all | bwForCluster BinAC | NVIDIA CUDA 10.0 x86_64 | - |
cuda | 10.0 | devel | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | Sets up cuda version 10.0 in your environment | - |
cuda | 10.1 | devel | all | bwForCluster BinAC | NVIDIA CUDA 10.1 x86_64 | - |
cuda | 10.1 | devel | all | bwForCluster NEMO | - | - |
cuda | 10.1 | devel | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | Sets up cuda version 10.1 in your environment | - |
cuda | 10.2 | devel | all | bwForCluster BinAC | NVIDIA CUDA 10.2 x86_64 | - |
cuda | 10.2 | devel | all | bwForCluster NEMO | - | - |
cuda | 10.2 | devel | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | Sets up cuda version 10.2 in your environment | - |
cuda | 11.0 | devel | all | bwForCluster NEMO | - | - |
cuda | 11.0 | devel | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | Sets up cuda version 11.0 in your environment | - |
cuda | 11.1 | devel | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/devel/cuda/11.1 | - |
cuda | 11.1 | devel | all | bwForCluster NEMO | - | - |
cuda | 11.2 | devel | all | bwForCluster NEMO | - | - |
cuda | 11.3 | devel | all | bwForCluster NEMO | - | - |
cuda | 11.4 | devel | all | bwForCluster BinAC | NVIDIA CUDA 11.4.4 x86_64 | - |
cuda | 11.4 | devel | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/devel/cuda/11.4 | - |
cuda | 11.4 | devel | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | Sets up cuda version 11.4 in your environment | - |
cuda | 11.6 | devel | all | bwForCluster Helix | CUDA version 11.6.1 | - |
cuda | 11.6 | devel | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | Sets up cuda version 11.6 in your environment | - |
cuda | 11.7 | devel | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | Sets up cuda version 11.7 in your environment | - |
cuda | 11.8 | devel | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | Sets up cuda version 11.8 in your environment | - |
cuda | 12.0 | devel | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/devel/cuda/12.0 | - |
cuda | 12.0 | devel | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | Sets up cuda version 12.0 in your environment | - |
cuda | 12.1 | devel | all | bwForCluster Helix | CUDA 12.1.1 is a parallel computing platform and programming model invented by NVIDIA. | - |
cuda | 12.2 | devel | all | bwForCluster Helix | CUDA 12.2.2 is a parallel computing platform and programming model invented by NVIDIA. | - |
cuda | 12.2 | devel | all | bwForCluster NEMO | - | - |
cuda | 12.2 | devel | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | Sets up cuda version 12.2 in your environment | - |
cuda | 12.3 | devel | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/devel/cuda/12.3 | - |
cuda | 12.4 | devel | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | Sets up cuda version 12.4 in your environment | - |
cuda | 12.6 | devel | all | bwForCluster Helix | CUDA 12.6.2 is a parallel computing platform and programming model invented by NVIDIA. | - |
cuda | 7.5 | devel | all | bwForCluster BinAC | NVIDIA CUDA 7.5 x86_64 | - |
cuda | 8.0 | devel | all | bwForCluster BinAC | NVIDIA CUDA 8.0 x86_64 | - |
cuda | 9.2 | devel | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | Sets up cuda version 9.2 in your environment | - |
cudnn | 10.0 | devel | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | Sets up cudnn version 10.0 in your environment | - |
cudnn | 10.1 | devel | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | Sets up cudnn version 10.1 in your environment | - |
cudnn | 10.2 | devel | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | Sets up cudnn version 10.2 in your environment | - |
cudnn | 5.1-cuda-8.0 | lib | all | bwForCluster BinAC | NVIDIA cudnn 5.1 CUDA 8.0 x86_64 | - |
cudnn | 7.3-cuda-10.0 | lib | all | bwForCluster BinAC | NVIDIA cudnn 7.3.1 CUDA 10.0 x86_64 | - |
cudnn | 7.6-cuda-10.1 | lib | all | bwForCluster BinAC | NVIDIA cudnn 7.6.4 CUDA 10.1 x86_64 | - |
cudnn | 7.6-cuda-10.2 | lib | all | bwForCluster BinAC | NVIDIA cudnn 7.6.5 CUDA 10.2 x86_64 | - |
cudnn | 8.0.5 | lib | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/lib/cudnn/8.0.5.lua | - |
cudnn | 8.2-cuda-11.4 | lib | all | bwForCluster BinAC | NVIDIA cudnn CUDA 11.4 x86_64 | - |
cudnn | 8.5.0-cuda-11.6 | lib | all | bwForCluster Helix | CUDNN version 8.5.0-cuda-11.6 | - |
cudnn | 9.0.0_cuda-12.3 | lib | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/lib/cudnn/9.0.0_cuda-12.3.lua | - |
cudnn | 9.1.0-cuda-12.2 | lib | all | bwForCluster Helix | cuDNN is a GPU-accelerated library of primitives for deep neural networks. Version 9.1.0-cuda-12.2 | - |
cudnn | 9.2 | devel | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | Sets up cudnn version 9.2 in your environment | - |
cudnn | 9.4.0-cuda-12.6 | lib | all | bwForCluster Helix | cuDNN is a GPU-accelerated library of primitives for deep neural networks. Version 9.4.0-cuda-12.6 | - |
cufflinks | 2.2.1 | bio | all | bwForCluster BinAC | Transcriptome assembly and differential expression analysis for RNA-Seq. | - |
cutensor | 1.5.0 | numlib | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/numlib/cutensor/1.5.0.lua | - |
dal | 2023.1.0 | lib | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/lib/dal/2023.1.0 | - |
dal | 2024.5.0 | lib | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/lib/dal/2024.5.0 | - |
dal | 2024.6.0 | lib | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/lib/dal/2024.6.0 | - |
dalton | 2020.0 | chem | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/chem/dalton/2020.0.lua | - |
dalton | 2020 | chem | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | Dalton version 2020 is a powerful molecular electronic structure programm. Binaries | - |
damageprofiler | 1.0 | bio | all | bwForCluster BinAC | DamageProfiler calculates damage profiles of mapped reads and provides a graphical as well as text based representation. | - |
darshan | 3.4.0-mpi | devel | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | Set up Darshan version 3.4.0-mpi in your environment | - |
darshan | 3.4.0-serial | devel | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | Set up Darshan version 3.4.0-serial in your environment | - |
dftbplus | 20.2.1-cpu | chem | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/chem/dftbplus/20.2.1-cpu.lua | - |
dftbplus | 21.1-cpu | chem | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/chem/dftbplus/21.1-cpu.lua | - |
dftbplus | 23.1 | chem | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/chem/dftbplus/23.1.lua | - |
dftd4 | 3.5.0 | chem | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/chem/dftd4/3.5.0.lua | - |
diamond | 0.8.37 | bio | all | bwForCluster BinAC | Diamond is a sequence aligner for protein and translated DNA searches and functions as a drop-in replacement for the NCBI BLAST software tools. | - |
dip | 2.8.1 | math | all | bwForCluster NEMO | - | - |
eigen | 3.4.0 | lib | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | Eigen is a C++ template library for linear algebra | - |
eigen | 3.4.90 | numlib | all | bwForCluster BinAC | Eigen is a C++ template library for linear algebra | - |
evigene | 2023-07-15 | bio | all | bwForCluster BinAC | EvidentialGene is a genome informatics project for Evidence Directed Gene Construction for Eukaryotes, for constructing high quality, accurate gene sets for animals and plants (any eukaryotes), being developed by Don Gilbert at Indiana University, gilbertd at indiana edu. Snapshot version 2023-07-15 | - |
example | 1.0 | system | all | bwForCluster BinAC | A generic module containing a working bwhpc-examples job. | - |
example | 1.0 | system | all | bwForCluster Helix | A generic module containing a working bwhpc-examples job. | - |
example | 1.0 | system | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/system/example/1.0 | - |
example | 1.0 | system | all | bwForCluster NEMO | - | - |
example | 1.0 | system | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | A generic module containing a working bwhpc-examples job. | - |
exonerate | 2.4.0 | bio | all | bwForCluster BinAC | A generic tool for sequence alignment. Version | - |
fastqc | 0.11.8 | bio | all | bwForCluster BinAC | A Quality Control application for FastQ files. Version | - |
fastqc | 0.11.9 | bio | all | bwForCluster Helix | FastQC is a quality control analysis tool designed to spot potential problems in high throughput sequencing datasets, version 0.11.9 | - |
fex | 20220815 | system | all | bwForCluster Helix | F*EX (File EXchange) is a service to send big (large, huge, giant, ...) files. | - |
ffmpeg | 3.4.7 | lib | all | bwForCluster BinAC | A complete, cross-platform solution to record, convert and stream audio and video. Version 3.4.7 | - |
ffmpeg | 5.1 | vis | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | FFmpeg 5.1.3 multimedia decoding and encoding | - |
fftw-mpi | 3.3.10-openmpi-4.1.2-gnu-11.2 | numlib | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | FFTW library version 3.3.10-openmpi-4.1.2-gnu-11.2 compiled for mpi/openmpi/.4.1.2-gnu-11.2 | - |
fftw-mpi | 3.3.10-openmpi-4.1.2-intel-2021.4.0 | numlib | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | FFTW library version 3.3.10-openmpi-4.1.2-intel-2021.4.0 compiled for mpi/openmpi/.4.1.2-intel-2021.4.0 | - |
fftw | 3.3.7-openmpi-4.0-gnu-9.2 | numlib | all | bwForCluster NEMO | - | - |
fftw | 3.3.8-impi-2019-intel-19.0 | numlib | all | bwForCluster BinAC | FFTW Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) Library (version 3.3.8) | - |
fftw | 3.3.8-openmpi-3.1-gnu-7.4 | numlib | all | bwForCluster BinAC | FFTW Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) Library (version 3.3.8) | - |
fftw | 3.3.8-openmpi-3.1-gnu-8.3 | numlib | all | bwForCluster BinAC | FFTW Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) Library (version 3.3.8) | - |
fftw | 3.3.8-openmpi-3.1-gnu-9.2 | numlib | all | bwForCluster BinAC | FFTW Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) Library (version 3.3.8) | - |
fftw | 3.3-openmpi-1.10.3-gnu-4.9 | numlib | all | bwForCluster BinAC | FFTW Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) Library (version 3.3.7-openmpi-1.10.3-gnu-4.9) | - |
forge | 22.0.4 | devel | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | loads Debugging and Profiling Tool Forge in version 22.0.4 | - |
freesurfer | 6.0.0 | bio | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | FreeSurfer version 6.0.0 | - |
freesurfer | 7.4.1 | bio | all | bwForCluster Helix | FreeSurfer version 7.4.1 | - |
fsl | 6.0.4 | bio | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | FSL version 6.0.4 | - |
fsl | 6.0.7 | bio | all | bwForCluster Helix | FSL version | - |
gamess | 2020.2 | chem | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/chem/gamess/2020.2.lua | - |
gatk | | bio | all | bwForCluster BinAC | Genome Analysis Toolkit (GATK) Version 2.7. http | - |
gatk | 3.8.0.ge9d806836 | bio | all | bwForCluster BinAC | Genome Analysis Toolkit (GATK) Version 3.8.0.ge9d806836. | - |
gatk | | bio | all | bwForCluster BinAC | Genome Analysis Toolkit (GATK) Version | - |
gatk | | bio | all | bwForCluster BinAC | Genome Analysis Toolkit (GATK) Version Command | - |
gatk | | bio | all | bwForCluster BinAC | Genome Analysis Toolkit (GATK) Version Command | - |
gaussian | g09.E.01 | chem | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/chem/gaussian/g09.E.01 | - |
gaussian | g16.C.01 | chem | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/chem/gaussian/g16.C.01 | - |
gaussview | 6.1.1 | chem | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/chem/gaussview/6.1.1 | - |
gctf | 1.06 | bio | all | bwForCluster Helix | Program for real-time contrast transfer function(CFT) determination Gctf version 1.06 | - |
gdb | 12.1 | devel | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/devel/gdb/12.1.lua | - |
gdb | 14.1 | devel | all | bwForCluster Helix | GDB 14.1 debugger | - |
gdb | 14.2 | devel | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | GDB 14.2 debugger | - |
genometools | 1.6.2 | bio | all | bwForCluster BinAC | GenomeTools genome analysis system. Command | - |
gffcompare | 0.12.6 | bio | all | bwForCluster BinAC | The program gffcompare can be used to compare, merge, annotate and estimate accuracy of one or more GFF files | - |
gffread | 0.12.7 | bio | all | bwForCluster BinAC | GFF/GTF utility providing format conversions, filtering, FASTA sequence extraction and more. | - |
gitlab-runner | 14.5 | tools | all | bwForCluster NEMO | - | - |
git | 2.37 | devel | all | bwForCluster BinAC | git 2.37.1 | - |
gnuplot | 5.0.5 | vis | all | bwForCluster BinAC | Gnuplot version 5.0.5 | - |
gnuplot | 5.2 | vis | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/vis/gnuplot/5.2.lua | - |
gnuplot | 5.4.0 | vis | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | GNUplot 5.4.0 visualization and analysis tool | - |
gnuplot | 5.4.5 | vis | all | bwForCluster BinAC | Gnuplot version 5.4.5 | - |
gnuplot | 5.4.5 | vis | all | bwForCluster Helix | Gnuplot is a portable command-line driven graphing utility for Linux, OS/2, MS Windows, OSX, VMS, and many other platforms | - |
gnuplot | 5.4 | vis | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/vis/gnuplot/5.4.lua | - |
gnuplot | 6.0.0 | vis | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | GNUplot 6.0.0 visualization and analysis tool | - |
gnu | 10.1 | compiler | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/compiler/gnu/10.1 | - |
gnu | 10.2 | compiler | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/compiler/gnu/10.2.lua | - |
gnu | 10.2 | compiler | all | bwForCluster NEMO | - | - |
gnu | 10.2 | compiler | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | GNU compiler suite version 10.2.0 (gcc, g++, gfortran, gccgo) including LTO and JIT | - |
gnu | 10.5 | compiler | all | bwForCluster BinAC | GNU compiler suite version 10.5.0 (gcc, g++, gfortran, gcj, gccgo) | - |
gnu | 11.3 | compiler | all | bwForCluster Helix | GNU compiler suite version 11.3.0 (gcc, g++, gfortran, gccgo) including LTO and JIT | - |
gnu | 11.4 | compiler | all | bwForCluster BinAC | GNU compiler suite version 11.4.0 (gcc, g++, gfortran, gcj, gccgo) | - |
gnu | 11.5 | compiler | all | bwForCluster BinAC | GNU compiler suite version 11.5.0 (gcc, g++, gfortran, gcj, gccgo) | - |
gnu | 12.1 | compiler | all | bwForCluster Helix | GNU compiler suite version 12.1.0 (gcc, g++, gfortran, gccgo) including LTO and JIT | - |
gnu | 12.1 | compiler | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/compiler/gnu/12.1.lua | - |
gnu | 12.2 | compiler | all | bwForCluster BinAC | GNU compiler suite version 12.2.0 (gcc, g++, gfortran, gccgo) | - |
gnu | 12.2 | compiler | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/compiler/gnu/12.2.lua | - |
gnu | 13.3 | compiler | all | bwForCluster Helix | GNU compiler suite version 13.3.0 (gcc, g++, gfortran, gccgo) including LTO and JIT | - |
gnu | 13.3 | compiler | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | GNU compiler suite version 13.3.0 (gcc, g++, gfortran, gccgo) including LTO and JIT | - |
gnu | 14.1 | compiler | all | bwForCluster Helix | GNU compiler suite version 14.1.0 (gcc, g++, gfortran, gccgo) including LTO and JIT | - |
gnu | 14.1 | compiler | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | GNU compiler suite version 14.1.0 (gcc, g++, gfortran, gccgo) including LTO and JIT | - |
gnu | 14.2 | compiler | all | bwForCluster BinAC | GNU compiler suite version 14.2.0 (gcc, g++, gfortran, gcj, gccgo) | - |
gnu | 14.2 | compiler | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/compiler/gnu/14.2.lua | - |
gnu | 4.8 | compiler | all | bwForCluster BinAC | GNU compiler suite version 4.8.3 (gcc, g++, gfortran, gnat, gcj, gccgo) | - |
gnu | 4.9 | compiler | all | bwForCluster BinAC | GNU compiler suite version 4.9.4 (gcc, g++, gfortran, gcj, gccgo) | - |
gnu | 5.2 | compiler | all | bwForCluster BinAC | GNU compiler suite version 5.2.0 (gcc, g++, gfortran, gcj, gccgo) | - |
gnu | 6.1 | compiler | all | bwForCluster BinAC | GNU compiler suite version 6.1.0 (gcc, g++, gfortran, gcj, gccgo) | - |
gnu | 7.4 | compiler | all | bwForCluster BinAC | GNU compiler suite version 7.4.0 (gcc, g++, gfortran, gcj, gccgo) | - |
gnu | 8.2 | compiler | all | bwForCluster NEMO | - | - |
gnu | 8.3 | compiler | all | bwForCluster BinAC | GNU compiler suite version 8.3.0 (gcc, g++, gfortran, gcj, gccgo) | - |
gnu | 8.5.0 | compiler | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | Sets up GCC C/C++/Fortran compiler version 8.5.0 in your environment - SYSTEM COMPILER! | - |
gnu | 8.5 | compiler | all | bwForCluster Helix | Dummy module for the system GNU compiler suite version 8.5.0 (gcc, g++, gfortran) | - |
gnu | 9.2 | compiler | all | bwForCluster BinAC | GNU compiler suite version 9.2.0 (gcc, g++, gfortran, gccgo) | - |
gnu | 9.2 | compiler | all | bwForCluster NEMO | - | - |
gnu | 9.3 | compiler | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/compiler/gnu/9.3.lua | - |
gnu | system | compiler | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/compiler/gnu/system | - |
golang | 1.20.5 | devel | all | bwForCluster Helix | GO programming language version 1.20.5 | - |
go | 1.17 | compiler | all | bwForCluster NEMO | - | - |
go | 1.19 | compiler | all | bwForCluster NEMO | - | - |
gpaw | 23.9.1 | chem | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/chem/gpaw/23.9.1.lua | - |
grace | 5.1.25 | vis | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/vis/grace/5.1.25 | - |
gromacs | 2016.4 | chem | all | bwForCluster BinAC | Molecular dynamics package GROMACS 2016.4 (see module help for details). | - |
gromacs | 2016.5-gnu-5.2 | chem | all | bwForCluster NEMO | - | - |
gromacs | 2020.2 | chem | all | bwForCluster BinAC | Molecular dynamics package GROMACS 2020.2 (see module help for details). | - |
gromacs | 2020.2 | chem | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/chem/gromacs/2020.2.lua | - |
gromacs | 2020.4 | chem | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/chem/gromacs/2020.4.lua | - |
gromacs | 2020.4 | chem | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | GROMACS - GROningen MAchine for Chemical Simulations, version 2020.4-gnu-8.3.1-openmpi-4.0-cuda-10.2 with dependency on compiler/gnu/8.3.1, mpi/openmpi/4.0 and devel/cuda/10.2 | - |
gromacs | 2021.1 | chem | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/chem/gromacs/2021.1.lua | - |
gromacs | 2021.1 | chem | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | GROningen MAchine for Chemical Simulations, version 2021.1-gnu-10.2-openmpi-4.1-cuda-10.2 and mpi with compiler dependency on version compiler/gnu/10.2 plus CUDA with compiler dependency gnu//8.3.1 | - |
gromacs | 2021.2-plumed-2.7.1 | chem | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | Oningen MAchine for Chemical Simulations, version 2021.2-plumed-2.7.1 with Plumed 2.7.1 plugin (use mdrun_double) | - |
gromacs | 2022.2-cuda-11.6 | chem | all | bwForCluster Helix | Moleculare dynamics package GROMACS 2022.2 build with comiler/gnu/11.3, devel/cuda/11.6, GROMACS Thread MPI in single precision. | - |
gromacs | 2022.2 | chem | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/chem/gromacs/2022.2.lua | - |
gromacs | 2022.4 | chem | all | bwForCluster BinAC | Molecular dynamics package GROMACS 2022.4 (see module help for details). | - |
gromacs | 2023.2-cuda-12.2 | chem | all | bwForCluster Helix | Moleculare dynamics package GROMACS 2023.2 build with GCC 11.3 and CUDA 12.2 | - |
gromacs | 2023.3 | chem | all | bwForCluster BinAC | Molecular dynamics package GROMACS 2023.3 (see module help for details). | - |
gromacs | 2023.3 | chem | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | GROningen MAchine for Chemical Simulations, version 2023.3 and mpi with compiler dependency on version compiler/gnu/10.2 plus CUDA 11.8 | - |
gromacs | 2023.4 | chem | all | bwForCluster BinAC | Molecular dynamics package GROMACS 2023.4 (see module help for details). | - |
gromacs | 2023.5-cuda-12.2 | chem | all | bwForCluster Helix | Moleculare dynamics package GROMACS 2023.5 build with GCC 11.3 and CUDA 12.2 | - |
gromacs | 2023.5 | chem | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | GROningen MAchine for Chemical Simulations, version 2023.5 and mpi with compiler dependency on version compiler/gnu/10.2 plus CUDA 11.8 | - |
gromacs | 2024.2-cuda-12.2 | chem | all | bwForCluster Helix | Moleculare dynamics package GROMACS 2024.2 build with GCC 11.3 and CUDA 12.2 | - |
gromacs | 2024.3-cuda-12.6 | chem | all | bwForCluster Helix | Moleculare dynamics package GROMACS 2024.3 build with GCC 11.3 and CUDA 12.6 | - |
gromacs | 2024.3 | chem | all | bwForCluster BinAC | Molecular dynamics package GROMACS 2024.3 (see module help for details). | - |
gromacs | 2024.4-cuda-12.6 | chem | all | bwForCluster Helix | Moleculare dynamics package GROMACS 2024.4 build with GCC 13.3 and CUDA 12.6 | - |
gsl | 2.1 | numlib | all | bwForCluster BinAC | GSL, GNU Scientific Library version 2.1 | - |
gsl | 2.5-gnu-9.2 | numlib | all | bwForCluster BinAC | GSL, GNU Scientific Library version 2.5-gnu-9.2 | - |
gsl | 2.6-gnu-10.2 | numlib | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | GSL - GNU Scientific Library, version 2.6 with compiler dependency on version compiler/gnu/10.2 | - |
gsl | 2.6-intel-19.1.2 | numlib | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/numlib/gsl/2.6-intel-19.1.2.lua | - |
gsl | 2.6-intel-19.1 | numlib | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/numlib/gsl/2.6-intel-19.1.lua | - |
gsl | 2.6 | numlib | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/numlib/gsl/2.6.lua | - |
gsl | 2.7.1-gnu-13.2 | numlib | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | GSL - GNU Scientific Library, version 2.7.1-gnu-13.2 with compiler dependency on version gnu/13.2 | - |
gsl | 2.7.1-gnu-14.1 | numlib | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | GSL - GNU Scientific Library, version 2.7.1-gnu-14.1 with compiler dependency on version gnu/14.1 | - |
gsl | 2.7.1-gnu-8.5.0 | numlib | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | GSL - GNU Scientific Library, version 2.7.1-gnu-8.5.0 with compiler dependency on version gnu/8.5.0 | - |
gsl | 2.7.1_intel-2023.1.0 | numlib | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/numlib/gsl/2.7.1_intel-2023.1.0.lua | - |
gsl | 2.7.1-intel-2023.1.0 | numlib | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | GSL - GNU Scientific Library, version 2.7.1-intel-2023.1.0 with compiler dependency on version intel/2023.1.0 | - |
gsl | 2.7.1-intel-2024.0_llvm | numlib | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | GSL - GNU Scientific Library, version 2.7.1-intel-2024.0_llvm with compiler dependency on version intel/2024.0_llvm | - |
gsl | 2.7.1-llvm-18.1 | numlib | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | GSL - GNU Scientific Library, version 2.7.1-llvm-18.1 with compiler dependency on version llvm/18.1 | - |
gsl | 2.7-gnu | numlib | all | bwForCluster Helix | GSL - GNU Scientific Library, version 2.7.1-gnu-8.5 with compiler dependency on version compiler/gnu/8.5 | - |
gsl | 2.7-intel-2022.2 | numlib | all | bwForCluster Helix | GSL - GNU Scientific Library, version 2.7.1-intel-2022.2 with compiler dependency on version compiler/intel/2022.2 | - |
gsl | 2.8-gnu-14.2 | numlib | all | bwForCluster BinAC | GSL, GNU Scientific Library version 2.8 | - |
gurobi | 10.0.1 | numlib | all | bwForCluster Helix | Gurobi optimization libraries | - |
gurobi | 11.0.3 | numlib | all | bwForCluster Helix | Gurobi optimization libraries | - |
gurobi | 9.5.1 | numlib | all | bwForCluster Helix | Gurobi optimization libraries | - |
hdf5 | 1.10.7-gnu-9.2 | lib | all | bwForCluster BinAC | HDF5 library and tools version 1.10.7-gnu-9.2 for gnu/9.2 | - |
hdf5 | 1.10.7-openmpi-3.1-gnu-8.3 | lib | all | bwForCluster BinAC | HDF5 library and tools version 1.10.7-openmpi-3.1-gnu-8.3 for gnu/8.3 | - |
hdf5 | 1.10.7-openmpi-3.1-gnu-9.2 | lib | all | bwForCluster BinAC | HDF5 library and tools version 1.10.7-openmpi-3.1-gnu-9.2 for gnu/9.2 | - |
hdf5 | 1.10.7-openmpi-4.0-gnu-4.8 | lib | all | bwForCluster BinAC | HDF5 library and tools version 1.10.7-openmpi-4.0-gnu-4.8 with mpi dependency on version openmpi/4.0-gnu-4.8 | - |
hdf5 | 1.10-gnu-8.2 | lib | all | bwForCluster NEMO | - | - |
hdf5 | 1.10-openmpi-3.1-gnu-8.2 | lib | all | bwForCluster NEMO | - | - |
hdf5 | 1.10-openmpi-4.0-intel-19.0 | lib | all | bwForCluster NEMO | - | - |
hdf5 | 1.12.0-openmpi-4.1-gnu-10.5-cuda-11.4 | lib | all | bwForCluster BinAC | HDF5 library and tools version 1.12.0-openmpi-4.1-gnu-10.5-cuda-11.4 with mpi dependency on version openmpi/4.1-gnu-10.5-cuda-11.4 | - |
hdf5 | 1.12.0-openmpi-4.1-gnu-11.4-cuda-11.4 | lib | all | bwForCluster BinAC | HDF5 library and tools version 1.12.0-openmpi-4.1-gnu-11.4-cuda-11.4 with mpi dependency on version openmpi/4.1-gnu-11.4-cuda-11.4 | - |
hdf5 | 1.12.0-openmpi-4.1-gnu-12.2-cuda-11.4 | lib | all | bwForCluster BinAC | HDF5 library and tools version 1.12.0-openmpi-4.1-gnu-12.2-cuda-11.4 with mpi dependency on version openmpi/4.1-gnu-12.2-cuda-11.4 | - |
hdf5 | 1.12.0-openmpi-4.1-gnu-12.2 | lib | all | bwForCluster BinAC | HDF5 library and tools version 1.12.0-openmpi-4.1-gnu-12.2 with mpi dependency on version openmpi/4.1-gnu-12.2 | - |
hdf5 | 1.12.0-openmpi-4.1-gnu-7.4 | lib | all | bwForCluster BinAC | HDF5 library and tools version 1.12.0-openmpi-4.1-gnu-7.4 with mpi dependency on version openmpi/4.1-gnu-7.4 | - |
hdf5 | 1.12.0-openmpi-4.1-gnu-8.3 | lib | all | bwForCluster BinAC | HDF5 library and tools version 1.12.0-openmpi-4.1-gnu-8.3 with mpi dependency on version openmpi/4.1-gnu-8.3 | - |
hdf5 | 1.12.0-openmpi-4.1-gnu-9.2 | lib | all | bwForCluster BinAC | HDF5 library and tools version 1.12.0-openmpi-4.1-gnu-9.2 with mpi dependency on version openmpi/4.1-gnu-9.2 | - |
hdf5 | 1.12.1-intel-19.1.2-impi-2019.8 | lib | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/lib/hdf5/1.12.1-intel-19.1.2-impi-2019.8.lua | - |
hdf5 | 1.12.1-intel-19.1.2 | lib | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/lib/hdf5/1.12.1-intel-19.1.2.lua | - |
hdf5 | 1.12.2-gnu-12.1 | lib | all | bwForCluster Helix | HDF5 library and tools version 1.12.2-gnu-12.1 with compiler dependency on version gnu/12.1 | - |
hdf5 | 1.12.2-intel-2022.2 | lib | all | bwForCluster Helix | HDF5 library and tools version 1.12.2-intel-2022.2 with compiler dependency on version intel/2022.2 | - |
hdf5 | 1.14.2-intel-2023.1.0-impi-2021.9.0 | lib | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/lib/hdf5/1.14.2-intel-2023.1.0-impi-2021.9.0.lua | - |
hdf5 | 1.14.2-intel-2023.1.0 | lib | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/lib/hdf5/1.14.2-intel-2023.1.0.lua | - |
hdf5 | 1.14.4-gnu-13.3-openmpi-4.1 | lib | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | HDF5 library and tools version 1.14.4-gnu-13.3-openmpi-4.1 with mpi dependency on version openmpi/4.1 | - |
hdf5 | 1.14.4-gnu-13.3-openmpi-5.0 | lib | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | HDF5 library and tools version 1.14.4-gnu-13.3-openmpi-5.0 with mpi dependency on version openmpi/5.0 | - |
hdf5 | 1.14.4-gnu-8.5.0 | lib | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | HDF5 library and tools version 1.14.4-gnu-8.5.0 with compiler dependency on version gnu/8.5.0 | - |
hdf5 | 1.14.4-intel-2023.1.0-impi-2021.11 | lib | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | HDF5 library and tools version 1.14.4-intel-2023.1.0-impi-2021.11 with mpi dependency on version impi/2021.11 | - |
hdf5 | 1.14.4-intel-2023.1.0 | lib | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | HDF5 library and tools version 1.14.4-intel-2023.1.0 with compiler dependency on version intel/2023.1.0 | - |
hdf5 | 1.14.5-gnu-12.2 | lib | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/lib/hdf5/1.14.5-gnu-12.2.lua | - |
hdf5 | 1.8.16-gnu-4.9 | lib | all | bwForCluster BinAC | HDF5 library and tools version 1.8.16-gnu-4.9 for gnu/4.9 | - |
hdf5 | 1.8.16-intel-19.0 | lib | all | bwForCluster BinAC | HDF5 library and tools version 1.8.16-intel-19.0 for intel/19.0 | - |
hdf5 | 1.8.21-intel-19.1-impi-2019.7 | lib | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/lib/hdf5/1.8.21-intel-19.1-impi-2019.7.lua | - |
hdf5 | 1.8.21-intel-19.1 | lib | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/lib/hdf5/1.8.21-intel-19.1.lua | - |
hisat2 | 2.1.0 | bio | all | bwForCluster BinAC | HISAT2 2.1.0 is a fast spliced aligner with low memory requirements. | - |
hisat2 | 2.2.0 | bio | all | bwForCluster BinAC | HISAT2 2.2.0 is a fast spliced aligner with low memory requirements. | - |
hisat2 | 2.2.1 | bio | all | bwForCluster BinAC | HISAT2 2.2.1 is a fast spliced aligner with low memory requirements. | - |
hypre | 2.30-gnu-9.2-openmpi-4.1 | numlib | all | bwForCluster BinAC | Parallel solvers for sparse linear systems featuring multigrid methods. | - |
ibamr | 0.11.0 | lib | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | An adaptive and distributed-memory parallel implementation of the immersed boundary (IB) method. | - |
iboview | v20211019-RevA | vis | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/vis/iboview/v20211019-RevA.lua | - |
icu4c | 74.1_intel2021.4.0 | lib | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | ICU (ICU4C) library and tools version 74.1 | - |
igv | 2.13.2 | bio | all | bwForCluster BinAC | IGV | - |
imb | 2019.6-gnu-9.2 | system | all | bwForCluster BinAC | Intel MPI Benchmarks, Versin 2019.6 | - |
impi | 2017 | mpi | all | bwForCluster BinAC | Intel MPI bindings (mpicc mpicxx mpif77 mpif90) version 2017.4.262 for Intel compiler suite 2017 | - |
impi | 2018.3-gnu-8.2 | mpi | all | bwForCluster NEMO | - | - |
impi | 2018.3-intel-18.0 | mpi | all | bwForCluster NEMO | - | - |
impi | 2018 | mpi | all | bwForCluster BinAC | Intel MPI bindings (mpicc mpicxx mpif77 mpif90) version 2018.4.274 for Intel compiler suite 2018 | - |
impi | 2019.5-gnu-9.2 | mpi | all | bwForCluster NEMO | - | - |
impi | 2019.5-intel-19.0 | mpi | all | bwForCluster NEMO | - | - |
impi | 2019.5 | mpi | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Compiler/ | compiler/gnu/.9.3.0 compiler/gnu/9.3 compiler/gnu/system compiler/intel/19.0 |
impi | 2019.7 | mpi | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Compiler/ | compiler/gnu/.9.3.0 compiler/gnu/9.3 compiler/gnu/system compiler/intel/19.1 |
impi | 2019.8 | mpi | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Compiler/ | compiler/gnu/.9.3.0 compiler/gnu/9.3 compiler/gnu/system compiler/intel/19.1.2 |
impi | 2019 | mpi | all | bwForCluster BinAC | Intel MPI bindings (mpicc mpicxx mpif77 mpif90) version 2019.5.281 for Intel compiler suite 2019 | - |
impi | 2019 | mpi | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | Sets up Intel MPI version 2019 in your environment | compiler/clang/.8.0 compiler/clang/.9.0 compiler/intel/.19.0 |
impi | 2020 | mpi | all | bwForCluster BinAC | Intel MPI bindings (mpicc mpicxx mpif77 mpif90) version 2019.9.304 for Intel compiler suite 2020 | - |
impi | 2020 | mpi | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | Sets up Intel MPI version 2020 in your environment | compiler/clang/.8.0 compiler/clang/.9.0 compiler/intel/.19.0 |
impi | 2021.11 | mpi | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | Sets up Intel MPI Library version 2021.11 in your environment | compiler/gnu/.10.1 compiler/gnu/.10.3 compiler/gnu/.11.1 compiler/gnu/.11.2 compiler/gnu/.12.1 compiler/gnu/10.2 compiler/intel/2021.4.0 compiler/intel/2021.4.0_llvm compiler/intel/2022.2.1 compiler/intel/2022.2.1_llvm compiler/intel/2023.1.0 compiler/intel/2023.1.0_llvm compiler/intel/2024.0_llvm |
impi | 2021.13.0 | mpi | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Compiler/ | compiler/gnu/.12.2.0 compiler/gnu/12.2 compiler/gnu/system compiler/intel/2024.2.0 |
impi | 2021.13.1 | mpi | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Compiler/ | compiler/gnu/.10.1.0 compiler/gnu/.12.2.0 compiler/gnu/.14.2.0 compiler/gnu/10.1 compiler/gnu/12.2 compiler/gnu/14.2 compiler/gnu/system compiler/intel/2024.2.1 |
impi | 2021.3-intel-2021.3 | mpi | all | bwForCluster NEMO | - | - |
impi | 2021.3 | mpi | all | bwForCluster NEMO | - | - |
impi | 2021.4.0 | mpi | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | Sets up Intel MPI Library version 2021.4.0 in your environment | compiler/gnu/.10.1 compiler/gnu/.10.3 compiler/gnu/.11.1 compiler/gnu/.11.2 compiler/gnu/.12.1 compiler/gnu/10.2 compiler/intel/.19.0 compiler/intel/.19.1 compiler/intel/2021.4.0 compiler/intel/2021.4.0_llvm compiler/intel/2022.2.1 compiler/intel/2022.2.1_llvm compiler/intel/2023.1.0 compiler/intel/2023.1.0_llvm compiler/intel/2024.0_llvm |
impi | 2021.5-intel-2022.0 | mpi | all | bwForCluster NEMO | - | - |
impi | 2021.5 | mpi | all | bwForCluster NEMO | - | - |
impi | 2021.7.1 | mpi | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | Sets up Intel MPI Library version 2021.7.1 in your environment | compiler/gnu/.10.1 compiler/gnu/.10.3 compiler/gnu/.11.1 compiler/gnu/.11.2 compiler/gnu/.12.1 compiler/gnu/10.2 compiler/intel/2021.4.0 compiler/intel/2021.4.0_llvm compiler/intel/2022.2.1 compiler/intel/2022.2.1_llvm compiler/intel/2023.1.0 compiler/intel/2023.1.0_llvm compiler/intel/2024.0_llvm |
impi | 2021.9.0 | mpi | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Compiler/ | compiler/gnu/.12.2.0 compiler/gnu/12.2 compiler/gnu/system compiler/intel/2023.1.0 |
impi | 2021.9.0 | mpi | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | Sets up Intel MPI Library version 2021.9.0 in your environment | compiler/gnu/.10.1 compiler/gnu/.10.3 compiler/gnu/.11.1 compiler/gnu/.11.2 compiler/gnu/.12.1 compiler/gnu/10.2 compiler/intel/2021.4.0 compiler/intel/2021.4.0_llvm compiler/intel/2022.2.1 compiler/intel/2022.2.1_llvm compiler/intel/2023.1.0 compiler/intel/2023.1.0_llvm compiler/intel/2024.0_llvm |
impi | 2022.2 | mpi | all | bwForCluster Helix | Intel oneAPI MPI 2022.2 | compiler/gnu/.11.3.0 compiler/gnu/.12.1.0 compiler/gnu/11.3 compiler/gnu/12.1 compiler/gnu/8.5 compiler/intel/2022.2 |
inspector | 2020.2 | devel | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/devel/inspector/2020.2 | - |
inspector | 2021.4.0 | devel | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | Sets up Intel Inspector version 2021.4.0 in your environment | - |
inspector | 2022.3.1 | devel | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | Sets up Intel Inspector version 2022.3.1 in your environment | - |
inspector | 2023.1.0 | devel | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/devel/inspector/2023.1.0 | - |
intel | 17.0 | compiler | all | bwForCluster BinAC | Intel(R) compiler suite (icc, icpc, ifort), debugger (gdb), IPP and TBB ver 2017.8.262 | - |
intel | 18.0 | compiler | all | bwForCluster BinAC | Intel(R) compiler suite (icc, icpc, ifort), debugger (gdb), IPP and TBB ver 2018 | - |
intel | 18.0 | compiler | all | bwForCluster NEMO | - | - |
intel | 19.0 | compiler | all | bwForCluster BinAC | Intel(R) compiler suite (icc, icpc, ifort), debugger (gdb), IPP and TBB ver 2019 | - |
intel | 19.0 | compiler | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/compiler/intel/19.0 | - |
intel | 19.0 | compiler | all | bwForCluster NEMO | - | - |
intel | 19.1.2 | compiler | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/compiler/intel/19.1.2 | - |
intel | 19.1 | compiler | all | bwForCluster BinAC | Intel(R) compiler suite (icc, icpc, ifort), debugger (gdb), IPP and TBB ver 2020 | - |
intel | 19.1 | compiler | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/compiler/intel/19.1 | - |
intel | 2021.3 | compiler | all | bwForCluster NEMO | - | - |
intel | 2021.4.0_llvm | compiler | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | Sets up Intel oneAPI C/C++ and Fortran compiler version 2021.4.0 | - |
intel | 2021.4.0 | compiler | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | Sets up Intel C/C++ and Fortran compiler Classic version (2021.4.0) - supported by SCC till 2022-12-31! | - |
intel | 2022.0 | compiler | all | bwForCluster NEMO | - | - |
intel | 2022.2.1_llvm | compiler | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | Sets up Intel oneAPI C/C++ and Fortran compiler version 2022.2.1 | - |
intel | 2022.2.1 | compiler | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | Sets up Intel C/C++ and Fortran compiler Classic version (2022.2.1) - supported by SCC till 2022-12-31! | - |
intel | 2022.2 | compiler | all | bwForCluster Helix | Intel oneAPI 64-bit compiler(s) 2022.2 | - |
intel | 2023.1.0_llvm | compiler | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | Sets up Intel oneAPI C/C++ and Fortran compiler version 2023.1.0 | - |
intel | 2023.1.0 | compiler | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/compiler/intel/2023.1.0 | - |
intel | 2023.1.0 | compiler | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | Sets up Intel C/C++ and Fortran compiler Classic version (2023.1.0) - supported by SCC till 2022-12-31! | - |
intel | 2024.0_llvm | compiler | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | Sets up Intel oneAPI C/C++ and Fortran compiler version 2024.0 | - |
intel | 2024.2.0 | compiler | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/compiler/intel/2024.2.0 | - |
intel | 2024.2.1 | compiler | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/compiler/intel/2024.2.1 | - |
ipp | 2021.12.0 | lib | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/lib/ipp/2021.12.0 | - |
ipp | 2021.12.1 | lib | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/lib/ipp/2021.12.1 | - |
ipp | 2021.8.0 | lib | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/lib/ipp/2021.8.0 | - |
iqtree | 2.3.6 | bio | all | bwForCluster BinAC | IQ-TREE software for efficient phylogenomic software by maximum likelihood | - |
itac | 2018 | devel | all | bwForCluster NEMO | - | - |
itac | 2020.2 | devel | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/devel/itac/2020.2 | - |
itac | 2021.4.0 | devel | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | Sets up Intel Trace Analyzer and Collector version 2021.4.0 in your environment | - |
itac | 2021.9.0 | devel | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/devel/itac/2021.9.0 | - |
jags | 4.3.1 | math | all | bwForCluster Helix | JAGS is Just Another Gibbs Sampler. It is a program for the statistical analysis of Bayesian hierarchical models by Markov Chain Monte Carlo. | - |
java_jdk | 10.0.1 | devel | all | bwForCluster BinAC | Java JDK - Version 10.0.1 | - |
java_jdk | 11.0.4 | devel | all | bwForCluster BinAC | Java JDK - Version 11.0.4 | - |
java_jdk | 1.18 | devel | all | bwForCluster Helix | JDK | - |
java_jdk | 17.0.8 | devel | all | bwForCluster BinAC | Java JDK - Version 17.0.8 | - |
java_jdk | 1.7.0u79 | devel | all | bwForCluster BinAC | Java JDK - Version 1.7.0u79 | - |
java_jdk | 8u172 | devel | all | bwForCluster BinAC | Java JDK - Version 8u172 | - |
jmodeltest | 2.1.10 | bio | all | bwForCluster BinAC | jModelTest is a tool to carry out statistical selection of best-fit models of nucleotide substitution. | - |
jmol | 14.31.3 | chem | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/chem/jmol/14.31.3.lua | - |
julia | 1.10.0 | math | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | The Julia programming language for numerical computing | - |
julia | 1.10.5 | math | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/math/julia/1.10.5 | - |
julia | 1.10.7 | math | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/math/julia/1.10.7 | - |
julia | 1.10.7 | math | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | The Julia programming language for numerical computing | - |
julia | 1.11.2 | math | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | The Julia programming language for numerical computing | - |
julia | 1.11.3 | math | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/math/julia/1.11.3 | - |
julia | 1.3.1 | math | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | The Julia programming language for numerical computing | - |
julia | 1.4.2 | math | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/math/julia/1.4.2 | - |
julia | 1.6.3 | math | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | The Julia programming language for numerical computing | - |
julia | 1.7.2 | math | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/math/julia/1.7.2 | - |
julia | 1.8.0 | math | all | bwForCluster Helix | The Julia programming language for numerical computing | - |
julia | 1.9.0 | math | all | bwForCluster Helix | The Julia programming language for numerical computing | - |
julia | 1.9.0 | math | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | The Julia programming language for numerical computing | - |
jupyterlab | 7.2.1 | devel | all | bwForCluster BinAC | JupyterLab is a web-based interactive development environment for notebooks, code, and data | - |
kallisto | 0.50.1 | bio | all | bwForCluster BinAC | This module provides kallisto, a software for quantifying abundances of transcripts from bulk and single-cell RNA-Seq data, or more generally of target sequences using high-throughput sequencing reads. | - |
keras | 2.1.0-tensorflow-1.4-python-3.5 | cs | all | bwForCluster BinAC | Keras is a high-level neural networks API running on top of either TensorFlow or Theano. By default TensorFlow is used as backened. Version 2.1.0 | - |
kilosort | 2 | math | all | bwForCluster NEMO | - | - |
kraken2 | 2.1.2 | bio | all | bwForCluster BinAC | Kraken2 is a taxonomic sequence classifier that assigns taxonomic labels to DNA sequences. | - |
lammps | 29Sep2021_u2 | chem | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/chem/lammps/29Sep2021_u2.lua | - |
lammps | 2Aug2023 | chem | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/chem/lammps/2Aug2023.lua | - |
lammps | stable_3Mar2020 | chem | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/chem/lammps/stable_3Mar2020.lua | - |
lcmlkin | 20190717 | bio | all | bwForCluster BinAC | Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Relatedness. Command | - |
libxc | 5.1.4-intel-19.1.2 | lib | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/lib/libxc/5.1.4-intel-19.1.2.lua | - |
libxc | 5.1.4-intel-19.1 | lib | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/lib/libxc/5.1.4-intel-19.1.lua | - |
libxc | 5.1.4 | lib | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/lib/libxc/5.1.4.lua | - |
libxc | 5.1.7-intel-19.1.2 | lib | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/lib/libxc/5.1.7-intel-19.1.2.lua | - |
libxc | 5.1.7-intel-19.1 | lib | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/lib/libxc/5.1.7-intel-19.1.lua | - |
libxc | 5.1.7 | lib | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/lib/libxc/5.1.7.lua | - |
libxc | 5.2.3_intel-19.1.2 | lib | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/lib/libxc/5.2.3_intel-19.1.2.lua | - |
libxc | 6.0.0_intel-19.1.2 | lib | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/lib/libxc/6.0.0_intel-19.1.2.lua | - |
libxc | 6.1.0_intel-19.1.2 | lib | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/lib/libxc/6.1.0_intel-19.1.2.lua | - |
libxc | 6.2.2_intel-2023.1.0 | lib | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/lib/libxc/6.2.2_intel-2023.1.0.lua | - |
llvm | 17.0 | compiler | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | LLVM compiler suite version 17.0.2 (clang, flang, lld, lldb and Clang extra tools) | - |
llvm | 18.1 | compiler | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | LLVM compiler suite version 18.1.1 (clang, flang, lld, lldb and Clang extra tools) | - |
macs | 2.1.1-python-2.7.12 | bio | all | bwForCluster BinAC | Model Based Analysis for ChIP-Seq data | - |
mafft | 7.526 | bio | all | bwForCluster BinAC | Multiple sequence alignment program | - |
mathematica | 11.1.1 | math | U_Freiburg | bwForCluster NEMO | - | - |
mathematica | 12.1 | math | KIT | bwUniCluster 2.0 | MATHEMATICA version 12.1, Numerical Math package. | - |
mathematica | 12.2 | math | KIT | bwUniCluster 2.0 | MATHEMATICA version 12.2, Numerical Math package. | - |
mathematica | 13.0 | math | KIT | bwUniCluster 2.0 | MATHEMATICA version 13.0, Numerical Math package. | - |
mathematica | 13.3 | math | KIT | bwUniCluster 2.0 | MATHEMATICA version 13.3, Numerical Math package. | - |
mathematica | 14.0 | math | KIT | bwUniCluster 2.0 | MATHEMATICA version 14.0, Numerical Math package. | - |
mathematica | 14.0 | math | U_Freiburg | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/fr/modulefiles/Core/math/mathematica/14.0.lua | - |
mathematica | 14.0 | math | U_Freiburg | bwUniCluster 2.0 | - | - |
mathematica | 14.1 | math | KIT | bwUniCluster 2.0 | MATHEMATICA version 14.1, Numerical Math package. | - |
matlab | R2017b | math | all | bwForCluster NEMO | - | - |
matlab | R2019b | math | all | bwForCluster NEMO | - | - |
matlab | R2020a | math | all | bwForCluster BinAC | Matlab version R2020a. | - |
matlab | R2020a | math | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/math/matlab/R2020a | - |
matlab | R2020a | math | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | MATLAB version R2020a, Numerical Math package. | - |
matlab | R2020b | math | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | MATLAB version R2020b, Numerical Math package. | - |
matlab | R2021a | math | all | bwForCluster BinAC | Matlab version R2021a. | - |
matlab | R2021a | math | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/math/matlab/R2021a | - |
matlab | R2021a | math | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | MATLAB version R2021a, Numerical Math package. | - |
matlab | R2022a | math | all | bwForCluster BinAC | Matlab version R2022a. | - |
matlab | R2022a | math | all | bwForCluster Helix | - | - |
matlab | R2022a | math | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/math/matlab/R2022a | - |
matlab | R2022a | math | all | bwForCluster NEMO | - | - |
matlab | R2023a | math | all | bwForCluster BinAC | Matlab version R2023a. | - |
matlab | R2023a | math | all | bwForCluster Helix | - | - |
matlab | R2023a | math | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | MATLAB version R2023a, Numerical Math package. | - |
matlab | R2023b | math | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | MATLAB version R2023b, Numerical Math package. | - |
matlab | R2024a | math | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | MATLAB version R2024a, Numerical Math package. | - |
matlab | R2024b | math | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | MATLAB version R2024b, Numerical Math package. | - |
megan | 6.19.9 | bio | all | bwForCluster BinAC | Megan Community Edition is a powerful interactive microbiome analysis tool. | - |
megan | 6.24.22 | bio | all | bwForCluster BinAC | Megan Community Edition is a powerful interactive microbiome analysis tool. | - |
metilene | 0.2-8 | bio | all | bwForCluster BinAC | Fast and sensitive detection of differential DNA methylation | - |
miniconda | 23.9.0-py3.9.15-bwHPC-channel | devel | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | Miniconda 23.9.0-py3.9.15-hpc is a small, bootstrap version of Anaconda that includes only conda, Python, the packages they depend on, and a small number of other useful packages. | - |
miniconda | 23.9.0-py3.9.15 | devel | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | Miniconda 23.9.0-py3.9.15 is a small, bootstrap version of Anaconda that includes only conda, Python, the packages they depend on, and a small number of other useful packages. | - |
miniconda | 3 | devel | all | bwForCluster Helix | Miniconda version 3-py39-23.10.0 | - |
miniconda | 4.9.2 | devel | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | - | - |
miniforge | 24.9.0 | devel | all | bwForCluster BinAC | This repository holds the minimal installers for Conda and Mamba specific to conda-forge (and bioconda) | - |
miniforge | 24.9.2 | devel | all | bwForCluster Helix | This module provides the conda-forge distribution Miniforge, version 24.9.2-0 | - |
minimap2 | 2.28 | bio | all | bwForCluster BinAC | - | - |
mkl | 2017 | numlib | all | bwForCluster BinAC | Intel(R) Math Kernel Library MKL (BLAS, LAPACK, FFTW, ...) version 2017.8.262 | - |
mkl | 2018.3 | numlib | all | bwForCluster NEMO | - | - |
mkl | 2018 | numlib | all | bwForCluster BinAC | Intel(R) Math Kernel Library MKL (BLAS, LAPACK, FFTW, ...) version 2018 | - |
mkl | 2019.5 | numlib | all | bwForCluster NEMO | - | - |
mkl | 2019 | numlib | all | bwForCluster BinAC | Intel(R) Math Kernel Library MKL (BLAS, LAPACK, FFTW, ...) version 2019 | - |
mkl | 2019 | numlib | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/numlib/mkl/2019 | - |
mkl | 2020.2 | numlib | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/numlib/mkl/2020.2 | - |
mkl | 2020 | numlib | all | bwForCluster BinAC | Intel(R) Math Kernel Library MKL (BLAS, LAPACK, FFTW, ...) version 2020 | - |
mkl | 2020 | numlib | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/numlib/mkl/2020 | - |
mkl | 2021.3 | numlib | all | bwForCluster NEMO | - | - |
mkl | 2021.4.0 | numlib | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | Sets up Intel oneAPI Math Kernel Library (oneMKL) IA-64 architecture version 2021.4.0 | - |
mkl | 2022.0 | numlib | all | bwForCluster NEMO | - | - |
mkl | 2022.2.1 | numlib | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | Sets up Intel oneAPI Math Kernel Library (oneMKL) IA-64 architecture version 2022.2.1 | - |
mkl | 2022.2 | numlib | all | bwForCluster Helix | Intel oneAPI Math Kernel Library (oneMKL) 2022.2 | - |
mkl | 2023.1.0 | numlib | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/numlib/mkl/2023.1.0 | - |
mkl | 2024.2.0 | numlib | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/numlib/mkl/2024.2.0 | - |
mkl | 2024.2.1 | numlib | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/numlib/mkl/2024.2.1 | - |
modules | deprecated | system | all | bwForCluster NEMO | - | - |
modules | easybuild-hmns | system | all | bwForCluster NEMO | - | - |
modules | easybuild | system | all | bwForCluster NEMO | - | - |
modules | | system | all | bwForCluster NEMO | - | - |
modules | testing | system | all | bwForCluster NEMO | - | - |
molden | 5.9 | chem | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/chem/molden/5.9.lua | - |
molden | 6.5 | chem | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | MOLDEN (Version 6.5) is a package for displaying Molecular Densities and Molecular Coordinates | - |
molden | 7.3 | chem | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | MOLDEN (Version 7.3) is a package for displaying Molecular Densities and Molecular Coordinates | - |
molpro | 2019.2.3 | chem | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/chem/molpro/2019.2.3.lua | - |
molpro | 2020.1 | chem | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/chem/molpro/2020.1.lua | - |
molpro | 2021.3 | chem | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/chem/molpro/2021.3.lua | - |
molpro | 2022.1.2 | chem | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/chem/molpro/2022.1.2.lua | - |
molpro | 2023.2.0 | chem | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/chem/molpro/2023.2.0.lua | - |
molpro | 2024.1.0 | chem | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/chem/molpro/2024.1.0.lua | - |
mopac | 2016 | chem | all | bwForCluster BinAC | MOPAC2016 is a semiempirical quantum chemistry software package | - |
mothur | 1.42.1 | bio | all | bwForCluster BinAC | A single resource to analyze molecular data that is used by microbial ecologists. | - |
mothur | 1.44.2 | bio | all | bwForCluster BinAC | A single resource to analyze molecular data that is used by microbial ecologists. | - |
mothur | 1.48.0 | bio | all | bwForCluster BinAC | A single resource to analyze molecular data that is used by microbial ecologists. | - |
motioncor2 | 1.5.0 | bio | all | bwForCluster Helix | A software tool for anisotropic correction of beam-induced motion, motioncor2 $version | - |
mpich | 4.2 | mpi | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Compiler/gnu/system/mpi/mpich/4.2.lua | compiler/gnu/system |
mrbayes | 3.2.7 | bio | all | bwForCluster BinAC | MrBayes 3.2.7 is a program for Bayesian inference and model choice across a wide range of phylogenetic and evolutionary models. | - |
namd | 2.14 | chem | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/chem/namd/2.14.lua | - |
nbo | 6.0.18_i4 | chem | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/chem/nbo/6.0.18_i4 | - |
nbo | 6.0.18_i8 | chem | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/chem/nbo/6.0.18_i8 | - |
nemo | latest | tools | all | bwForCluster NEMO | - | - |
nest | 2.14.0-python-2.7.14 | neuro | all | bwForCluster NEMO | - | - |
nest | 2.16.0 | neuro | all | bwForCluster NEMO | - | - |
nest | 2.18.0 | bio | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | - | - |
nest | 2.18.0 | neuro | all | bwForCluster NEMO | - | - |
nest | 2.20.1 | bio | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | - | - |
nest | 2.20.2 | neuro | all | bwForCluster NEMO | - | - |
nest | 3.1 | neuro | all | bwForCluster NEMO | - | - |
netcdf | | lib | all | bwForCluster NEMO | - | - |
netcdf | 4.7.3-openmpi-4.0-gnu-4.8 | lib | all | bwForCluster BinAC | NetCDF (Network Common Data Form). | - |
netcdf | 4.7.4-gnu-8.3 | lib | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | NETCDF library and tools version 4.7.4-gnu-8.3 | - |
netcdf | 4.9.0-gnu-12.1-openmpi-4.1 | lib | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | netcdf-c library version 4.9.0 for GNU compiler with OpenMPI, netcdf-cxx4 version 4.3.1 and netcdf-fortran version 4.5.4 | - |
netcdf | 4.9.0-intel-2021.4-impi-2021.4 | lib | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | netcdf-c library version 4.9.0 for Intel compiler with Intel MPI, netcdf-cxx4 version 4.3.1 and netcdf-fortran version 4.5.4 | - |
neuron | 7.4-python-2.7.12-gnu-4.8 | neuro | all | bwForCluster NEMO | - | - |
nextgenmap | 0.5.5 | bio | all | bwForCluster BinAC | NextGenMap is a flexible highly sensitive short read mapping tool | - |
ngsrelate | 2 | bio | all | bwForCluster BinAC | - | - |
novoplasty | 4.3.1 | bio | all | bwForCluster BinAC | NOVOPlasty - The organelle assembler and heteroplasmy caller | - |
numpy | 1.13.3-python-3.5.1 | numlib | all | bwForCluster BinAC | NumPy is the fundamental package for scientific computing with Python (version 1.13.3) | - |
numpy | 1.14.5-python-3.7.1 | numlib | all | bwForCluster BinAC | NumPy is the fundamental package for scientific computing with Python (version 1.14.5) | - |
obitools | 4.3.0 | bio | all | bwForCluster BinAC | OBITools provide provide a set of UNIX command line tools working on DNA sequence files | - |
ocean | 2.9.7 | chem | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/chem/ocean/2.9.7.lua | - |
octave | 9.1.0 | math | all | bwForCluster Helix | Gnu Octave, version 9.1.0 | - |
octave | 9.2.0 | math | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/math/octave/9.2.0 | - |
ollama | 0.5.7 | devel | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | Ollama 0.5.7 large-language model server | - |
oneapi | 2023.1.0 | devel | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/devel/oneapi/2023.1.0 | - |
oneapi | 2024.2.0 | devel | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/devel/oneapi/2024.2.0 | - |
oneapi | 2024.2.1 | devel | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/devel/oneapi/2024.2.1 | - |
openbabel | 3.1.1 | chem | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/chem/openbabel/3.1.1 | - |
openblas | 0.2.18-gnu-4.9 | numlib | all | bwForCluster BinAC | OpenBlas libraries 0.2.18-gnu-4.9 for gnu/4.9. | - |
openblas | 0.2.18-gnu-5.2 | numlib | all | bwForCluster BinAC | OpenBlas libraries 0.2.18-gnu-5.2 for gnu/5.2. | - |
openblas | 0.2.18-gnu-6.1 | numlib | all | bwForCluster BinAC | OpenBlas libraries 0.2.18-gnu-6.1 for gnu/6.1. | - |
openblas | 0.3.23-gnu-12.2 | numlib | all | bwForCluster BinAC | OpenBlas libraries 0.3.23-gnu-12.2 for gnu/12.2. | - |
openblas | 0.3.23-gnu-8.3 | numlib | all | bwForCluster BinAC | OpenBlas libraries 0.3.23-gnu-8.3 for gnu/8.3. | - |
openblas | 0.3.23-gnu-9.2 | numlib | all | bwForCluster BinAC | OpenBlas libraries 0.3.23-gnu-9.2 for gnu/9.2. | - |
openblas | 0.3.26-gnu-11.3 | numlib | all | bwForCluster Helix | OpenBLAS 0.3.26 build with GCC 11.3 | - |
openblas | 0.3.28-gnu-10.5 | numlib | all | bwForCluster BinAC | OpenBlas libraries 0.3.28-gnu-10.5 for gnu/10.5. | - |
openblas | 0.3.28-gnu-11.4 | numlib | all | bwForCluster BinAC | OpenBlas libraries 0.3.28-gnu-11.4 for gnu/11.4. | - |
openblas | 0.3.28-gnu-11.5 | numlib | all | bwForCluster BinAC | OpenBlas libraries 0.3.28-gnu-11.5 for gnu/11.5. | - |
openblas | 0.3.28-gnu-14.2 | numlib | all | bwForCluster BinAC | OpenBlas libraries 0.3.28-gnu-14.2 for gnu/14.2. | - |
openblas | 0.3.6-gnu-7.4 | numlib | all | bwForCluster BinAC | OpenBlas libraries 0.3.6-gnu-7.4 for gnu/7.4. | - |
openblas | 0.3.6-gnu-8.3 | numlib | all | bwForCluster BinAC | OpenBlas libraries 0.3.6-gnu-8.3 for gnu/8.3. | - |
openblas | 0.3.6-gnu-9.2 | numlib | all | bwForCluster BinAC | OpenBlas libraries 0.3.6-gnu-9.2 for gnu/9.2. | - |
openfoam | 10 | cae | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | Open Source CFD Toolbox OpenFOAM version 10 | - |
openfoam | 11 | cae | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | Open Source CFD Toolbox OpenFOAM version 11 | - |
openfoam | 12 | cae | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | Open Source CFD Toolbox OpenFOAM version 12 | - |
openfoam | 4.1-extend | cae | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | Open Source CFD Toolbox OpenFOAM fork extend version 4.1 | - |
openfoam | 5.x | cae | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | Open Source CFD Toolbox OpenFOAM version 5.x | - |
openfoam | 6 | cae | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | Open Source CFD Toolbox OpenFOAM version 6 | - |
openfoam | 7 | cae | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/cae/openfoam/7.lua | - |
openfoam | 7 | cae | all | bwForCluster NEMO | - | - |
openfoam | 7 | cae | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | Open Source CFD Toolbox OpenFOAM version 7 | - |
openfoam | 8 | cae | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/cae/openfoam/8.lua | - |
openfoam | 8 | cae | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | Open Source CFD Toolbox OpenFOAM version 8 | - |
openfoam | 9 | cae | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | Open Source CFD Toolbox OpenFOAM version 9 | - |
openfoam | v1812 | cae | all | bwForCluster NEMO | - | - |
openfoam | v1812 | cae | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | Open Source CFD Toolbox OpenFOAM version v1812 | - |
openfoam | v2006 | cae | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/cae/openfoam/v2006.lua | - |
openfoam | v2006 | cae | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | Open Source CFD Toolbox OpenFOAM version v2006 | - |
openfoam | v2012-Prof | cae | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | Open Source CFD Toolbox Profiling OpenFOAM version v2012 | - |
openfoam | v2012 | cae | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/cae/openfoam/v2012.lua | - |
openfoam | v2012 | cae | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | Open Source CFD Toolbox OpenFOAM version v2012 | - |
openfoam | v2112 | cae | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | Open Source CFD Toolbox OpenFOAM version v2112 | - |
openfoam | v2206 | cae | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | Open Source CFD Toolbox OpenFOAM version v2206 | - |
openfoam | v2212 | cae | all | bwForCluster BinAC | Open Source CFD Toolbox OpenFOAM version v2212 (OpenFoam Ltd. / ESI Group Fork) | - |
openfoam | v2212 | cae | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | Open Source CFD Toolbox OpenFOAM version v2212 | - |
openfoam | v2306 | cae | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | Open Source CFD Toolbox OpenFOAM version v2306 | - |
openfoam | v2312 | cae | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | Open Source CFD Toolbox OpenFOAM version v2312 | - |
openfoam | v2406 | cae | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | Open Source CFD Toolbox OpenFOAM version v2406 | - |
openfoam | v2412 | cae | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | Open Source CFD Toolbox OpenFOAM version v2412 | - |
openmm | 7.5.0-cuda-10.1-gnu-8.3 | chem | all | bwForCluster BinAC | A high performance toolkit for molecular simulation. Version | - |
openmolcas | 21.10 | chem | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/chem/openmolcas/21.10.lua | - |
openmolcas | 22.02 | chem | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/chem/openmolcas/22.02.lua | - |
openmolcas | 22.06 | chem | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/chem/openmolcas/22.06.lua | - |
openmolcas | 22.10 | chem | all | bwForCluster Helix | OpenMolcas is a quantum chemistry software package to allow an accurate treatment of very general electronic structure problems for molecular systems in both ground and excited states. | - |
openmolcas | 23.06 | chem | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/chem/openmolcas/23.06.lua | - |
openmolcas | 24.02 | chem | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/chem/openmolcas/24.02.lua | - |
openmpi | 1.10-gnu-4.9 | mpi | all | bwForCluster BinAC | OpenMPI bindings (mpicc mpicxx mpifort) version 1.10.3-gnu-4.9 for gnu/4.9 | - |
openmpi | 1.10-gnu-5.2 | mpi | all | bwForCluster BinAC | OpenMPI bindings (mpicc mpicxx mpifort) version 1.10.3-gnu-5.2 for gnu/5.2 | - |
openmpi | 1.10-gnu-6.1 | mpi | all | bwForCluster BinAC | OpenMPI bindings (mpicc mpicxx mpifort) version 1.10.3-gnu-6.1 for gnu/6.1 | - |
openmpi | 2.1 | mpi | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Compiler/intel/19.1.2/mpi/openmpi/2.1.lua | compiler/intel/19.1.2 |
openmpi | 3.1-gnu-7.4 | mpi | all | bwForCluster BinAC | OpenMPI bindings (mpicc mpicxx mpifort) version 3.1.6-gnu-7.4 for gnu/7.4 | - |
openmpi | 3.1-gnu-8.2 | mpi | all | bwForCluster NEMO | - | - |
openmpi | 3.1-gnu-8.3 | mpi | all | bwForCluster BinAC | OpenMPI bindings (mpicc mpicxx mpifort) version 3.1.6-gnu-8.3 for gnu/8.3 | - |
openmpi | 3.1-gnu-9.2 | mpi | all | bwForCluster BinAC | OpenMPI bindings (mpicc mpicxx mpifort) version 3.1.6-gnu-9.2 for gnu/9.2 | - |
openmpi | 3.1-intel-18.0 | mpi | all | bwForCluster NEMO | - | - |
openmpi | 3.1-pgi-19.10 | mpi | all | bwForCluster BinAC | OpenMPI bindings (mpicc mpicxx mpifort) version 3.1.6-pgi-19.10 for pgi/19.10 | - |
openmpi | 4.0-gnu-4.8 | mpi | all | bwForCluster BinAC | OpenMPI bindings (mpicc mpicxx mpifort) version 4.0.6-gnu-4.8 for gnu/4.8 | - |
openmpi | 4.0-gnu-8.2-cuda-10.1 | mpi | all | bwForCluster NEMO | - | - |
openmpi | 4.0-gnu-9.2 | mpi | all | bwForCluster NEMO | - | - |
openmpi | 4.0-intel-19.0 | mpi | all | bwForCluster NEMO | - | - |
openmpi | 4.0 | mpi | all | bwForCluster Helix | OpenMPI bindings (mpicc mpicxx mpifort) version 4.0.5-gnu-8.5 for gnu/8.5 | compiler/gnu/8.5 |
openmpi | 4.0 | mpi | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Compiler/ | compiler/gnu/.10.1.0 compiler/gnu/.10.2.0 compiler/gnu/.9.3.0 compiler/gnu/10.1 compiler/gnu/10.2 compiler/gnu/9.3 compiler/gnu/system compiler/intel/19.1 compiler/intel/19.1.2 compiler/pgi/18.10 compiler/pgi/18.10_static |
openmpi | 4.0 | mpi | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | OpenMPI bindings (mpicc mpicxx mpifort) version 4.0.5- | compiler/clang/.8.0 compiler/clang/.9.0 compiler/intel/.19.0 |
openmpi | 4.1-gnu-10.5-cuda-11.4 | mpi | all | bwForCluster BinAC | OpenMPI bindings (mpicc mpicxx mpifort) version 4.1.6-gnu-10.5-cuda-11.4 for gnu/10.5 | - |
openmpi | 4.1-gnu-11.4-cuda-11.4 | mpi | all | bwForCluster BinAC | OpenMPI bindings (mpicc mpicxx mpifort) version 4.1.6-gnu-11.4-cuda-11.4 for gnu/11.4 | - |
openmpi | 4.1-gnu-12.2-cuda-11.4 | mpi | all | bwForCluster BinAC | OpenMPI bindings (mpicc mpicxx mpifort) version 4.1.6-gnu-12.2-cuda-11.4 for gnu/12.2 | - |
openmpi | 4.1-gnu-12.2 | mpi | all | bwForCluster BinAC | OpenMPI bindings (mpicc mpicxx mpifort) version 4.1.5-gnu-12.2 for gnu/12.2 | - |
openmpi | 4.1-gnu-7.4-cuda-11.4 | mpi | all | bwForCluster BinAC | OpenMPI bindings (mpicc mpicxx mpifort) version 4.1.1-gnu-7.4-cuda-11.4 for gnu/7.4 | - |
openmpi | 4.1-gnu-7.4 | mpi | all | bwForCluster BinAC | OpenMPI bindings (mpicc mpicxx mpifort) version 4.1.1-gnu-7.4 for gnu/7.4 | - |
openmpi | 4.1-gnu-8.3-cuda-11.4 | mpi | all | bwForCluster BinAC | OpenMPI bindings (mpicc mpicxx mpifort) version 4.1.1-gnu-8.3-cuda-11.4 for gnu/8.3 | - |
openmpi | 4.1-gnu-8.3 | mpi | all | bwForCluster BinAC | OpenMPI bindings (mpicc mpicxx mpifort) version 4.1.1-gnu-8.3 for gnu/8.3 | - |
openmpi | 4.1-gnu-9.2-cuda-11.4 | mpi | all | bwForCluster BinAC | OpenMPI bindings (mpicc mpicxx mpifort) version 4.1.1-gnu-9.2-cuda-11.4 for gnu/9.2 | - |
openmpi | 4.1-gnu-9.2 | mpi | all | bwForCluster BinAC | OpenMPI bindings (mpicc mpicxx mpifort) version 4.1.1-gnu-9.2 for gnu/9.2 | - |
openmpi | 4.1-gnu-9.2 | mpi | all | bwForCluster NEMO | - | - |
openmpi | 4.1 | mpi | all | bwForCluster Helix | OpenMPI bindings (mpicc mpicxx mpifort) version 4.1.6- | compiler/gnu/.11.3.0 compiler/gnu/.12.1.0 compiler/gnu/.13.3.0 compiler/gnu/.14.1.0 compiler/gnu/11.3 compiler/gnu/12.1 compiler/gnu/13.3 compiler/gnu/14.1 compiler/gnu/8.5 compiler/intel/2022.2 |
openmpi | 4.1 | mpi | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Compiler/ | compiler/gnu/.10.1.0 compiler/gnu/.10.2.0 compiler/gnu/.12.1.0 compiler/gnu/.12.2.0 compiler/gnu/.14.2.0 compiler/gnu/.9.3.0 compiler/gnu/10.1 compiler/gnu/10.2 compiler/gnu/12.1 compiler/gnu/12.2 compiler/gnu/14.2 compiler/gnu/9.3 compiler/gnu/system compiler/intel/19.1 compiler/intel/19.1.2 compiler/intel/2023.1.0 compiler/intel/2024.2.0 compiler/intel/2024.2.1 |
openmpi | 4.1 | mpi | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | OpenMPI bindings (mpicc mpicxx mpifort) version 4.1. | compiler/clang/.9.0 compiler/gnu/.10.3 compiler/gnu/.11.2 compiler/gnu/.12.1 compiler/gnu/.13.2 compiler/gnu/10.2 compiler/gnu/13.3 compiler/gnu/14.1 compiler/intel/.19.1 compiler/intel/2021.4.0 compiler/intel/2022.2.1 compiler/intel/2023.1.0 compiler/intel/2023.1.0_llvm compiler/llvm/17.0 compiler/llvm/18.1 |
openmpi | 5.0-gnu-10.5-cuda-11.4 | mpi | all | bwForCluster BinAC | OpenMPI bindings (mpicc mpicxx mpifort) version 5.0.5-gnu-10.5-cuda-11.4 for gnu/10.5 | - |
openmpi | 5.0-gnu-11.4-cuda-11.4 | mpi | all | bwForCluster BinAC | OpenMPI bindings (mpicc mpicxx mpifort) version 5.0.5-gnu-11.4-cuda-11.4 for gnu/11.4 | - |
openmpi | 5.0-gnu-11.5-cuda-11.4 | mpi | all | bwForCluster BinAC | OpenMPI bindings (mpicc mpicxx mpifort) version 5.0.5-gnu-11.5-cuda-11.4 for gnu/11.5 | - |
openmpi | 5.0-gnu-12.2-cuda-11.4 | mpi | all | bwForCluster BinAC | OpenMPI bindings (mpicc mpicxx mpifort) version 5.0.5-gnu-12.2-cuda-11.4 for gnu/12.2 | - |
openmpi | 5.0-gnu-14.2-cuda-11.4 | mpi | all | bwForCluster BinAC | OpenMPI bindings (mpicc mpicxx mpifort) version 5.0.5-gnu-14.2-cuda-11.4 for gnu/14.2 | - |
openmpi | 5.0 | mpi | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | OpenMPI bindings (mpicc mpicxx mpifort) version 5.0.3- | compiler/gnu/.13.2 compiler/gnu/13.3 compiler/gnu/14.1 compiler/intel/2023.1.0 compiler/intel/2023.1.0_llvm compiler/intel/2024.0_llvm compiler/llvm/17.0 compiler/llvm/18.1 |
openmpi | default | mpi | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | OpenMPI bindings (mpicc mpicxx mpifort) version 4.0.5-clang-9.0 for clang/9.0 | compiler/clang/.9.0 |
orca | 4.2.1 | chem | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/chem/orca/4.2.1.lua | - |
orca | 4.2.1-xtb-6.3.3 | chem | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/chem/orca/4.2.1-xtb-6.3.3.lua | - |
orca | 5.0.1 | chem | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/chem/orca/5.0.1.lua | - |
orca | 5.0.1-xtb-6.4.1 | chem | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/chem/orca/5.0.1-xtb-6.4.1.lua | - |
orca | 5.0.2 | chem | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/chem/orca/5.0.2.lua | - |
orca | 5.0.3 | chem | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/chem/orca/5.0.3.lua | - |
orca | 5.0.3-xtb-6.5.1 | chem | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/chem/orca/5.0.3-xtb-6.5.1.lua | - |
orca | 5.0.4 | chem | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/chem/orca/5.0.4.lua | - |
orca | 5.0.4_xtb-6.6.0 | chem | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/chem/orca/5.0.4_xtb-6.6.0.lua | - |
orca | 6.0.0 | chem | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/chem/orca/6.0.0.lua | - |
orca | 6.0.0_xtb-6.7.1 | chem | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/chem/orca/6.0.0_xtb-6.7.1.lua | - |
orca | 6.0.1 | chem | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/chem/orca/6.0.1.lua | - |
pahole | 1.26 | devel | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | Dwarves 1.26 tools including pahole | - |
parallel | 20200522 | system | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/system/parallel/20200522 | - |
paraview | 5.11.2 | cae | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | Open Source Software ParaView version5.11.2 | - |
paraview | 5.11 | cae | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | Open Source Software ParaView version5.11.0 | - |
paraview | 5.12 | cae | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | Open Source Software ParaView version5.12.1 | - |
paraview | 5.8.1 | vis | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/vis/paraview/5.8.1.lua | - |
paraview | 5.8 | cae | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | Open Source Software ParaView version5.8.1 | - |
paraview | 5.9.1 | vis | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/vis/paraview/5.9.1.lua | - |
paraview | 5.9 | cae | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | Open Source Software ParaView version5.9.1 | - |
parbatch | 1.0 | system | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | parbatch (Version 1.0) is mpirun based wrapper to work off parallel many small sequential jobs in one master job | - |
perf | 6.3.2 | devel | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | Sets up perf version 6.3.2 in your environment | - |
perl | 5.24 | devel | all | bwForCluster BinAC | Practical Extraction and Report Language (PERL) | - |
perl | 5.26 | devel | all | bwForCluster BinAC | Practical Extraction and Report Language (PERL). | - |
petsc | 3.13.4-gnu-10.2-openmpi-4.1 | numlib | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | PETSc - Portable, Extensible Toolkit for Scientific Computation, version 3.13.4 with compiler dependency on version compiler/gnu/10.2 and mpi dependency on version openmpi/4.1 | - |
petsc | 3.17.2-gnu-10.2-openmpi-4.1 | numlib | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | PETSc - Portable, Extensible Toolkit for Scientific Computation, version 3.17.2 with compiler dependency on version compiler/gnu/10.2 and mpi dependency on version openmpi/4.1 | - |
petsc | 3.18-gnu-9.2-openmpi-4.1-cuda-11.4 | numlib | all | bwForCluster BinAC | PetSc 3.18.4 | - |
pgi | 18.10_static | compiler | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/compiler/pgi/18.10_static | - |
pgi | 18.10 | compiler | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/compiler/pgi/18.10 | - |
pgi | 19.10 | compiler | all | bwForCluster BinAC | Changes the PGI home directory to linux86-64 19.10 | - |
pgi | 2020 | compiler | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | Changes the PGI home directory to Linux_x86_64 2020 | - |
picardtools | 2.20.4 | bio | all | bwForCluster BinAC | A set of command line tools for manipulating high-throughput sequencing (HTS) data and formats such as SAM/BAM/CRAM and VCF. Command | - |
pigz | 2.7 | system | all | bwForCluster BinAC | A parallel implementation of gzip for modern multi-processor, multi-core machines. | - |
plumed | 2.7.1 | chem | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | Plumed is a plugin that works with a large number of molecular dynamics codes | - |
plumed | 2.9.0_intel-2023.1.0 | chem | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/chem/plumed/2.9.0_intel-2023.1.0.lua | - |
plumed | 2.9.0 | chem | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/chem/plumed/2.9.0.lua | - |
plumed | 2.9.1 | chem | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | Plumed is a plugin that works with a large number of molecular dynamics codes | - |
povray | 3.7 | vis | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | POVray visualization and analysis tool | - |
preseq | 2.0.0 | bio | all | bwForCluster BinAC | A aimed at predicting and estimating the complexity of a genomic sequencing library, Command | - |
python_matplotlib | 3.2.2_numpy-1.19.0_python-3.8.3 | lib | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/lib/python_matplotlib/3.2.2_numpy-1.19.0_python-3.8.3 | - |
python_numpy | 1.19.0_python-3.8.3 | numlib | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/numlib/python_numpy/1.19.0_python-3.8.3 | - |
python_numpy | 1.19.1_python_3.8.6_gnu_10.2 | numlib | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | - | - |
python_numpy | 1.19.1_python_3.8.6_intel_19.1 | numlib | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | - | - |
python_numpy | 1.23.4_python-3.11.1 | numlib | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/numlib/python_numpy/1.23.4_python-3.11.1 | - |
python_numpy | 1.23.5_python-3.11.1 | numlib | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/numlib/python_numpy/1.23.5_python-3.11.1 | - |
python_numpy | 1.24.2_python-3.11.1 | numlib | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/numlib/python_numpy/1.24.2_python-3.11.1 | - |
python_numpy | 1.25.2_python-3.11.4 | numlib | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/numlib/python_numpy/1.25.2_python-3.11.4 | - |
python_scipy | 1.5.0_numpy-1.19.0_python-3.8.3 | numlib | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/numlib/python_scipy/1.5.0_numpy-1.19.0_python-3.8.3 | - |
python_scipy | 1.5.2_numpy_1.19.1_python_3.8.6_gnu_10.2 | numlib | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | - | - |
python_scipy | 1.5.2_numpy_1.19.1_python_3.8.6_intel_19.1 | numlib | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | - | - |
python | 2.7.12 | devel | all | bwForCluster BinAC | python 2.7.12 | - |
python | 2.7.16 | devel | all | bwForCluster NEMO | - | - |
python | 3.10.0_gnu_11.1 | devel | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | - | - |
python | 3.10.0_intel_19.1 | devel | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | - | - |
python | 3.10.5_gnu_12.1 | devel | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | - | - |
python | 3.10.5_intel_2021.4.0 | devel | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | - | - |
python | 3.11.1 | devel | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/devel/python/3.11.1.lua | - |
python | 3.11.4 | devel | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/devel/python/3.11.4.lua | - |
python | 3.11.7_intel_2021.4.0 | devel | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | - | - |
python | 3.12.3_gnu_13.3 | devel | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | - | - |
python | 3.12.3_intel_2023.1.0 | devel | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | - | - |
python | 3.5.1 | devel | all | bwForCluster BinAC | - | - |
python | 3.6.9 | devel | all | bwForCluster NEMO | - | - |
python | 3.7.10 | devel | all | bwForCluster NEMO | - | - |
python | 3.7.1 | devel | all | bwForCluster BinAC | - | - |
python | 3.7 | devel | all | bwForCluster BinAC | - | - |
python | 3.8.3 | devel | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/devel/python/3.8.3 | - |
python | 3.8.6_gnu_10.2 | devel | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | - | - |
python | 3.8.6_intel_19.1 | devel | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | - | - |
python | 3.9.7 | devel | all | bwForCluster NEMO | - | - |
qiskit | 1.1.2-py3.9.15 | devel | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | Qiskit 1.1.2-py3.9.15 is an open-source SDK for working with quantum computers at the level of extended quantum circuits, operators, and primitives. | - |
qt | 5.12.4 | devel | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/devel/qt/5.12.4 | - |
qt | 5.14.2 | devel | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/devel/qt/5.14.2 | - |
quantum_espresso | 6.5 | chem | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/chem/quantum_espresso/6.5.lua | - |
quantum_espresso | 6.7_openmp-5 | chem | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/chem/quantum_espresso/6.7_openmp-5.lua | - |
quantum_espresso | 6.7 | chem | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/chem/quantum_espresso/6.7.lua | - |
quantum_espresso | 7.0 | chem | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/chem/quantum_espresso/7.0.lua | - |
quantum_espresso | 7.1 | chem | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/chem/quantum_espresso/7.1.lua | - |
qutip | 4.6.0-dev | phys | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/phys/qutip/4.6.0-dev | - |
qutip | 4.6.1 | phys | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/phys/qutip/4.6.1 | - |
rasmol | 2.7.6 | chem | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/chem/rasmol/2.7.6.lua | - |
raspa | 3.0.1 | chem | all | bwForCluster BinAC | A Monte Carlo code for computing adsorption and diffusion in nanoporous materials and thermodynamics properties of fluids. Version | - |
rattle | 1.0 | bio | all | bwForCluster BinAC | Reference-free reconstruction and quantification of transcriptomes from long-read sequencing | - |
raxmlng | 1.0.1 | bio | all | bwForCluster BinAC | RAxML Next Generation | - |
raxml | 8.2.12 | bio | all | bwForCluster BinAC | RAxML, 8.2.12. Randomized Axelerated Maximum Likelihood. | - |
recorder | 2.3.3 | devel | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | Set up Darshan version 2.3.3 in your environment | - |
relion | 3.0 | bio | all | bwForCluster Helix | RELION version 3.0 | - |
relion | 3.1 | bio | all | bwForCluster Helix | RELION version 3.1 | - |
relion | 4.0_beta | bio | all | bwForCluster Helix | RELION version 4.0_beta | - |
relion | 4.0 | bio | all | bwForCluster Helix | RELION version 4.0 | - |
relion | 5.0_beta | bio | all | bwForCluster Helix | RELION version 5.0_beta | - |
reports | 20.0 | devel | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | loads Performance-report Tool in version 20.0 | - |
rfdiffusion | 1.1.0 | bio | all | bwForCluster Helix | RFdiffusion version 1.1.0 | - |
rstudio | 2022.07.1 | math | all | bwForCluster BinAC | RStudio is an integrated development environment (IDE) for the R programming language | - |
rstudio | 2023.06.1 | math | all | bwForCluster BinAC | RStudio is an integrated development environment (IDE) for the R programming language | - |
R | 3.4.4 | math | all | bwForCluster NEMO | - | - |
R | 3.5.0-mkl-2018 | math | all | bwForCluster BinAC | The R environment for statistical computing and graphics, version 3.5.0 | - |
R | 3.5.2-mkl-2018 | math | all | bwForCluster BinAC | The R environment for statistical computing and graphics, version 3.5.2 | - |
R | 3.6.3 | math | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | The R environment for statistical computing and graphics, version 3.6.3 | - |
R | 4.1.1 | math | all | bwForCluster Helix | The R environment for statistical computing and graphics, version 4.1.1 | - |
R | 4.1.2 | math | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | The R environment for statistical computing and graphics, version 4.1.2 | - |
R | 4.2.1 | math | all | bwForCluster Helix | The R environment for statistical computing and graphics, version 4.2.1 | - |
R | 4.3.1-mkl-2020-intel-19.1 | math | all | bwForCluster BinAC | The R environment for statistical computing and graphics, version 4.3.1 | - |
R | 4.3.1-openblas-0.3.23-gnu-12.2 | math | all | bwForCluster BinAC | The R environment for statistical computing and graphics, version 4.3.1 | - |
R | 4.3.3-mkl-2022.2.1-gnu-13.3 | math | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | The R environment for statistical computing and graphics, version 4.3.3 | - |
R | 4.3.3 | math | all | bwForCluster Helix | The R environment for statistical computing and graphics, version 4.3.3 | - |
R | 4.4.1-mkl-2022.2.1-gnu-13.3 | math | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | The R environment for statistical computing and graphics, version 4.3.3 | - |
R | 4.4.1 | math | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | The R environment for statistical computing and graphics, version 4.3.3 | - |
R | 4.4.2 | math | all | bwForCluster Helix | The R environment for statistical computing and graphics, version 4.4.2 | - |
ruby | 2.7.2 | devel | all | bwForCluster BinAC | Rub is a dynamic, open source programming language | - |
samtools | 1.10 | bio | all | bwForCluster BinAC | Samtools is a suite of programs for interacting with high-throughput sequencing data. Command | - |
samtools | 1.14 | bio | all | bwForCluster BinAC | Samtools is a suite of programs for interacting with high-throughput sequencing data. Command | - |
samtools | 1.15.1 | bio | all | bwForCluster Helix | Samtools is a suite of programs for interacting with high-throughput sequencing data, version 1.15.1 | - |
samtools | 1.15 | bio | all | bwForCluster BinAC | Samtools is a suite of programs for interacting with high-throughput sequencing data. Command | - |
samtools | 1.19.2 | bio | all | bwForCluster Helix | Samtools is a suite of programs for interacting with high-throughput sequencing data, version 1.19.2 | - |
samtools | 1.3.1 | bio | all | bwForCluster BinAC | SAM (Sequence Alignment/Map) format is a generic format for storing large nucleotide sequence alignments | - |
samtools | 1.6 | bio | all | bwForCluster BinAC | Samtools is a suite of programs for interacting with high-throughput sequencing data. Command | - |
samtools | 1.9 | bio | all | bwForCluster BinAC | Samtools is a suite of programs for interacting with high-throughput sequencing data. Command | - |
schrodinger | 2020-2 | chem | all | bwForCluster BinAC | Sets up the environment for Schrodinger Suite_2020-2 | - |
schrodinger | 2024-2 | chem | all | bwForCluster BinAC | Sets up the environment for Schrodinger Suite_2024-2 | - |
schrodinger | 2024-4nfs | chem | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/chem/schrodinger/2024-4nfs | - |
schrodinger | 2024-4 | chem | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/chem/schrodinger/2024-4 | - |
scipy | 1.0.0-numpy-1.13.3-python-3.5.1 | numlib | all | bwForCluster BinAC | provides many user-friendly and efficient numerical routines for numerical integration and optimization (version 1.0.0) | - |
scipy | 1.1.0-numpy-1.14.5-python-3.7.1 | numlib | all | bwForCluster BinAC | provides many user-friendly and efficient numerical routines for numerical integration and optimization (version 1.1.0) | - |
scorep | 6.0-gnu-10.2-openmpi-4.0 | devel | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | ScoreP 6.0-gnu-10.2-openmpi-4.0 tracing and performance analysis tool | compiler/gnu/10.2 |
scorep | 7.1-gnu-11.2-openmpi-4.1 | devel | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | ScoreP 7.1-gnu-11.2-openmpi-4.1 tracing and performance analysis tool | - |
scorep | 7.1-intel-2021.4.0-impi-2021.4.0 | devel | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | ScoreP 7.1-intel-2021.4.0-impi-2021.4.0 tracing and performance analysis tool | - |
scorep | 7.1-intel-2021.4.0-openmpi-4.1 | devel | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | ScoreP 7.1-intel-2021.4.0-openmpi-4.1 tracing and performance analysis tool | - |
scorep | 7.1-llvm-12.0-openmpi-4.1 | devel | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | ScoreP 7.1-llvm-12.0-openmpi-4.1 tracing and performance analysis tool | - |
scorep | 8.4-gnu-11.3-openmpi-4.1 | devel | all | bwForCluster Helix | ScoreP 8.4-gnu-11.3-openmpi-4.1 tracing and performance analysis tool | - |
scotch | 6.1 | lib | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | SCOTCH library and tools version 6.1 | compiler/gnu/.10.3 compiler/intel/.19.1 |
seqtk | 1.4 | bio | all | bwForCluster BinAC | Toolkit for processing sequences in FASTA/Q formats | - |
shoremap | 3.6 | bio | all | bwForCluster BinAC | SHOREmap | - |
sickle | 1.33 | bio | all | bwForCluster BinAC | Windowed Adaptive Trimming for fastq files using quality. Version | - |
siesta | 4.1.5 | chem | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/chem/siesta/4.1.5.lua | - |
siesta | 4.1-b4 | chem | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/chem/siesta/4.1-b4.lua | - |
singularity | 3.11.3 | system | all | bwForCluster Helix | SINGULARITY library and tools version 3.11.3 | - |
singularity | 3.11 | tools | all | bwForCluster NEMO | - | - |
singularity | 3.9.2 | system | all | bwForCluster Helix | SINGULARITY library and tools version 3.9.2 | - |
smalt | 0.7.6 | bio | all | bwForCluster BinAC | Smalt 0.7.6 Smalt is a program for aligning sequencing reads against a large reference genome (e.g. human genome). | - |
spaceranger | 2.0.0 | bio | all | bwForCluster BinAC | Space Ranger provides pipelines for end to end analysis of Visium Spatial Gene Expression experiments | - |
spaceranger | 2.0.0 | bio | all | bwForCluster Helix | This module provides the bioinformatics tool SpaceRanger, version 2.0.0 | - |
spades | 3.15.0 | bio | all | bwForCluster BinAC | SPAdes Genome Assembler Version | - |
spindle | 0.13 | devel | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | Set up Spindle version 0.13 in your environment | - |
sratoolkit | 2.10.9 | bio | all | bwForCluster BinAC | The SRA Toolkit and SDK from NCBI is a collection of tools and libraries for using data in the INSDC Sequence Read Archives. Version 2.10.9 | - |
ssh_wrapper | 0.1 | system | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | SSH wrapper (Version 0.1) emulates SSH to allow passwordless remote shell access to different hosts within the given job resources. | - |
stacks | 2.64 | bio | all | bwForCluster BinAC | Stacks is a software pipeline for building loci from short-read sequences | - |
starccm+ | 2019.2 | cae | HS_Karlsruhe | bwUniCluster 2.0 | STAR-CCM+ 14.04.013 | - |
starccm+ | 2021.1.1 | cae | HS_Esslingen | bwUniCluster 2.0 | STAR-CCM+ 16.02.009 | - |
starccm+ | 2021.1 | cae | HS_Karlsruhe | bwUniCluster 2.0 | STAR-CCM+ 16.02.008 | - |
starccm+ | 2021.3 | cae | HS_Esslingen | bwUniCluster 2.0 | STAR-CCM+ 16.06.008 | - |
starccm+ | 2021.3 | cae | HS_Heilbronn | bwUniCluster 2.0 | STAR-CCM+ 16.06.008 | - |
starccm+ | 2021.3 | cae | KIT | bwUniCluster 2.0 | StarCCM+ version 2021.3, simulation software | - |
starccm+ | 2022.1.1 | cae | HS_Esslingen | bwUniCluster 2.0 | STAR-CCM+ 17.02.008 | - |
starccm+ | 2022.1.1 | cae | HS_Heilbronn | bwUniCluster 2.0 | STAR-CCM+ 17.02.008 | - |
starccm+ | 2022.6 | cae | KIT | bwUniCluster 2.0 | StarCCM+ version 2022.6, simulation software | - |
starccm+ | 2210 | cae | HS_Esslingen | bwUniCluster 2.0 | STAR-CCM+ 17.06.008 | - |
starccm+ | 2302 | cae | HS_Esslingen | bwUniCluster 2.0 | STAR-CCM+ 18.02.010 | - |
starccm+ | 2302 | cae | KIT | bwUniCluster 2.0 | StarCCM+ version 2302, simulation software | - |
starccm+ | 2306 | cae | KIT | bwUniCluster 2.0 | StarCCM+ version 2306, simulation software | - |
starccm+ | 2402 | cae | HS_Esslingen | bwUniCluster 2.0 | STAR-CCM+ 19.02.009 | - |
starccm+ | 2402 | cae | KIT | bwUniCluster 2.0 | StarCCM+ version 2402, simulation software | - |
starccm+ | 2406 | cae | HS_Esslingen | bwUniCluster 2.0 | STAR-CCM+ 19.04.007 | - |
starccm+ | 2406 | cae | KIT | bwUniCluster 2.0 | - | - |
starccm+ | cae-starccm+-2406 | cae | bwUniCluster 2.0 | STAR-CCM+ 19.04.009 | - | |
starcd | 2019.1.2 | cae | KIT | bwUniCluster 2.0 | StarCD version 2019.1.2, simulation software | - |
star | 2.7.5a-gnu-4.9 | bio | all | bwForCluster BinAC | STAR | - |
star | 2.7.5c-gnu-4.9 | bio | all | bwForCluster BinAC | STAR | - |
stata | 14 | math | U_Tuebingen | bwUniCluster 2.0 | Stata version 14. | - |
stata | 16 | math | U_Tuebingen | bwUniCluster 2.0 | Stata version 16. | - |
stata | 17 | math | all | bwForCluster Helix | Stata version 17. | - |
stress-ng | 0.12.10 | system | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/system/stress-ng/0.12.10.lua | - |
stringtie | 2.2.1 | bio | all | bwForCluster BinAC | StringTie is a fast and highly efficient assembler of RNA-Seq alignments into potential transcripts. | - |
structure | 2.3.4 | bio | all | bwForCluster BinAC | STRUCTURE Command-Line-Version. SW package for using multi-locus genotype data to investigate population structure (command structure PATH_TO_MAINPARAMS-FILE) | - |
subread | 2.0.7 | bio | all | bwForCluster BinAC | high-performance read alignment, quantification and mutation discovery | - |
suitesparse | 5.10.1 | numlib | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/numlib/suitesparse/5.10.1.lua | - |
superlu | 3.1_mt | numlib | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/numlib/superlu/3.1_mt.lua | - |
swig | 3.0.12 | devel | all | bwForCluster BinAC | SWIG is a software development tool that connects programs written in C and C++ with a variety of high-level programming languages. | - |
swig | 4.0.2 | devel | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/devel/swig/4.0.2.lua | - |
swig | 4.1.0 | devel | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | SWIG 4.1.0 is a framework for interface generation for C, C++, GO, PHP, RUST | - |
tbb | 2021.13.0 | lib | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/lib/tbb/2021.13.0 | - |
tbb | 2021.13.1 | lib | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/lib/tbb/2021.13.1 | - |
tbb | 2021.4.0 | devel | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | Sets up Intel oneAPI Threading Building Blocks for intel64 version 2021.4.0 in your environment | - |
tbb | 2021.7.1 | devel | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | Sets up Intel oneAPI Threading Building Blocks for intel64 version 2021.7.1 in your environment | - |
tbb | 2021.9.0 | lib | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/lib/tbb/2021.9.0 | - |
tecplot | 21.1 | vis | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | The Tecplot visualization system, version 21.1 | - |
tensorflow | 1.4.0-cuda-8.0-cudnn-5.1-python-3.5 | cs | all | bwForCluster BinAC | TensorFlow is an open source software library for numerical computation using data flow graphs. Version 1.4.0 | - |
texinfo | 6.7 | system | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/system/texinfo/6.7 | - |
texlive | 2023 | office | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/office/texlive/2023 | - |
tigervnc | 1.11.0 | vis | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/vis/tigervnc/1.11.0 | - |
tigervnc | 1.9.0 | vis | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/vis/tigervnc/1.9.0 | - |
tmolex | 2022.1 | chem | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/chem/tmolex/2022.1.lua | - |
tmolex | 2022.1 | chem | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | Quantum chemistry package TmoleX version 2022.1 (the graphical user interface of TURBOMOLE 7.6.1) | - |
tmolex | 2023.2 | chem | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/chem/tmolex/2023.2.lua | - |
tmolex | 2023.2 | chem | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | Quantum chemistry package TmoleX version 2023.2 (the graphical user interface of TURBOMOLE 7.7.1) | - |
tmolex | 4.5.2 | chem | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/chem/tmolex/4.5.2.lua | - |
tmolex | 4.5.2 | chem | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | Quantum chemistry package TmoleX version 4.5.2 (the graphical user interface of TURBOMOLE 7.4.1) | - |
tmolex | 4.6 | chem | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/chem/tmolex/4.6.lua | - |
tmolex | 4.6 | chem | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | Quantum chemistry package TmoleX version 4.6 (the graphical user interface of TURBOMOLE 7.5) | - |
topaz | 0.25 | bio | all | bwForCluster Helix | Topaz version 0.25 | - |
trimmomatic | 0.39 | bio | all | bwForCluster BinAC | A fast, multithreaded command line tool that can be used to trim and crop Illumina (FASTQ) data as well as to remove adapters. Command | - |
trinity | 2.11.0 | bio | all | bwForCluster BinAC | Trinity RNA-Seq de novo transcriptome assembly. Version | - |
turbomole | 7.4.1 | chem | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/chem/turbomole/7.4.1.lua | - |
turbomole | 7.4.1 | chem | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | Quantum chemistry package Turbomole version 7.4.1 | - |
turbomole | 7.5 | chem | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/chem/turbomole/7.5.lua | - |
turbomole | 7.5 | chem | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | Quantum chemistry package Turbomole version 7.5 | - |
turbomole | 7.6.1 | chem | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/chem/turbomole/7.6.1.lua | - |
turbomole | 7.6.1 | chem | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | Quantum chemistry package Turbomole version 7.6.1 | - |
turbomole | 7.7.1 | chem | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/chem/turbomole/7.7.1.lua | - |
turbomole | 7.7.1 | chem | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | Quantum chemistry package Turbomole version 7.7.1 | - |
turbovnc | 2.1 | vis | all | bwForCluster NEMO | - | - |
turbovnc | 3.1.1 | vis | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | A highly-optimized version of VNC that can be used with performance-critical applications | - |
turbovnc | latest | tools | all | bwForCluster NEMO | - | - |
valgrind | 3.19.0 | devel | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/devel/valgrind/3.19.0.lua | - |
valgrind | 3.23 | devel | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | Valgrind 3.23.0 is a framework for thread and memory debugging and performance analysis | - |
vampir | 10.0 | devel | all | bwForCluster NEMO | - | - |
vampir | 10.1 | devel | all | bwForCluster Helix | Vampir and VampirServer 10.1.1 tracing and performance analysis tool | - |
vampir | 10.5 | devel | all | bwForCluster Helix | Vampir and VampirServer 10.5.0 tracing and performance analysis tool | - |
vampir | 10.5 | devel | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/devel/vampir/10.5.lua | - |
vampir | 10.5 | devel | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | Vampir and VampirServer 10.5.0 tracing and performance analysis tool | - |
vampir | 9.10 | devel | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | Vampir and VampirServer 9.10.0 tracing and performance analysis tool | - |
vampir | 9.9-openmpi-3.1-gnu-9.2 | devel | all | bwForCluster BinAC | Vampir and VampirServer version 9.9.0 compiled for openmpi/3.1-gnu-9.2 | - |
vampir | 9.9 | devel | all | bwForCluster NEMO | - | - |
vasp | | chem | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/chem/vasp/ | - |
vasp | 5.4.4.pl2 | chem | KIT | bwUniCluster 2.0 | Enable usage of vasp 5.4.4.pl2 | - |
vasp | 6.2.0_intel-2021.4.0 | chem | KIT | bwUniCluster 2.0 | Enable usage of vasp 6.2.0 | - |
vasp | 6.2.0_nvidia-23.9 | chem | KIT | bwUniCluster 2.0 | Enable usage of vasp 6.2.0 | - |
vasp | 6.2.1 | chem | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/chem/vasp/6.2.1 | - |
vasp | 6.3.2_intel-2021.4.0 | chem | KIT | bwUniCluster 2.0 | Enable usage of vasp 6.3.2 | - |
vasp | 6.3.2_nvidia-23.9 | chem | KIT | bwUniCluster 2.0 | Enable usage of vasp 6.3.2 | - |
vcftools | 0.1.16 | bio | all | bwForCluster BinAC | Tools for working with VCF files. Version | - |
vesta | 3.5.8 | chem | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/chem/vesta/3.5.8.lua | - |
vmd | 1.9.3 | chem | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/chem/vmd/1.9.3 | - |
vtune_profiler | 2020.2 | devel | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/devel/vtune_profiler/2020.2 | - |
vtune | 2023.1.0 | devel | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/devel/vtune/2023.1.0 | - |
vtune | 2024.2.0 | devel | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/devel/vtune/2024.2.0 | - |
vtune | 2024.2.1 | devel | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/devel/vtune/2024.2.1 | - |
ws_addon | 0.1 | system | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | ws_addon (Version 0.1) adds features to share and unshare workspaces. | - |
xtb | 6.3.3 | chem | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/chem/xtb/6.3.3.lua | - |
xtb | 6.4.1 | chem | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/chem/xtb/6.4.1.lua | - |
xtb | 6.5.1 | chem | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/chem/xtb/6.5.1.lua | - |
xtb | 6.6.0 | chem | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/chem/xtb/6.6.0.lua | - |
xtb | 6.7.1 | chem | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/chem/xtb/6.7.1.lua | - |
yambo | 5.2.4 | chem | all | bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 | /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core/chem/yambo/5.2.4.lua | - |
yasm | 1.3 | devel | all | bwUniCluster 2.0 | YASM 1.3.0 is a complete rewrite of the NASM assembler | - |
zonation | 4.0.0 | geo | all | bwForCluster NEMO | - | - |