11th bwHPC Symposium – September 23rd, Tübingen: Submission Phase now open
Dear HPC Community,
We are excited to announce that the submission phase for the 11th bwHPC Symposium is now open.
The event will take place on September 23, 2025, at Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen. The symposium will feature a diverse program, including talks and poster sessions, which will be held in the Alte Aula lecture hall, located at Münzgasse 30, 72070 Tübingen.
The bwHPC Symposium will showcase advancements in scientific computing and celebrate the successes of the bwHPC initiative. It will provide a platform for collaboration and discussion among scientists, bwHPC site operators, and bwHPC-S5 support centers. Tübingen, the host city, is home to our bwForCluster BinAC2 for Bioinformatics, Astrophysics, Geosciences, Medical Informatics and Pharmacy. It also serves as coordinator for the HPC Competence Center for Bioinformatics and Astrophysics in Baden-Württemberg. This event is free to attend and invites researchers from all disciplines, with a particular encouragement for participants from outside the region.
How to Participate?
You can actively engage in the Symposium in one of two ways:
- Talks (15 minutes)
- Poster
Please submit a 500-word abstract.
Selected abstracts will be invited to develop short papers for publication in the conference proceedings. The proceedings of the bwHPC Symposium 2025 will be published online via Tübingen University Press and all contributions will undergo peer review.
For more details on submission tracks and abstract templates, please refer to the bwHPC 2025: bwHPC Symposium 2025 | University of Tübingen
Please submit your abstract via email to symposium2025∂bwhpc.de by July 18, 2025, and indicate whether your submission is for a Poster or a Talk. Abstract acceptance will be communicated by August 18, 2025.
Registration will open soon. The registration deadline is September 5th, 2025.
Note: Decisions will be made following a peer review process, considering relevance, novelty, and slot availability. We reserve the right to demote applications for talks to be presented as posters.
For registration and any inquiries, feel free to contact us at symposium2025∂bwhpc.de
We look forward to your contributions and to seeing you at the symposium!
Best regards,
Your bwHPC Team
Further information:
Registration, Agenda: https://uni-tuebingen.de/de/274923
Our last Symposium: https://www.bwhpc.de/828.php
.ics-File: 11. Symposium.ics