HPC Cluster

Financed by national and state funds a comprehensive high performance computing (HPC) cluster and data facility infrastructure is provided to Baden-Württemberg's scientists.

These resources are differentiated by scientific areas and application's requirements and scalability. Users' resource requests are therefore assigned accordingly.

 bwHPC Clusters

Baden-Württemberg provides five HPC clusters at performance Tier 3 - aka the bwHPC clusters. The following summary lists the clusters' designated purpose or scientific community (bwHPC domains), user guides and operational status ranging from 
OK, constrained, unavailable to unknown

bwUniClusterSimon Raffeiner
bwUniCluster 2.0

bwHPC Domains: General purpose, Teaching

Info: Access, HowTo, Software

Status (2024-07-08 19:40): Job Submit SSH Login

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JUSTUS 2Elvira Eberhardt
bwForCluster Justus 2

bwHPC Domains: Theoretical Chemistry, Condensed Matter Physics, Quantum Physics

Info: AccessHowToSoftware

Status (2024-07-08 19:40): Job Submit SSH Login

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bwForCluster Helix

bwHPC Domains: Computational Humanities, Structural and Systems Biology, Medical Science, Soft matter

Info: AccessHowToSoftware

Status (2024-07-08 19:40): Job Submit SSH Login

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bwForCluster NEMO

bwHPC Domains: Neurosciences, Particle physics, Materials science, Micro system engineering

Info: AccessHowToSoftware

Status (2024-07-08 19:40): Job Submit SSH Login

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bwForCluster BinAC

bwHPC Domains: Bioinformatics, Astrophysics, Geosciences

Info: AccessHowToSoftware

Status (2024-07-08 19:40): Job Submit SSH Login

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 Tier 2,1,0 Clusters

For users with very high compute resource demands and highly parallelizable applications the following cluster at higher performance tiers are available:


Tier 2 HPC Cluster: 


Tier 0/1 HPC Cluster:
