bwHPC Domains

bwHPC domains are names defined by the current bwHPC implementation concept to bundle a mulitude of DFG subject areas. Note, that bwHPC domains are subject to modifications (e.g., including more DFG subject areas).

bwHPC Domains DFG Subject Areas incl. Review Board numbers
Assignment to bwHPC Cluster
Theoretical Chemistry 301-{01-02}: Molecular Chemistry;
302-{01-03}: Chemical Solid State and Surface Research;
303-{01-02}: Physical and Theoretical Chemistry;
304-01: Analytical Chemistry, Method Development (Chemistry);
305-{01-02}: Biological Chemistry and Food Chemistry;
306-{01-03}: Polymer Research
bwForCluster JUSTUS 2
Condensed matter physics 307-{01-02}: Condensed Matter Physics bwForCluster JUSTUS 2
Quantum physics 308-01: Optics, Quantum Optics and Physics of Atoms, Molecules and Plasmas bwForCluster JUSTUS 2
Computational humanities 110-{01-04}: Psychology;
111-{01-04}: Social Sciences;
112-{01-05}: Economics;
207-07: Agricultural Economics and Sociology
bwForCluster Helix
Mathematics and Computer Science 312-01: Mathematics;
409-{01-08}: Computer Science
bwForCluster Helix
Structural and systems biology 201-{01-06}: Biochemistry, Biophysics, Cell Biology, Structural Biology, General Genetics, Developmental Biology;
203-02: Evolution, Anthropology
bwForCluster Helix
Medical Science 205-02: Public Health, Health Services Research, Social Medicine;
205-03: Human Genetics;
205-12: Cardiology, Angiology;
205-31: Radiation Oncology and Radiobiology;
bwForCluster Helix
Soft matter 310-01: Statistical Physics, Soft Matter, Biological Physics, Nonlinear Dynamics bwForCluster Helix
Neurosciences 206-{01-11}: Neurosciences bwForCluster NEMO
Particle physics 309-01: Particles, Nuclei and Fields bwForCluster NEMO
Materials science 405-{01-05}: Materials Engineering;
406-{01-05}: Materials Science
bwForCluster NEMO
Micro system engineering 407-03: Microsystems;
407-06: Biomedical Systems Technology;
408-01: Electronic Semiconductors, Components, Circuits, Systems
bwForCluster NEMO
Bio-  and Medical Informatics / Pharmacie 201-07: Bioinformatics and Theoretical Biology;
205-01: Epidemiology, Medical Biometry, Medical Informatics;
205-08: Pharmacy


bwForCluster BinAC
Astrophysics 311-01: Astrophysics and Astronomy bwForCluster BinAC
Geosciences 207-01: Soil Sciences;
315-{01-02}: Geophysics and Geodesy;
316-01: Geochemistry, Mineralogy and Crystallography
bwForCluster BinAC
Engineering Sciences 401-{01-06}: Production Technology;
402-{01-04}: Mechanics and Constructive Mechanical Engineering;
403-{01-04}: Process Engineering, Technical Chemistry;
404-{01-04}: Heat Energy Technology, Thermal Machines, Fluid Mechanics;
408-{02-03}: Electronic Semiconductors, Components, Circuits, Systems;
410-{01-6}: Construction Engineering and Architecture
bwUniCluster 2.0, HoreKa, Hawk
Others DFG Subject Areas not assigned to any bwForCluster bwUniCluster 2.0

Bundling of DFG subject areas to so-called bwHPC domains